MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 24 language of sublimation

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"Investigator" or "Explorer of Time and Space" is not a special occupation of St. Byrence Comprehensive College. The core spirit runes are concepts related to [Time], or ring warlocks who have obtained the related spirit runes of [Time] can pass the level The relics fluctuating from poet level (level 5) to angel level (level 1) [Time Key] travel through time, and explore the past before entering the sixth era.

[Time Key] is a one-time relic, and the eras opened by different keys are different. All the time keys are related to the fallen old **** [Father of the Infinite Tree].

This is an extremely powerful old **** who belongs to the camp of good gods. If he comes into contact with relevant knowledge and traces, he has a chance to obtain the golden [miracle] spirit rune. According to legends and some ancient stele records, [Father of the Infinite Tree] fell in the chaotic era of the Fourth Epoch, but he integrated his body into the continuous infinite time and space with the help of his concept of "infinity", so as to communicate with the past and future.

[Time Key] is the [relic] left by the fallen old god, because the fallen old **** exists in continuous time and space, so you can use his relic to open the time jump, and it is not limited to the fall of the [Father of the Infinite Tree] The time point before the Quaternary period.

It’s just that for some reason, so far, no [Time Key] that can go back to the past time of the Sixth Epoch has ever been found. This is also an important topic for ring warlocks to study time.

In short, the doctor asked Xia De to draw the two spirit runes, and while passing the news of Xia De's core spirit runes to the academy, he briefly introduced the common sense in this area.

Spirit runes belong to the language of the past and are basically non-repetitive. Unless you have seen a spirit rune with the same meaning, you can't make it up, so you can use it to prove that you are not lying.

But before Xia De asked questions such as "what about the stability of time" and "whether there will be a time paradox", the academy's answer came back:

"If Shade Suren Hamilton is willing to join the School of History, the School of History is willing to list him as a key training object and provide him with a keeper-level relic for self-defense after he joins the school."

"What's the meaning?"

Shad looked at the doctor.

"I value your talent, but it still doesn't change your status as a correspondence ring warlock. The key training object means that you don't have to complete more compulsory practical credit tasks, and it is cheaper to buy books in St. Byrence. As for the secret keeper Level (level 3) relic...literally."

The doctor shrugged:

"They've always been like this, they're not stingy with talented people, but they definitely don't break the rules."

"Then I should say yes?"

"Unless you have a reason for refusing."

The writer replied simply, and she picked up her blond hair at the sideburns:

"There's always going to be some focus every year, but I guess that doesn't hurt."

As a result, Xia De successfully became a first-year correspondence ring magician student in the History College of St. Byrence Comprehensive College.

To become a Ring Warlock, one needs to be exposed to four elements, and a Ring Warlock also needs four elements to advance.

For each ring, at least one golden [miracle], silver [blasphemy], brass [enlightenment], and black iron [whispering] spirit rune should be engraved on the life ring, so as to accumulate enough spirits to complete the sublimation of the number of rings .

There is an upper limit to the accumulation of spirits in a certain ring, so engraving four spirit runes is no different from engraving four hundred spirit runes and then sublimating. Even engraving too many spiritual runes has its disadvantages, because the spiritual runes required for each level of advancement must be engraved at this level.

Under normal circumstances, the engraving of spiritual runes is not a simple matter. It is also very important to correctly balance the contradiction between the number of spiritual runes and one's own research on thaumaturgy and incantations.

Warlocks with one to four rings are called low ring warlocks, middle rings from five to eight rings, and high ring warlocks above nine rings.

This kind of division is not because of the number, but when the fourth ring is sublimated and the eighth ring is sublimated, in addition to the necessary four spirit runes, it is also required that among all the sixteen spirit runes in this stage, one for each ring, and the ring The core runes of the Warlock themselves form a series of meanings, which is called the "Word of Sublimation".

Among Dr. Schneider's group, only the doctor from Wuhuan has completed four sublimation himself.

When he was promoted from the fourth ring to the fifth ring, he used the black iron whisper-[Running] at the first ring, the silver blasphemy at the second ring-[Malicious], the brass enlightenment-[Hound Dog] at the third ring, and the fourth ring The golden miracle-[Light], together with its own core rune [Dreamland], constructs a sublimation language from the low ring to the middle ring—

[The hounds of light run in malicious dreams. 】

There is no limit to the types of runes in the language of sublimation, and the doctor just meets four types.

And if the conditions of the language of sublimation are not met, then it will never be possible to promote from the fourth ring to the fifth ring, or from the seventh ring to the eighth ring. And because the four spirit runes used come from different four rings, there is no chance to make up for it.

As for the choice of sublimation words, you can use previous examples to form the [Book of Sublimation] with thousands of records. Ring Warlocks look for examples based on their own core runes, and prepare from the beginning of each stage, so each force regards their own [Sublimation Code] as their most important secret.

In the three stages of low ring, middle ring, and high ring, you can use the same core spirit rune to connect the words of sublimation. Therefore, the large number of core spirit runes is just more options, and it does not have much impact on the difficulty of advancing.

And if you don't want to rely on the experience of the "Word of Sublimation" in the past, or if the core spirit runes are really rare and there are no examples to refer to, then you can only try it yourself. If you are lucky, you can always meet the conditions for sublimation.

However, Xia De will not be eligible to view St. Byrence's Book of Sublimation until half a year later, to determine the choice of the most important spirit rune for his first ring. The college is also worried about the reliability of the correspondence ring warlocks, and it is also necessary to make sure that the correspondence students who become superhumans will not regret it. Moreover, it is difficult for ring warlocks to advance, and half a year is not a waste of time.

Although the number of spirit runes for each ring is not limited, it is quite difficult to obtain the spirit runes. In addition to the required credits obtained through the study exams and the practical credits obtained through the tasks of the college, the promotion of the college grade also requires that one's grade corresponds to the ring number.

Therefore, it is quite normal to study in a grade for two or three years. If you can't find the sublimation language spirit rune string planned in the fourth ring, even if you meet the conditions of the four spirit runes, people will still postpone the promotion time.

Of course, with regard to the teaching materials, the basic courses of ring warlocks, the secret keeper-level relics promised by the history school, and the investigator missions of the history school, all of these will be discussed after the school organizes Shade's textbooks three days later.

At that time, not only will there be the teaching syllabus and training plan given by the college, but all four people in the same group will also be there to give advice to Xia De.

So after confirming to join the School of History, Dr. Schneider announced that Shad could leave.

"Leave now?"

Xia De was still remembering these common-sense things a second ago, so he asked in surprise.

"What else do you have?"

The doctor also asked in surprise.

"I mean, I joined the academy and there was no..."

Miss Louisa, who was still a woman, understood what he meant:

"Mr. Hamilton, that's really all there is to the admissions process. I'll repeat what the doctor said, and please remember that we are correspondence ringers, not closely connected to the academy. We educate ourselves, take knowledge from the academy, and the academy gives us practice Assignments to meet credit requirements. We only do correspondence."

"Oh well."

Xia De, who had been sitting for almost the whole afternoon, stood up, and the doctor and Miss Writer also got up to see him off. The latter has something to find a doctor today, so he can't leave for the time being.

When Xia De was about to come to the door of the room with the two of them, the doctor suddenly said:

"Also, there are two taboos you need to remember. St. Lawrence Comprehensive College stipulates that all ring magicians in this college are forbidden to set foot on the New World. This is a taboo of the academy. The general taboo for ring magicians is that ring magicians are forbidden to commit suicide.

Setting foot on the New World will be considered by the academy to automatically give up student qualifications, and the ring warlock's suicide will at least cause a crisis no less than that of a keeper-level relic out of control. "

The "New World" refers to the great geographical discovery fifty years ago. The land discovered outside the current "Old World" is somewhat similar to the great geographical discovery of the previous world. But there are no humans in the New World, but its products are extremely rich.


Xia De asked puzzledly. UU Reading

"We don't know the rules of the college. As for the prohibition of suicide..."

Miss Louisa looked at the doctor:

"The doctor thinks it probably has something to do with the 'other me', and if we commit suicide, the other me might do something."

The doctor shrugged:

"This is the case for the time being, and we haven't encountered a ring warlock who committed suicide.

Xia De, remember to come over three days later, that is, at ten o'clock in the morning on Wednesday. In addition to college affairs, regular study meetings in the group, and our fixed school year tasks, you also need to know about it. Oh, speaking of which, I can study my own spiritual runes these few days, and I will lend you this notebook. "

Only then did he think of going to the desk, and taking out a black-covered notebook from the locked drawer and stuffing it to Shade, it looks quite old:

"About the development of thaumaturgy with spirit runes, you can try it yourself first, but it may not go well after you gain power. The most important task for you in these three days is to rest. The inauguration of a ring warlock is harmful to the soul and body. You spend your days in bed reading your notes. Tomorrow you will probably sleep until noon... See you in three days, remember you need to pay back £10 in a month."

The farewell was a bit too sudden, but Xia De knew that he had disturbed him for too long, so he sorted out his confused thoughts and said seriously:

"See you in three days, Dr. Schneider, Miss Louisa...Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, I just came here today to testify."

Miss Writer said, but she seemed to be in a good mood.

"You don't have to thank me either, as I said, I just want to find a fifth Ring Warlock for the group."

The blue-eyed doctor looked at Xia De and replied very softly.