MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 350 senescence

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Jiu Xiaoyun stared at Zaizai, and the clothes on Zaizai began to transform into a transparent state.

Suddenly, Zaizai, who was sleeping soundly, opened his eyes and turned to look in the direction of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Jiu Xiaoyun's gaze subconsciously met Zaizai's gaze, and he was startled in shock. Originally, he used the see-through eyes forcibly, but now that he was so frightened, the see-through eyes immediately failed, and the transparent wall in front of him suddenly recovered. The original state, can not see the scene inside the house.

Jiu Xiaoyun really wanted to slap himself, what's so scary about a baby waking up, and that baby can't have clairvoyant eyes, and couldn't see him, probably just happened to be looking in his direction.

But thinking about it now, those eyes really seemed to be looking at him, that's why the guilty Jiu Xiaoyun was startled.

Wiping the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes, Jiu Xiaoyun reluctantly used his see-through eyes again. This time, he immediately looked at the baby carriage, because his eyes were severely overdrawn, and he couldn't continue to toss about like this.

Jiu Xiaoyun looked into the stroller, but was stunned.

Xiaoshuang, who looked like a fat version of the blue squirrel, was still sleeping in it, but Zaizai was nowhere to be seen.

Jiu Xiaoyun looked around quickly, trying to find Zaizai in the room, but he couldn't find Zaizai when he scanned left and right.

Just when Jiu Xiaoyun was wondering, he suddenly felt that something had touched his trouser legs, and when he looked down, Jiu Xiaoyun almost jumped up in fright, and his see-through eyes also failed.

I saw Zaizai, who was wearing a one-piece baby suit, crawled to his feet at some point, and was looking up at him curiously with big eyes.

Jiu Xiaoyun hurriedly looked around and saw that there was no one around, and there was no movement in the room, and Li Xiu didn't get up, and he didn't know how this guy crawled out.

"This is a golden opportunity." Jiu Xiaoyun smiled like an evil uncle, squatted down, and slowly extended his palm to Zaizai: "Be good, Zaizai, let Uncle Yun give you a hug."

Zaizai seemed to be frightened by Jiu Xiaoyun's wretched smile, shaking his head while backing away, obviously very reluctant.

How could Jiuxiaoyun make her escape as she wished, so she accelerated her speed, hugged Zaizai with both hands, and lifted her up.

Just as he was about to look for the blood-sealed stone on Zaizai, to see if Li Xiu had put something on Zaizai, Jiu Xiaoyun suddenly felt a numbness all over his body, and then he couldn't move.

Jiu Xiaoyun maintained the posture of holding Zaizai with both hands, his body was completely unable to move, and he couldn't even blink his eyes. He could only look straight at Zaizai, and saw a strange scene.

Zaizai's eyes turned into ice-type emeralds, exuding a strange and colorful brilliance.

"What's the situation... What's going on with this Zaizai..." Jiu Xiaoyun looked at Zaizai's strange eyes, feeling horrified in his heart, and wanted to use his own power, but no matter whether he summoned the demon spirit or Qi, there was no response at all.

Amidst the brilliance of Zaizai's eyes, Jiu Xiaoyun found that his body was undergoing terrifying changes.

He couldn't see his own body, but he could see his hands holding Zaizai. The skin on his hands was aging. Wrinkles appeared on the back of his originally youthful and smooth hands, like the hands of a man in his thirties or forties.

Jiu Xiaoyun was terrified, if his body were the same as his hands, he would not be able to accept that result.

"What kind of monster is this!" Jiu Xiaoyun's intestines were green with regret at this time, and wanted to get rid of Zaizai, but he couldn't even move.

Just when Jiu Xiaoyun felt that his fate was over, he suddenly heard a call.

"Zaizai!" Li Xiu looked at it for a long time, he had already discovered Jiu Xiaoyun, and he just ignored him lazily.

Later, when I found that Zaizai had crawled out by himself, and found Jiu Xiaoyun who was secretly hiding outside, he became even more curious, so he never came out, wanting to see what Zaizai wanted to do, and by the way, what Jiu Xiaoyun wanted to do .

It wasn't until Zaizai changed and Jiu Xiaoyun's body grew old rapidly that Li Xiu hurriedly came out to stop him.

Hearing Li Xiu's voice, the brilliance in Zaizai's eyes immediately disappeared, and his eyes, which seemed to be ice-species emeralds, also returned to normal.

After breaking free from Jiu Xiaoyun's hand and falling to the ground, he crawled towards Li Xiu with both hands and claws.

Li Xiu stretched out his arms to hug Zaizai, and Zaizai lay on his chest affectionately. Looking at her cute appearance, it was really hard to connect her with the horrible scene just now.

"Zaizai is indeed not a child of ordinary human beings." Li Xiu took a look at Zaizai, then looked up at Jiuxiaoyun.

Jiu Xiaoyun's body has regained its freedom, but his current appearance can no longer be seen as usual.

Jiu Xiaoyun is just in his early twenties, and he is quite handsome, so if he puts on a school uniform and says he is a high school student, he can barely get past him.

But now Jiu Xiaoyun has an unshaven beard, crow's feet around his eyes, and his skin condition looks like that of an uncle in his 30s or 40s.

"How could it be like this..." Jiu Xiaoyun took out a small mirror from nowhere, saw his current appearance, and was stunned, as if struck by lightning.

"Jiu Xiaoyun, what are you doing here in the middle of the night without sleeping?" Li Xiu looked at Jiu Xiaoyun and asked.

Jiu Xiaoyun raised his head to look at Li Xiu and Zaizai, then suddenly threw away the mirror in his hand, knelt down in front of Li Xiu with a plop, went up and hugged Li Xiu's thigh, and begged with snot and tears: " Chief, please save me. I'm only in my twenties, and I haven't had a serious girlfriend yet. I don't want to become a short, soft, middle-aged uncle now. Please let Zaizai give me back my youth... "

"What's going on with you, let's explain it clearly." Li Xiu said.

Jiu Xiaoyun didn't dare to hide anything, so he told him why he came here, as well as about that strange misty man.

"Chief, you have to believe me, I really didn't intend to steal your **** gem to that weirdo, I mainly wanted to steal back my own blood stone, I know I was wrong..." Jiu Xiaoyun cried.

"Do you know who that weird man is?" Li Xiu asked casually.

"I don't know. He covered his body with mist and his voice was disguised. It should be someone I know, but I don't know which one." Jiu Xiaoyun thought for a while and then said: "But he knows that our family is looking for someone. With a warrior star, and with a warrior star in hand, those who can meet these two conditions should be members of the Han family or the Li family."

"How can you be sure that you are from the Han family and the Li family?" Li Xiu asked doubtfully.

"Because my grandfather has always suspected that the Warrior Star is in the hands of the Han family or the Li family, but they can't be sure which one. They thought they hid it very well. I didn't expect my grandfather to find out the clues just now, just because The evidence is insufficient, and the place where the Warrior Star is hidden has not been found, so I have been pretending to have no clue." Jiu Xiaoyun explained.

"The Han family and the Li family, that's more interesting." Li Xiu originally planned to slaughter the two of them severely, and if such a thing really happened, then he couldn't let them go.

"Chief, I have confessed everything that needs to be explained. This time I really know that I was wrong. Please do me a favor. Since I have been with you for so long, I have worked hard even if I have no credit. Let Zaizai... no... Let Zaizai Auntie, give me back my youth..." Jiu Xiaoyun hugged Li Xiu's thigh and continued to cry.

"Don't have another time, get up." Li Xiu said.

"Thank you, Chief..." Jiu Xiaoyun thanked repeatedly, then got up from the ground.

"Don't thank me first, I'm not capable of turning you back. It depends on whether Zaizai can do it." Li Xiu looked at Zaizai and said, "Zaizai, can you change him back?"

Zaizai seemed to understand Li Xiu's words, but he obviously didn't want to, so he turned his head and didn't look at Jiu Xiaoyun at all.

"My aunt, I really know that I was wrong. I should never have done it. It's all my Xiaojiu's fault. Auntie, you have a lot of adults. Please forgive me this time..." Jiu Xiaoyun wished he could kneel down to Zaizai Knock down a few.

"Zaizai, let him go this time." Li Xiu still needs Jiu Xiaoyun and doesn't want him to continue like this.

Zaizai looked at Li Xiu, then at Jiu Xiaoyun who was begging, then shook his head again, chattering something.

"What does she mean?" Jiu Xiaoyun was at a loss.

"I guess what she meant was that there is nothing she can do about it. It is probably impossible to recover." Li Xiu thought for a while and said.

As if he understood Li Xiu's words, Zaizai nodded vigorously.


Jiu Xiaoyun sat down on the ground, his face was ashen, and he was still muttering to himself: "I don't want to be a greasy old man...I don't want to drink Liuwei Dihuang Wan now...I don't want to become a soft man now..."

That painful voice made the listener weep and the listener feel sad.

But Li Xiu had nothing to do, he patted Jiu Xiaoyun on the shoulder and said, "Go back and rest first, and then think of other ways, Zaizai, I will also help you think of a way."

"Chief, it was all my fault before. As long as you can save me this time, from now on, I will be your grandson if I say no. You must help me!" , If I can’t go back, I really don’t want to live anymore.” Jiu Xiaoyun ignited a glimmer of hope again, as if grasping the last straw, prayed.

"Okay, let's go back and rest." Li Xiu sent Jiu Xiaoyun back, and returned to the room with Zaizai in his arms.

Put Zizai in the stroller, look left and right, but I can't see anything special about this Zaizai.

"Looking at it this way, there is no difference between Zaizai and an ordinary baby, and the light energy fluctuations cannot be sensed in the body. Where did the brilliance just burst out?" Li Xiu thought to himself: "She can actually make people old. It seems that the previous guess is probably correct, she should have something to do with the emerald time tunnel. But there seems to be no human beings in the emerald tunnel, they are all emerald dolls, it should be impossible to give birth to human children? Or, in fact Zaizai is also an emerald doll?"

Looking left and right, Zaizai is a living human child, not an emerald doll. Li Xiu couldn't figure out why, so he had to continue to sleep.

After tossing around in the middle of the night, Li Xiu was really sleepy, and fell asleep until noon. If Lao Jia hadn't woken him up, he could have slept a little longer.

"Chief, Vice President Han please see me." Old Jia whispered.

"It's finally here, let's invite her to have tea in the hall first." Li Xiu stretched his waist and said.

After Lao Jia went out, Li Xiu finished washing, fed Xiaoshuang some gems, and got half a bottle of milk for Zaizai, and then carried Zaizai to the living room.

"Vice President Han is really a rare visitor." After entering the living room, Li Xiu looked at Han Minghui and said.

Han Minghui, who was drinking tea, immediately stood up when she saw Li Xiu coming in. She was very frank and said with a smile, "No matter how rare it is, it's not as rare as President Li's gemstone."

"Since Vice President Han also came here for the gemstone, I don't need to waste my saliva. What do you plan to exchange for the gemstone?" Li Xiu looked at Han Minghui and saw that there were no big or small people around her. box, as if I had nothing with me.

"God gems are priceless treasures, and naturally only priceless treasures can be compared with them." Han Minghui smiled.

"Oh, a priceless treasure that can be compared with the gem of a god, I really want to know what it is." Li Xiu said casually, and anyone could see that he was insincere.

Han Minghui didn't mind either, and said instead: "I heard that Chief Li has a fire-attributed sword contract, which has reached the casting spirit level?"

"There is indeed such a sword. What does Vice President Han mean?" Li Xiu knew that Han Minghui was talking about the Fire Lotus Sword.

However, the Fire Lotus Sword is still only at the light base level, and does not have a cast spirit. The reason why it can burst out with the power of the cast spirit level is to rely on the cast spirit of the evil spirit card.

But these are not the point. Han Minghui suddenly mentioned the Fire Lotus Sword at this time, there must be her intentions.

"Can I borrow your sword contract?" Han Minghui looked at Li Xiu with a smile.

"Vice-President Han was joking. You don't know how many contracts like that are around, so why borrow my mere broken sword?" Li Xiu said.

"Since President Li doesn't want to borrow it, please do me a favor with that sword." Han Minghui still said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiu asked with a frown.

Han Minghui suddenly walked to the high table on the side, leaned over the table, her head was hanging on the other side of the table, and her long black waterfall-like hair was also hanging down.

"Please use your Fire Lotus Sword to decapitate me." Han Minghui lay there looking sideways at Li Xiu, smiling sweetly, but said something that made Li Xiu feel unbelievable.

"Vice President Han...Are you okay?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Don't you want to see the priceless treasure? Behead me, and you will see the priceless treasure naturally." Han Minghui said.

"I've never heard of such a thing. You have to cut off your head just to see a treasure. Could it be that the priceless treasure is inside your head?" Li Xiu had no intention of doing anything at all, and shook his head: "If that's the case, don't look at it. Whatever."

Han Minghui stood up after hearing the words, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li has long disliked me. If I die, wouldn't it be your wish? Why don't you do it?"

Li Xiu said nothing, just looked at Han Minghui coldly.

"Since Mr. Li is unwilling to do it, then I will do it myself." Han Minghui said, suddenly summoned her jade fan, waved her hand, and the jade fan opened and slashed towards her with a sharp jade light. Snow-white neck.


The jade light was rubbed directly on the neck, and a strange scene also appeared. On Han Minghui's snow-white neck, fine lines like snake skin appeared.

The fine lines were all over her skin, and the jade light cut it, making a clanging sound of gold and jade, but it didn't hurt it in the slightest.

Han Minghui wiped her neck with the fan continuously, only to hear the tinkling and tinkling non-stop. The jade fan of casting spirit level could not hurt her skin even a bit.

"What's that?" Li Xiu looked at the strange fine lines on Han Minghui's body in surprise, which looked like jade lines and scales.

That's obviously not a deed, but it's not a skill either. I don't know what it is, but it can easily resist the attack of casting spirit level.

"This thing is called Dragon Scale Clothes." Han Minghui said as he slowly loosened his windbreaker. There was no clothes inside, but scales that covered the whole body.

The scales are like jade, tightly attached to the body, and the tights are like snake skin and jade patterns.

"This dragon scale garment is made of the scales of the god-level creatures, the golden scales. The close-fitting clothing is as light as it is, and its existence can hardly be sensed at ordinary times. However, after being attacked, it can withstand the attacks of the casting spirit level and remains unscathed. , even in the face of god-level attacks, it can also play a certain defensive role, after all, its material is god-level demons."

Han Minghui looked at Li Xiu and said slowly: "Exchange the thing of the **** place for the thing of the **** place, plus a promise from me."

"What promise?" Li Xiu asked.

"If you exchange the **** gems for me, after I am promoted to the **** position, when you need to kill the **** monster, I will help you, as many times as you want, until the **** monster you kill is gone. up to a gem." Han Minghui said seriously.

"Sounds like a good condition." Li Xiu said calmly: "But I don't need you to help me kill the **** monster, let's have something practical, besides the Dragon Scale Clothes, do you have anything else? If there is no then I can only say sorry."

Han Minghui sighed softly, pulled up the windbreaker, then took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Li Xiu: "All the accumulation of the Han family over the years is here, as long as Mr. Li is willing, they and the dragon on my body The scale clothes are all yours."

Han Minghui really spared no expense, as long as she can be promoted to the **** position, those things outside her body will be able to come back soon.

Li Xiu took the paper and opened it to take a look. There are indeed all kinds of treasures inside, all of which are priceless items. There are even skill rings, talent gems, and magic rings at the level of casting spirits, and even casting spirits. deed.

Other top-grade gemstones and magic cores are all counted here.

Li Xiu looked at it, and when he saw a name, he couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

"Warrior Star?" Li Xiu read out the name in the gemstone column on the paper, and thought to himself, "I just heard the name of Warrior Star last night, but I didn't expect to see it today. It turns out that Warrior Star is in Han Minghui's In his hand, could it be that the Misty Man who traded with Jiuxiaoyun is Han Minghui?"