MTL - When The Incubus Enters The World Of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 63 moonlight and you 18

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You Ning and An Yuanguang agreed to wait for An Yuanguang's answer the next day, but An Yuanguang did not come out of Yuefeng's bedroom.

The way You Ning looks at Yue Feng is very meaningful. Yue Feng couldn't match his gaze, so he touched his nose and left, but he didn't go far, and went back to the bedroom, probably because he couldn't bear to go back to look at him twice, and then he left - he has too many things to do now Yes, there is very little free time.

On the third day, An Yuanguang came to look for You Ning. His complexion looked good. It is estimated that Yue Feng took care of his body, so he let him rest for an extra day.

An Yuanguang is a person who can hide sadness, but can't hide joy. He is sitting with You Ning at the moment, with a silly smile on his lips, and the sweetness in Gu's eyes is not concealed. He told You Ning that Yue Feng said that they don't want children, and that one is enough for him to raise An Yuanguang.

When he said this, he was very shy, even more shy than when You Ning mentioned the child to him before. One can imagine how sweet and happy he felt when he heard Yue Feng say that.

Yue Feng and Su Fu said the same things, but An Yuanguang's reaction was much different from that of You Ning. The immature An Yuanguang felt that he was no longer a baby, and that he was spoiled like a baby by Yue Feng. He was both happy and ashamed. The little succubus, who was over a hundred years old, was happy to be pampered like a baby.

You Ning has seen the memories of An Yuanguang's last life, and seeing his current appearance, he also thought of the time when he was with Joyce in his last life, that kind of thing was still very painful for human beings for the first time, and An Yuanguang Yuan Guang's health is not very good.

Although he still acted very happy to Joyce the next day, there is no pure sweet happiness like this. Perhaps the reason why An Yuanguang watched Joyce leave and didn't try to keep him in the previous life was also because he was slow. Slowly realized that he was not really happy when he was with Joyce.

As for that Joyce, he actually approached An Yuanguang purposefully because of Yue Cheng, and later he was attracted by the really simple and well-behaved An Yuanguang, and really fell in love with him. I don't think there is anything pitiful about him—after all, it was Joyce who provoked him first.

Later, it was reasonable for him to break up with An Yuanguang. It is a very tiring thing to spend a lifetime with someone who doesn't love him because of responsibility. Love is selfish.

So after Yue Feng came back, he didn't do anything to this former love rival. Of course, if he still dared to provoke An Yuanguang, then Yue Feng probably wouldn't let him go easily.

Yue Cheng, who was brought back by Yue Feng before, broke down after learning the truth, and then stayed in the temple for a while, as if he wasn't so crazy. You Ning has also seen that his maliciousness towards An Yuanguang has been reduced a lot. Although it has not returned to zero, it has not reached the range of wanting to hurt him.

The rest is Xu Yuan.

Although Yue Feng succeeded in killing Xu Yuan in the last life, because he took the assassination route, even if all the crimes of this ambitious marshal were exposed later, there was no proof that he was dead. He is excluding others.

And at that time, Xu Jiayu was still the queen by his side. Although he asked Su Feng to make up Xu Jiayu, the people didn't know about it. His assassination method became even more ruthless and unclear—he didn't even give the marshal a chance to prove himself, and that was his father-in-law.

At that time, the power Xu Yuan held in his hands was naturally very large, and he had already threatened the royal family. His actions also made many soldiers feel cold. He was only focused on revenge, and he abdicated not long after killing his enemy, leaving such a mess to the empire. It is conceivable that the civil strife in the empire will be brought to light soon after he leaves.

Yue Feng's heart in the previous life was dead, so he chose this way of revenge. But in this life, You Ning knew that he definitely didn't want Xu Yuan to die so easily.

You Ning thought for a while, and asked his cat to publish two chapters of articles exposing Xu Yuan on the Internet. What is written is the inner confession of a small character under Xu Yuan who was forced to do bad things. Although most people will bluntly say that this is slander, there will always be some people who will have doubts, especially when he pastes such half-truths and half-false evidence.

StarCraft’s network is very large, there are many people, and the management is very strict. Normally speaking, a text like You Ning who appeared suddenly would not be seen by the public at all. However, You Ning is not an ordinary person after all. It is not an ordinary method.

So early the next morning, these two articles aroused heated discussions among netizens. The situation is the same as You Ning guessed, some feel that it is slander, some eat melons, and some start to doubt.

Of course, Xu Yuan's political image has always been established very well, and the battles he participated in have indeed saved many people in the empire, so even if some people doubt it, they dare not speak out. In this way, at a glance, they are all scolding the people who published it and slandering the heroes of the empire.

Someone reported this matter to Xu Yuan, but Xu Yuan didn't pay much attention to it. After all, this kind of writing did not pose a threat to him, and the people would defend him without his action. It's just that some people think that he is not pleasing to the eye and want to scare him. But he still has to have an attitude, and immediately asked someone to send a lawyer's letter to write this article on Xingwang.

A group of netizens below followed his rainbow fart, and some scolded the author. Xu Yuan didn't look at these things, he usually didn't have such leisure and hobbies.

He was going to enter the palace today, Yue Feng put Yue Cheng under house arrest in the palace, he, the marshal, found something strange, so it was very reasonable to go to the palace to persuade him.

But with Yue Feng's current strength, facing him is like hitting a stone with an egg. He wasn't worried at all that Yue Feng would tear him apart - he actually wanted to see Yue Feng gnash his teeth at him, but he had to respect his appearance.

In comparison, this little turmoil on the Internet is really meaningless.

He soon arrived at the palace, and soon saw Yue Feng. Maybe it's because two months have passed, when Yue Feng saw him, he was very calm instead of the extreme anger he had when he first rushed into his mansion.

Xu Yuan rubbed the tiger's mouth with his left hand with his right hand, feeling a little interesting.

Yue Feng is currently practicing the mecha on a spacious training ground in the palace. This mecha is very light and flexible to use, so the size of the mecha is relatively small. Yue Feng manipulated the mecha and only showed his face without taking off the mecha, so when he looked at Xu Yuan, he was condescending, and his tone and expression were also very condescending: "Marshal, what's the matter?"

Xu Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, dissatisfied with Yue Feng's attitude, but after thinking about it, he was just bragging for the prince's face, so he didn't care much, and even felt like laughing.

"Your Highness, why haven't you seen Your Highness lately? I heard that His Highness hasn't left the palace for two months." He lowered his head slightly to show Yue Feng the face of the prince, but after he finished speaking, he slowly raised his head, with a smile in his eyes. Looking at Yue Feng jokingly.

Yue Feng didn't get angry as he expected, his expression was still calm, and then he began to take off his mecha, while saying: "He is sick, and went to the laboratory opened by Su Feng to receive treatment."

Xu Yuan didn't think the excuse of being ill was anything new, but he was really surprised to see Yue Feng calm and calm, and at the same time, he felt slightly more excited.

That's right, you get tired of playing with too weak people after a long time, and it's more interesting to play with a little difficulty like Yue Feng.

He didn't ask Yue Cheng any more, even if he asked Yue Feng, he wouldn't be able to tell him. Then, based on his rich experience, he gave Yue Feng a few pointers on how to fight better in mechs.

Yue Feng looked at Xu Yuan's leaving back and sneered. In fact, he didn't lie, Yue Cheng is indeed in Su Feng's laboratory, doing a dangerous operation.

This surgical technique is mature, but the risk factor is relatively high. But Yuefeng did not force Yuecheng to do it, but Yuecheng proposed it himself.

He said he didn't want to be an Omega, he wanted to be a Beta.

He was marked that as long as he didn't die, staying with Yuefeng would always be a hidden danger, and he really didn't want to be an Omega, so he stopped looking for Yuefeng not long ago, even though the operation was a bit dangerous.

Yue Feng agreed, and he signed his name in the family column of the operation book.

But these, Xu Yuan's people did not find out. Among them, Unioning's intervention must be indispensable.

After returning, Xu Yuan Yuefeng's reaction today was inexplicably good, and then someone came to tell him that they couldn't find who the person who posted the random text was.

Xu Yuan was a little dissatisfied, he waved his subordinates to leave, it was worth talking about such a small matter in front of him.

The man wanted to say something, but when Xu Yuan looked at him, he didn't dare to speak again. What that person didn't say was that Xingwang couldn't delete this article, and they didn't find any network address about the ID of the article, not even a fake address, as if it came out of thin air, very weird.

What's even more weird is what happened later. Within a few days, that person posted another article, which was still an accusation against Xu Yuan. As for the evidence of the hammer, the weight of this is heavy.

However, there are still many netizens who believe in their marshal, and they think that this person must have an enmity with the marshal, so they smear the marshal so much. But this person is also very strange. After he posted it, he didn't reply to so many people who scolded him or raised questions.

Just like that, another few days later, another article was published, with different accusations and evidence, each time getting stronger, and the netizens who were determined at first couldn't help but feel a little suspicious at the moment.

But some people said that the Marshal didn't let anyone suppress this person, and these remarks of this person have not been deleted. Is it true that the Marshal is not afraid of the shadow?

The marshal certainly wasn't. Xu Yuan didn't take it seriously at first, but when he heard the people in his hand mention it repeatedly, he felt that someone wanted to make trouble, and he found a master on the opposite side. No matter how they deleted it, the article was still there, and even the comments below were not. will decrease.

Xu Yuan thought of Yue Feng almost immediately. He didn't suspect Yue Feng at first, but felt that Yue Feng had only been back for a few months, he couldn't have the ability to find these things, and he didn't dare to confront him.

But now, he began to feel that something was wrong.

Xu Yuan's premonition was correct, just as the public opinion was becoming more and more unfavorable to him due to the things on the Internet, a person suddenly popped up and said bluntly that everything that person said was true.

This person is Admiral Su Fu who is now highly respected in the empire.

Now the people are completely fried. The reporters crowded their heads to interview, but they couldn't find the old admiral at all. On the other side, Xu Yuan was also laughed out of anger. It turned out that this brat, who has been on the battlefield for a few years, really thinks he is amazing?

Before the day was over, Xu Yuan sued Su Fu directly to the First Imperial Court.

However, what happened later was completely out of Xu Yuan's expectation and control.

He sued Su Fu, and Su Fu sued him in turn. There were so many charges that the hearts of the people of the entire empire trembled. The highest charge was murdering His Majesty the Empire, followed by treason.

If this sentence is really passed down... the people simply dare not think about it.

Xu Yuan didn't pay much attention to Su Fu at first, because he felt that even if Su Fu had made some moves recently, he couldn't notice much, and he couldn't make much splash. On the contrary, now that Su Fu jumped out so eagerly, he was looking for his own death.

But he was wrong. The First Court is a place where even the emperor of the empire can try a case. Of course, a Marshal Xu Yuan can also try it. And the people here are all people who don't like oil and salt, they are very fair. It is also because most of the people who are tried here are high-level imperial officials, and the court will directly broadcast the trial process to the people of the whole country after the trial to ensure fairness and justice.

So, after several trials, the citizens saw all kinds of criminal evidence about their empire's hero, Marshal Xu Yuan, and the evidence was as solid as a mountain. The whole country was in an uproar.

All this is quite confusing to the people, and it is also to Xu Jiayu. Although he knows that his father has looked down on the royal family in recent years, he does not know that his father has done so many things. Knowing that the Omega next to Yue Feng was a fool, he put a lot of thought into trying to win Yue Feng's attention again, but unexpectedly...

How long has it been? Xu Jiayu felt extremely embarrassed, and at the same time was very worried about the current situation of their family. With more and more evidence, his father changed from the initial rebuttal to a lawyer's statement, Xu Jiayu had a vague premonition.

Given his father's character and attitude in recent years, his father would most likely be...

The trial lasted for a month, and the first court finally gave a verdict, but before the verdict was issued, the people of the empire knew the news that their marshal had defected.

The people are angry, disappointed, confused, and then worry and fear. No one who is used to living a peaceful life wants to face war.

Yue Feng certainly did not want to face war. But now that Xu Yuan's various crimes have been known to the world, he can finally avenge his family - he intends to assassinate Xu Yuan just like in his previous life.

The soldiers who defected with Xu Yuan were not necessarily completely loyal to their marshal. After all, they belonged to the empire, and their marshal did such a thing. gone.

This interrogation came suddenly, and this defection also came suddenly. Many of the officers and soldiers following Xu Yuan are dumbfounded, but there are also smart ones who are swaying left and right, and some of them have been lurking for a long time.

Yue Feng was planning to take advantage of this opportunity to let the hidden people assassinate Xu Yuan, and then he sent troops to reinforce him.

This is what he and Su Fu had discussed a long time ago. And Su Fu, with such a team of people, is now lurking on Xu Yuan's battleship, waiting for the opportunity.