MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 16

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His expression was loose and a little lazy, but his voice was clear, and he was loud and loud on the huge set, which attracted the eyes of the people on the set who said "there will be melons to eat soon".

"Ancestor, what are you going to do?" Ma Xiaojiang's frightened eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Forgot. The truth always slips out accidentally." Ran Qiu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and tapped his index finger on the corner of his mouth, his expression didn't have the slightest hint of "carelessness".

Zhang Dao raised his eyebrows, his voice had a penetrating force, "Then you mean you are coming?"

Ma Xiaojiang beat his chest and covered his face, why on earth did he take this job, to be the young master's manager!

In just two seconds, Ma Xiaojiang had already made up a news headline in his head: Eighteen line paste coffee teaches online movie star to play, is this a slap in the face or a slap in the face?

Ma Xiaojiang hurriedly left his seat, got up halfway and said, "Ran Qiu just said casually—"

Before he finished uttering the word "Shuo", he was pushed back on the seat by the person next to him, who didn't have any ABC numbers for him.

I saw Ran Qiu rubbing the cuffs of his sweatshirt up, got up abruptly, and strode towards Director Zhang briskly. Knowing that this is to teach the actor to act against the sky, but not knowing that this is to fight with the actor.

However, Ma Xiaojiang thought to himself: It would be better to fight. Who dares not to save Wen Yuanyu's face? If the car overturns, it's good to be ridiculed, but what if you wear small shoes.

Ran Qiu didn't think so much at all, and he didn't know that his agent could think so much. As he walked, he waved to Zhang Feng, the special invitation to play Ke Qing's mother—a fifty-year-old actress who is still in full bloom. , "Mr. Zhang, please."

What scene has Mr. Zhang not seen? I have never seen such a scene. She smiled awkwardly, and glanced at Wen Yuanyu's face.

Ran Qiu also looked towards Wen Yuanyu, and just as he turned his face away, he met a gaze that couldn't tell what emotion it was. Wen Yuanyu's pupils were deep, and the emotions in his eyes were complicated. He seemed to be thinking about something, and the corners of his mouth drooped slightly, but he didn't look unhappy.

He didn't say anything, looked at Ran Qiu, and stepped back step by step.

Everyone on the set felt horrified. Not only did Wen Yuanyu's "oppression" of Xiaoxianrou not be seen as a big drama, but the onlookers first watched Xiaoxianrou's "brave challenge" Wen Yuanyu... This little Xianrou is really With the wrong line in your mind, do you dare to be so arrogant because you have someone to back you up?

Dao Zhang rushed to Ran Qiu and said, "Teacher Zhang can't play for you, you can act alone."

one person? In such a long scene, does one person talk to himself?

Isn't that a little neurotic?

Ran Qiu paused for a moment, looking at Director Zhang's expression, but he had no choice at this time, and it was impossible for him to retreat before the battle.

Ran Qiu nodded, "One person is one person."

Just when Ran Qiu took the first step towards the rental house, Wen Yuanyu suddenly raised his hand, and a faint smile appeared on his thin lips, "I can play for Ran Qiu."

Ran Qiu turned his head and stared at him for a few seconds, keeping his mouth on a two-tone "oh".

Wen Yuanyu gave a low cough, and casually touched the cuffs of his shirt with his fingers.

Ran Qiu's gaze, which was about to look away, stayed for another two seconds. This is a habitual action of Wen Yuanyu, he has not seen it for a while, before when Wen Yuanyu was nervous or embarrassed, he would do it subconsciously, although not many times.

"It's not necessary for the play, just the words." Director Zhang said, "Let Ran Qiu do the rest."

After Director Zhang finished directing, the melon-eaters suppressed their inner excitement, waiting to see how the actor would make things difficult for Xiao Xianrou's reversal drama.

Ran Qiu and Wen Yuanyu walked to the two sides of the rental house respectively.

Ran Qiu sat in front of the easel in the room, and Wen Yuanyu stood outside the door.

In the corridor, the lights were dim, and the peeling wall paint exuded a damp musty smell. Wen Yuanyu raised his hand to the dilapidated door, hesitated, and knocked on the door.

Hearing a hesitant knock on the door, Ran Qiu put down the paintbrush in his hand, and walked over to open the door with his slippers on. When the door opened, both people inside and outside the room were startled.

Wen Yuanyu's round and full eyes were slightly wide open, and his lips were also slightly parted in surprise and surprise. His eyes seemed to describe, from Ran Qiu's eyebrows, to his eyes, to his face. , looking at his figure again, suddenly stepped forward and hugged Ran Qiu.

Wen Yuanyu clasped his palms tightly on his back, and stroked his shoulders vigorously, as if wanting to pass on the longing deep in his bones to the person he hugged. Ran Qiu's eye circles turned red instantly.

"...Mom, why are you here?" When Ran Qiu opened his mouth, his voice was a little hoarse. He thought of his mother who always loved to cuddle with him, so he raised his hand to wrap Wen Yuanyu's shoulders, and pulled him into his arms .

Ran Qiu felt that the shoulders of the person in his arms were stiff, and the muscles of his back were slightly bowed.

After waiting for a few seconds, Ran Qiu didn't wait for the "son" that should appear in the script, so Ran Qiu could only pick up his next line and pat him on the back comfortingly, "Mom, I'm not very good ."

Then he slowly pushed Wen Yuanyu away, raised his eyebrows, and said to Wen Yuanyu pretending to be free and easy: "Come in and sit, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Wen Yuanyu's eyes were a little red, a bewildering mist filled his deep and deep pupils, and his lips trembled slightly, making him look a lot more fragile than usual.

Ran Qiu waited for him to reply to the line in the script "Son, why did you run out by yourself", but he waited for several seconds, Wen Yuanyu swallowed, but still didn't say a word.

Ran Qiu could only answer his own words, he turned sideways gracefully, and said in a low voice but without hesitation: "Mom, I'm doing well, don't worry about me."

"Okay! Come here!"

Director Zhang yelled to stop, and walked towards the two of them with a dignified voice, "Yuan Yu did a good job. Ran Qiu, you also did a good job, but your arrogant personality needs to be changed. This part is good. It doesn't mean that everything else can act well. Yuan Yu has a lot to learn from him, understand?"

"Understood." Ran Qiu agreed, but couldn't help cursing. Where did Wen Yuanyu perform well? It is said that it is a word, but it is also called a word without saying a word?

After Director Zhang finished talking about Ran Qiu, he focused on Wen Yuanyu, "This is your first rivalry scene. Although it's not a formal filming, Yuan Yu's movements are too stiff, so Ran Qiu is much more natural. Since When you accept a **** film, you still have to try your best to overcome the psychological barrier.”

Wen Yuanyu's eyes darkened, and then he said "hmm".

Director Zhang said again: "Ran Qiu has shown the three layers of emotions I mentioned earlier, have you seen them clearly?"

Wen Yuanyu paused, but did not answer directly, "I will rest for ten minutes, and I will start again after ten minutes."

Ran Qiu nodded to the director, walked back to the entrance of the studio, and sat on the ponytail.

As soon as Liu Nai saw him coming back, he immediately came to him again, with a sticky tone, "Brother, I'm a little worried about the teacher. You said that if the teacher fails..."

Ran Qiu glanced at him, "He's an actor, so you don't need to worry."

Liu Nai groaned: "The main reason is that the teacher still has a fever! I don't know what's wrong with this illness, and he doesn't even take medicine. He used to pay attention to his health."

Liu Nai said a lot of nagging, no matter whether Ran Qiu ignored him, it didn't affect him to keep worrying about Wen Yuanyu.

Ran Qiu's ears hurt when he heard it, and he was a little impatient. He interrupted him in a cold voice, "Wen Yuanyu is so old, he can decide whether to take medicine or not. If he can't act, he will tell the director himself."

After speaking, he took out the mobile phone in his pocket, glanced at the time, got up and walked out of the set with a solemn expression.