MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 65

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Everyone looked at Shen Ye, and the hall fell into an eerie silence.

Even Mother Han stopped fidgeting around, but stared at Shen Ye closely, the resentment in her eyes turned into surprise, as if she didn't expect Shen Ye to speak for her, nor did she expect Shen Ye to figure out the reason behind it.

Ye Ze patted Shen Ye's shoulder lightly, and asked softly, "Are you thirsty?"

Shen Ye blinked.

I have just talked too much, and I am indeed a little thirsty.

"Drink a little." Ye Ze took out a bottle of water from somewhere, unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to him.

Shen Ye couldn't help laughing.

What a sweet man he is.

After drinking several sips in a row, he felt that his throat was not so dry, and then Shen Ye looked at Han Feng: "What I'm going to say next may be a bit exciting, I think you should ask your grandma to avoid it, so that she won't be overwhelmed."

Han Feng was a little dazed.

He understood Master Shen's meaning, the reason why his mother betrayed his father must be very powerful, Master Shen would propose to send his grandma away.

But just because he heard the meaning behind the words, he didn't know how to react... What was the reason for his mother to harm his father?

His mind is buzzing all over now, and he doesn't even have the ability to think.

"I'm not leaving! I also want to know why she wanted to kill my son!" Grandma Han insisted on staying in the hall.

Shen Ye thought for a while, and put a meditation talisman on Grandma Han's body. This was to prevent Grandma Han from fainting or having more serious problems due to being too excited.

Afterwards, Shen Ye looked at Han Feng again, with sympathy in his eyes, and said, "You should also be mentally prepared."

No matter what Han's mother did, what Han's father did, and no matter what kind of grievances there were between the couple, Han Feng must be the one who was hurt the most. Because he was their son, he had to suffer double the pain.

Han Feng wiped his eyes vigorously: "I'm ready, tell me."

Brother Mo Zi patted him on the shoulder: "I'm here."

Han Feng nodded lightly, finally feeling a sense of stability in his heart.

Shen Ye glanced at Mother Han again.

Mother Han has calmed down, but her complexion is not very good, and she even showed a trace of hesitation.

Shen Ye knew that she was hesitating whether to stop him from telling this matter, so he raised his eyebrows and said, "You are already like this, and you still want to hide it?"

Hearing this, Mother Han closed her eyes, as if she agreed with Shen Ye's words.

Han Feng stepped forward to support Mother Han, and said in a low voice, "Mom, please sit down first."

When he heard that Han's mother had done so many wrong things just now, Han Feng's heart was cold, and he didn't know how to face his mother. But according to what Master Shen said, his mother had no other choice...

His mother has cared for him since he was a child, and has always been gentle. In his memory, his mother has never been a vicious person...except for the somewhat indifferent attitude towards grandma...he was too shocked just now to be frightened.

Mother Han did not refuse her son's support, she went to the sofa on the left and sat down, facing Grandma Han.

The eyes of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law met, and there was hatred between them.

Han Feng felt very uncomfortable.

He didn't stay by Mother Han's side, because grandma was also very kind to him, and he didn't want to hurt grandma's heart, so he simply walked back and sat down beside Brother Mo Zi.

Seeing that Han's family members were ready, Shen Ye said, "This matter must have started decades ago."

The Han family was very poor back then, Han Feng's grandfather died unexpectedly at a young age, and Grandma Han took care of her three sons and one daughter by herself, life was very difficult. Father Han is the eldest son, so he has to shoulder the burden of the family. He is very smart, and his academic performance is particularly good. He is about to drop out of school. It is Han Feng's grandparents who sponsored him to continue his studies, and finally he was admitted to university.

Grandpa and grandma's house and Han's house are neighbors, and the relationship between the two families is pretty good. Seeing Father Han's good grades, Grandpa felt compassion. At that time, grandpa and grandma never thought of marrying Mother Han to Father Han. However, when Father Han finished college, Grandma Han urged the eldest son to get married. It happened that relatives and friends said that Father Han and Mother Han were a good match, and Father Han later married Mother Han.

The tragedy started when the two got married.

After getting married, Han's father only met Han's mother once, and that time Han's mother became pregnant with Han Feng. People back then were very traditional and lacked education in this area. Han's mother thought it was normal and didn't think much about it. As a result, during her pregnancy, she found clues that her husband was cheating.

Han's mother is a smart person, she didn't point it out, she secretly followed Han's father for half a year, and finally found out that the person Han's father cheated on turned out to be a man!

The moment she learned the truth, Mother Han was so angry that her head exploded, feeling like the sky was about to fall, but she was more at a loss because she had never been exposed to such a thing.

After thinking about it all night, she decided to have a showdown with Han's father and propose a divorce.

Decades ago, there were almost no divorces in Jiang City. Once divorced, they would definitely be pointed at. Han's father knelt in front of Han's mother, begging her not to divorce, and not to tell the story, and swore that he would break up with that man and never cheat again. He said that if divorced, his mother would definitely not be able to bear it. He had told Grandma Han that he didn't want to get married before, but Grandma Han forced her to die. In his haste, he could only choose to get married. If we get divorced this time, Grandma Han will definitely have to drink pesticides.

Han's father also said that Han's mother is the benefactor's daughter, and he will treat her well all his life, give her all the money in the family, and do whatever she wants him to do in the future.

Fortunately, Father Han thought of the kindness of his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, so he didn't have any bad thoughts about Mother Han, nor did he think about killing her to silence her.

Han's mother kept crying during that time, she always felt that things could not be as good as Han's father said, but she didn't even have anyone to discuss with. She dared not tell her family because she couldn't explain why she wanted a divorce!

After that, Father Han settled down and took care of Mother Han who was pregnant. Han's mother felt very disgusted, and hated Han's father so much. And because Father Han kept saying that Grandma Han forced him to get married, Mother Han felt that if it wasn't for Grandma Han, she would not have fallen into the fire pit, so she also hated Grandma Han.

That's why she deliberately said that Grandma Han gave her cold food during confinement, and Father Han didn't mean to defend Grandma Han at all. In fact, Father Han also wished that Grandma Han would return to the countryside sooner, he was afraid that Mother Han would tell Grandma Han the truth of the matter.

After Han Feng was born, the two acted as a loving couple outside for the sake of the child, and Han's father did not look for another man in those years. After that, Father Han quit his job in the system and went into business, and handed over all the money he earned to Mother Han. Han's mother thought that if Han's father continued to behave like this, then it would be fine for the three of them to live like this. Even if there is no married life, she can persist.

Things changed when Han Feng was ten years old.

That year Father Han met a man and started cheating again. After Han's mother found out, they quarreled and argued, but Han's father still couldn't break it, and always met with each other secretly. Han's mother was disheartened. On the one hand, she held the money firmly in her hands, and on the other hand, she also started looking for someone outside.

Of course, all of this is hidden from Han Feng. The two acted as a loving father and loving mother in front of Han Feng with a tacit understanding, which is why in Han Feng's impression their parents have always been very harmonious.

Originally, if the days went on like this, life would be over. The hatred in Mother Han's heart for so many years will eventually dissipate in this world with her death.

But two years ago, same-sex marriage was legal. Han's father had been with that man for more than ten years, and felt that he owed him, so he wanted to give him a marriage certificate. Anyway, now that Hanfeng is getting older, and there are a lot of divorces, his third brother got divorced a few years ago and married another... In short, Grandma Han will no longer have to die because of his divorce.

In this way, Han's father filed for divorce from Han's mother.

He planned to leave most of the family property to Mother Han, and he only took an empty shell company with him, planning to start from scratch with that man.

Mother Han was not happy.

In the past few decades, she has swallowed so much bitterness and shed so many tears in the middle of the night. Why would Father Han beg her on his knees when he didn't want a divorce, and kick her away if he wanted a divorce?

And that man, who has been a male mistress for more than ten years, why should he become a regular? !

She has no feelings for Father Han, and if Father Han continues to stay away from her like this, she will not hate him enough to do anything to Father Han. But Father Han wants to get away now, and after dragging her to hell, he actually wants to pat her **** and leave!

Han's mother was extremely angry, and partnered with her lover to plot against Han's father's company. So Han's father's company went bankrupt, and later Han's father had a serious car accident, and the divorce was dragged on.

"Your mother's face shows that the truth is like this. As for the specific situation, it is up to your mother to tell." Shen Ye untied the talisman paper from Han's mother.

Han's mother found that she could speak, and immediately shouted hysterically: "Xiaofeng, this master is right, your father is a beast with a human face and a heart, I wish he would die! He is lame, that is the retribution he deserves! Your grandma, if she hadn't forced your dad to get married, your dad wouldn't have come to me, and I wouldn't have been like a wimp in my life..."

While cursing and accusing Father Han and Grandma Han of their crimes, she cried like a tearful person.

In the end, her emotions had collapsed, and she wailed loudly: "What did I do wrong? Why do I have to suffer this way in my life! I never thought of cheating. It was your father who first apologized to me and asked me to stay safe." I have been a widow for more than ten years! He is a coward, a beast, and ruined my life!"

Shen Ye didn't go into too much detail just now, after all, he definitely couldn't guess the psychology of his father and mother back then.

And after Han's mother added, everyone knew that Han's mother had been a widow since she got married.

Everyone stood there in a daze, no one spoke, and even their breathing became much lighter. The only sound in the hall was Mother Han's weeping and cursing.

Grandma Han was full of hatred for Mother Han—before she couldn't figure out why Mother Han would cheat on her son. Especially after all these years, her son's money has been caught in Han's mother's hands! She felt that her son had nothing to do to Han's mother, and Han's mother was a femme fatale.

But Shen Ye's narration, as well as Han's mother's accusation, let Han's mother know clearly that her son did something wrong.

She was a traditional woman, and she had never heard of a man with a man.

At this moment, she was already in a huge shock, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

Uncle Han and Grandma Han had the same reaction.

It never occurred to him that the most promising elder brother in the family, the elder brother he respects the most, would... actually be like this...

like men?

There is no such precedent around him, and he has never been exposed to such a world. But he knows very well that if the eldest brother is with men all the time, then the elder sister-in-law is really pitiful...

Uncle Han wants to smoke.

But thinking that there were still children and guests in the hall, he stopped taking out the cigarette case from his trouser pocket, and finally holding his breath, hugged his head in pain.

Shen Ye was also in a bad mood, and held onto Ye Ze's fingers tightly.

Ye Ze sensed his emotions, and stroked his face with the other hand, comforting him silently.

Shen Ye raised his face and said, "Kiss me."

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Ze immediately kissed him on the lips.

In front of everyone, the man kissed him without any scruples.

Shen Ye's mood suddenly improved a lot.

— He and Ye Ze are different from Father Han.

In fact, everyone is at fault in this matter.

Needless to say, father Han, even if he likes men, he shouldn't cheat marriage and ruin mother Han's life. As for Han's mother, in fact, she could kill the divorce when she first found out, and she wouldn't keep suppressing it for the next few decades; later, she caused Han's father to have a car accident, although it is emotionally understandable, but legally She also made mistakes.

Of course Grandma Han was also at fault.

If she wasn't so old-fashioned and feudal, if she didn't force Han's father to marry with death, then Han's father would not implicate innocent Han's mother.

This is a very heavy topic.

Everyone knows who is right and who is wrong, and who is more wrong.

But...In the final analysis, such a tragedy happened because the society at that time did not allow father Han to be with men.

Shen Ye is a free-spirited person. With his character, even if he goes back a few decades, standing in Han's father's position, it is impossible for him to make a decision to marry, let alone hurt innocent Han's mother.

But he is not an ordinary person, and father Han is just an ordinary person, so father Han cannot be judged by his principles.

Besides, when he came to this world, he also felt the pressure of public opinion. Of course he didn't agree with Father Han's actions, nor did he understand Father Han's actions, but social pressure was a fact, and he couldn't deny it.

He can only be thankful that the situation is much better now.

At least same-sex marriage is legal.

Ye Ze kissed the tip of his ear, and whispered in his ear: "I will establish a fund to publicize this knowledge, and then help women who have suffered like Han Feng's mother."

It would be nice to have one less innocent.

Shen Ye's heart softened, he stood on tiptoe, and kissed the man's face: "Uncle, you are so kind."

Ye Ze touched the corners of his eyes: "So, don't be sad."

Shen Ye nodded heavily.

After everyone in the hall calmed down a bit, Shen Ye looked at Han Feng and said, "Your mother is a gentle woman, and she has a very blessed face. If she doesn't marry your father, she will live a very happy life."

This is a bit of an afterthought, but it is also true.

Shen Ye didn't want Han Feng to hate Mother Han, and he didn't want Grandma Han and Uncle Han's family to hate Mother Han any more. If Mother Han did something wrong, she could accept the legal trial, but she should not bear the hatred of these people.

After hearing Shen Ye's words, Mother Han covered her face again and began to cry.

Han Feng's tears couldn't stop falling down.

Grandma Han and Uncle Han's family were also silent.

As another protagonist in the story, Father Han was lying in the bedroom inside, unaware of everything that happened outside.

Shen Ye took a deep breath and said, "You guys digest it yourself, my fiancé and I still have something to do, so we'll be leaving first."

He is not going to stay here, the atmosphere is too depressing.

"Oh, by the way, your mother's tumor is nothing serious, so you don't have to worry." Shen Ye said again.

Han Feng invited him here just to see a doctor for Han's mother, and Shen Ye gave him a reply.

Hearing this, Han Feng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." He wiped away his tears, stood up and said, "Then I'll take you out."

At this moment, Brother Mo Zi pressed his arm and said, "You stay here with your family, and I'll see Master Shen off."

Han Feng was slightly stunned, looking at the crying mother and the ashen-faced grandma, he did not refuse after all.

Shen Ye and Ye Ze walked out holding hands.

Until they walked out of the porch, the Han family did not ask Shen Ye to treat Father Han's leg.

Even Grandma Han, who wanted Shen Ye to help cure Han's father's leg injury, didn't say a word.

After walking into the yard, Xu Ce let out a long sigh of relief: "Oh my God, what's all this?"

He has been in the industry for twenty years, and he has never seen anything, even more outrageous than the Han family. But that circle itself is relatively open, and the situation in Hanfeng's family is a microcosm of society, too depressing and cruel.

On the other hand, Shen Ye, after being comforted by Ye Ze, has recovered his calm.

"Let's go." He was about to pull Ye Ze into the car.

Brother Mo Zi quickly said, "Master Shen, Han Feng and I haven't paid you yet."

Master Shen solved Guo Yunxuan's affairs for him, blocked Liu Xuchen's harassment for Han Feng, and followed him to Han's house. No matter what, Master Shen should be rewarded.

"Oh, you can transfer the money to my WeChat." Because Ye Ze suddenly came to Jiangshi to accompany him, Shen Ye was in a good mood and forgot to ask for the reward for a while, "Three things, you can give 60,000 yuan together .”

Brother Mo Zi was surprised, this is too cheap, right?

I heard that Master Shen's actions cost millions of dollars.

And the things he encountered with Han Feng were really tricky, like Guo Yunxuan and Liu Xuchen were definitely big troubles, maybe it would take hundreds of thousands or tens of millions to fix it...

He was just about to ask if it would be too little, when Master Shen waved his hand: "Let's go."

In the next second, Master Shen pulled Mr. Ye into the car.

Brother Mo Zi: "..."

Xu Ce smiled, and explained for Shen Ye: "Master, he charges more freely. If he asks you to pay 60,000, you can pay 60,000."

Brother Mo Zi nodded, but he made up his mind that he must be paid more.

Before leaving, Xu Ce asked Brother Mo Zi again: "Are you going with us, or staying here?"

Brother Mo Zi hesitated, and said, "I'll stay here for a night first."

He and Han Feng are good friends, since he has heard about the Han family, he thought he should stay to comfort Han Feng.

Xu Ce nodded and said, "It's best to talk to the company about the conflict between you and Guo Yunxuan, and the suspension of the production."

Brother Mo Zi quickly agreed.

As soon as Shen Ye got into the car, he hugged Ye Ze's waist, rubbed against the man's chest muscles, and hummed, "I won't marry someone else."

He will beat anyone who dares to chirp to prevent him from being with Ye Ze! Even if one day he had the chance to return to the original world, he would bring Ye Ze along with him! Don't even die!

"Yeah." The tenderness in Ye Ze's eyes was about to overflow, "Don't think too much, we won't have that kind of situation."

With his status, no one dared to accuse him.

What's more, the whole social atmosphere is much better now, at least same-sex marriage, and more and more people are getting married.

This is a kind of progress.

Shen Ye nodded, leaning on the man's shoulder, and said lazily: "It's dinner time, it's probably nine o'clock after dinner... How about we stay here for one night."

There are several well-known water towns below Jiang City, and Shen Ye wanted to take the opportunity to visit them.

After listening to his thoughts, Ye Ze must of course satisfy him.

"Okay, let's go to town tonight, I'll ask Zong Yiming to arrange it." The man touched Shen Ye's face and said.

Shen Ye became happy: "Let's stay in the inn inside, I heard that the night view is very beautiful."

The reason why he knew so clearly was because several of his classmates had come here to shoot a movie, and they heard that the scenery of the water town at night was really good.

Ye Ze responded softly again: "Okay."

And so it was decided.

They had dinner at a restaurant in the city, and then set off for the water town.

As for what happened to Han's family, Shen Ye had long forgotten about it.

He is originally a free and easy temperament, and just now Ye Ze said that he would set up a fund to help women suffering like Han's mother, and would also promote same-sex marriage, he felt that it was good for Ye Ze to take care of these troubles.

Hee hee, who told Ye Ze to be his man?

He just wants to go to the inn early and throw the man down.

Of course Xu Ce followed them.

Shen Ye was extremely embarrassed, and sent Xu Ce a WeChat message: [Hey, how can there be such a good master as me in the world, I will take you on a trip for the first time on a business trip. 】

Xu Ce thought to himself: Master, you are going on vacation with your wife, and I was picked up by the way. I know my position very well!

But he still replied very politely: 【Thank you, Master! 】

In fact, Xu Ce wanted to ask how things with the Han family would develop.

Although he had nothing to do with Han Feng, this matter happened to him after all, and he was Shen Ye's apprentice, so this was his first job, so he was still very concerned about it.

But he also knew that this matter was too heavy, and he didn't want to disturb the interest of the master and his wife, so he decided to wait until he returned to Haicheng to ask.

Shen Ye and Ye Ze were indeed in good spirits.

On the way, Shen Ye couldn't hold back, he hugged the man and gnawed and gnawed.

He also deliberately undid the cover-up on Ye Ze's body, exposing the wound at the corner of Ye Ze's mouth.

This wound was bitten by him, he is proud!

He even gnawed on it several times on purpose, making the wound on the corner of the man's mouth bigger.

What can Ye Ze say, of course he is pampering him.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we arrived at the water town.

Zong Yiming's work is very reliable, so he set the inn in the scenic area.

In fact, the scenic spot had already closed at this time, but Shen Ye and Ye Ze were not restricted by this time, and entered inside without hindrance.

The scenery of the water town is really beautiful. The dim light shines on the river surface, reflecting the ancient buildings and tree shadows on both sides. Occasionally, a summer breeze blows, and the scenery on the water surface ripples, like a soft and charming girl in the south of the Yangtze River. posture.

Ye Ze and Shen Ye held hands and walked along the river bank.

"Are you tired?" Ye Ze pulled the child and sat down on the embankment.

I ran all day today, from Haicheng to Film and Television City, and then from Film and Television City to Jiang City, the child must be very tired.

Shen Ye smiled and shook his head: "I'm not tired, you know I can do magic."

Ye Ze kissed his lips, but did not speak.

There is silence all around, only the lights under the eaves of the corridor and the moonlight complement each other.

Shen Ye looked at the full moon in the sky, and suddenly had a bold idea—

He looked at Ye Ze affectionately: "Uncle, let's meditate!"

The author has something to say:

Babies, the stories are all fake, don't be angry~

6000 words updated~^^

See you tomorrow, good night~=3=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-04 20:48:16~2019-12-05 20:22:18~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: s, a chick who doesn’t like tea;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Zhen; 10 bottles of Nuo Nuo; 5 bottles of Acridine Moon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!