MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 10

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When I came out, it was raining outside. When I turned my head, I saw Song Ye and a group of people standing in a row, huddled under the eaves to avoid the rain, and their eyes lit up when they came out. .

Xie Liuyi raised her eyebrows, they were unwilling to be with her before, she thought these people would avoid her.

"Miss Xie, Uncle Wang's injury needs to be bandaged, but..." Song Ye touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed, but he still made his own request, "When Uncle Wang was bandaging, Xie Can you wait here, ma'am?"

Xie Liuyi understood what he meant. Ordinary people would still be afraid when they saw the living dead. He was afraid that Uncle Wang’s frightened nonsense would anger the doctor, and he couldn’t clean up the mess, so they I was afraid of myself, and at the same time had to help myself.

"Why?" Zhou Haiyang would recover from his first experience in close contact with the living dead, and said injustice for Xie Liuyi, "When others scolded me just now, Sister Xie, No one speaks for her, and now you still have the face to ask me to protect you from Sister Xie?"

Uncle Wang opened his mouth to refute, but when he met Xie Liuyi's calm gaze, he couldn't say a word, so he closed his mouth and looked away. However, under the farther eaves, the aunt supported by Chen Meiyi relied on the distance and there were many people in the middle, so she spoke confidently.

"Am I wrong? She is a monster. She forced us into the village, who knows what An's heart is?" Not strong, "When I came in, I said that the village is full of..."

Seeing that she was about to hit the thunder point, everyone only felt a blue wind blowing, and her voice stopped abruptly.

Xie Liuyi slashed the man stunned with a knife in his hand, caught the man's softened body and threw it to Chen Meiyi, his eyes swept over the others with cold eyes, "Don't talk nonsense."

She turned back to the door of the clinic, frowned and asked Song Ye, "You didn't tell them?"

She clearly told Song Ye not to provoke the villagers, how come there are still people who accurately step on the dead?

Song Ye said helplessly, "Miss Xie, you only said not to provoke them, but you didn't say what kind of behavior angered them?"

Xie Liuyi was shocked, this kind of common sense even need to be said?

She asked in a low voice, "Have you ever seen a living dead?"

Song Ye was even more shocked, "I've only seen corpses."

It was only then that Xie Liuyi realized that he and Song Ye and others seemed to have different systems of common sense. Then find an opportunity to have a good conversation.

There are many taboos in dealing with the living dead. She couldn't explain it in a few words. She simply went into the clinic, took a box and handed it to Song Ye, "Just paste it."

Song Ye stared at the words "ten pains and bones" on the box, and asked in disbelief, "Where?"

"Mouth." Xie Liuyi answered as a matter of course.

If you stick to your mouth, you won't talk nonsense, then Song Ye only needs to control Uncle Wang's body and don't make any rude behavior, and he won't anger the living dead.

Song Ye: You are such a clever little devil.

Uncle Wang took the plaster resignedly, took out one and put it on his mouth, the pungent smell of the medicine made him breathless, and he couldn't help suspecting that Xie Liuyi's move was in revenge for his previous doubts about her.

And when he was sitting in the clinic where he could not see his fingers and felt the doctor's cold and stiff fingers across his skin, he sincerely thanked the plaster on his mouth, which prevented him from screaming in panic Call.

Outside the door, Xie Liuyimen stood upright under the eaves, seemingly closed her eyes, but in fact, looking inside, she found a seal in her sea of ​​consciousness. The seal is not harmful, it is purely to make her talk less. Who the **** is so boring to give her this kind of silence seal?

She doesn't dare to use her spiritual power now and can't unlock the seal. So now the question she has to consider is—how can she keep Song Ye, a sympathetic microphone, by her side?

"Sister Xie, why did you just was bitten by a dog?" Zhou Haiyang held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help but whispered in Xie Liuyi's ear.

This matter is a long story. It needs to explain the causes of the living dead and the taboos of dealing with them. This will be explained to him. Song Ye will definitely ask later. .

Because of the silence, it was difficult for her to explain anything at length. She could only say it when she needed Song Ye to be there to supplement her at any time.

So Xie Liuyi imitated Zhou Haiyang, and approached him mysteriously.

"More on that later."

Zhou Haiyang:…

Are you happy?

The torrential rain in the mountains comes and goes quickly. When Song Ye came out with Uncle Wang, who had bandaged the wound, the rain had stopped, the air after the rain was fresh and humid, the sun pierced through the clouds and sprinkled onto the ground, and a rainbow appeared in the sky.

"Miss Xie," Song Ye thanked Xie Liuyi, "Thank you for your help, next..."

"I have a clue." Xie Liuyi interrupted him before he could finish.

Xie Liuyi wanted to keep the microphone. What she didn't know was that Song Ye also wanted to find a way to repair the relationship with her. From a certain point of view, the two reached an agreement.

Among the others, the one who was most likely to oppose was brought down simply and neatly by Xie Liuyi, which invisibly played a role of killing chickens and showing monkeys, so no one objected.

The group followed Xie Liuyi through the long street with stagnant water, and came to a nondescript building.

The Hui-style courtyard wall is guarded by a hollow wrought iron arch, roses climb along the shelf, and the blooming roses make the arch look like a flower gate commonly used in wedding venues.

There are four wooden signs hanging on the arch, and the words on the signs are "Fangyuan B&B".

Entering from the arch is a small courtyard, with a grape trellis on the left and a small pool on the right. A Taihu stone is abruptly poked in the middle of the pool, and there is a circle of hydrangea blooming beside the pool.

Across the door is a building with mixed styles. The main building on the left is a European medieval castle, the first floor on the right is a Japanese-style architectural style, and the second and third floors are Chinese-style garden buildings.

The only thing that is more uniform is that all windows are welded with stainless steel security windows.

"If you hire a designer, you won't be able to cultivate like this, right?" Zhou Haiyang murmured with his head raised.

Xie Liuyi agrees.

The doors and windows on the first floor are closed, the second and third floors are also closed, but there are keys in the doors. Although the house has a musty smell because no one has used it all the year round, the decoration is many times better than that of the "inn", and each room also has an independent bathroom.

Xie Liuyi was in a cold sweat just now and was covered in blood. Although her clothes were not dirty, she felt uncomfortable after all, so she went into the room next to the stairs on the third floor and washed it. a bath.

After washing, I remembered that I had to talk to Song Ye. When I opened the door, I saw Song Ye and Zhou Haiyang waiting at the door.

The two were damp and their hair was still dripping, apparently just after taking a shower.

"Sister Xie, I'll live next to you." Zhou Haiyang happily pointed to her next door, then turned sideways, and pointed his thumb vaguely at Song Ye. The voice heard said, "He wants to live in that room too. I didn't let him live. He had to live on the other side of the stairs."

The rooms are all double standard rooms, but Zhou Haiyang does not live with Song Ye. Ever since he asked Song Ye for help outside the village, but Song Ye did not insist on speaking to Xie Liuyi, Zhou Haiyang quickly kicked Song Ye out of his camp, and liked to stab him with yin and yang from time to time.

Song Ye was helpless, but he couldn't care about a child who had just grown up, so he changed the subject and asked, "Is Miss Xie free now? Let's talk."

"Go downstairs." Xie Liuyi took the two out of the yard and walked to the open space of the small square before throwing a word to Song Ye, "Ask."

Song Ye knew Xie Liuyi's habit of being reticent, so he didn't talk much, and cut to the point.

"The conductor at the bottom of the mountain said that you can leave here only after the king's forgiveness. This king, the king of the mandrill?"


"The premise of forgiveness is hatred...The Mandrill King hates...the villagers because of something? You say the villagers are the living dead, what exactly are the living dead?"

Xie Liuyi thought about his words and replied, "I died, but I forgot."

"So the villagers are actually dead and attacked by mandrills?" Song Ye asked, "As far as I know, mandrills rarely attack humans. Then the villagers did something that angered them. The king of the mandrill attracted the revenge of the mandrill group?"

His reasoning is mostly correct, except for one thing that needs to be corrected.

"Not a raid."

The mandrill king may have angered the villagers at first because the cubs were brutally killed, but mandrills are fierce beasts, and the beasts who see blood don’t know what it means to stop.

"It's prey."

After comprehending the word "hunting" in Xie Liuyi's mouth, Zhou Haiyang and Song Ye's faces turned pale instantly.

"Xie, Xie, Sister Xie," Zhou Haiyang stammered and asked, "You mean, all the villagers were eaten by mandrills?"

"Not only villagers." Xie Liuyi nodded.

"And... the birds on the mountain and the cats, dogs and livestock in the village..." Zhou Haiyang murmured, rushed aside and vomited.

Song Ye deserves to be a forensic doctor, and his mental endurance is much stronger than Zhou Haiyang. He took a deep breath and quickly reorganized his thoughts.

"I've heard a saying that the beasts will be addicted to eating people. So, the truth of the matter is that the mandrill king was provoked and led a group of mandrills to attack the village. After the mandrill tasted human flesh, he was out of control. all the villagers and other living creatures you can see on the mountain?"

Xie Liuyi felt that the way he looked at her didn't want to hear her say "yes", so she didn't say anything, just remained silent.

"Fuck (a plant)." When Zhou Haiyang heard the last sentence as soon as he came back, he couldn't help uttering a foul language, "There is a group of mandrills whose eyes are starving green outside the village. Aren't we going to be trapped in the village?"

"Wait." Song Ye was reminded by Zhou Haiyang, "Why can't the mandrill enter the village?"

Not waiting for Xie Liuyi to answer, he quickly deduced: "In the morning you insisted that everyone enter the village... You already knew that mandrills could not enter the village. There must be something in the village that makes mandrills afraid... Yes What? Mandrills are afraid of light, no, it's not light, and the fence at the entrance of the village? No, it's not strong enough."

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Xie Liuyi like electricity, "Why do villagers still live like living people after they die?"

Seeing that he thought of the key to the problem so quickly, Xie Liuyi admired him a little.

She was able to figure out the whole thing because her common sense system and Fang Mahua provided clues, and what happened here was obviously beyond the scope of his cognition to Song Ye. A little clue can connect all of this, which is enough to prove his intelligence.

"It's a tree spirit." Seeing Song Tuesday's puzzled expression, they knew that this was something beyond their cognition, so they explained, "It became a fine banyan tree."

Xie Liuyi nodded, "The tree spirit shelters the water and soil."

Song Ye accepts this setting that challenges his worldview. Anyway, since he came here, his worldview has been challenged frequently and is on the verge of collapse.

"So, the key for us to leave here is to find out why the villagers angered the Mandrill King?"

The reason Xie Liuyi had already found out, but she couldn't explain it in a few words, so she decided to let the client speak for himself.