MTL - Whispering Verse-Chapter 39 kind world

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"Shard Hamilton, detective."

Xia De also took the initiative to introduce himself when shaking hands.

"Bill has already told me about you. Being able to join is not only your luck, but also our luck."

The old man said cheerfully, Xia De saw the champagne in the ice bucket on the coffee table at this time, it should have been prepared by Dr. Schneider, because the financial situation of Augustus Priest seems to be only better than Xia De.

Priest Rat Augustus is the second ring magician in this group, and he became a correspondence ring magician three years ago.

He is not a local who grew up in the city of Tobesk, but a small town in the south of the Kingdom of Delarion. Influenced by his family, the old priest believed in the righteous God [Mr. Liming] from his youth. He passed the examination of the Tobesk Dawn Theological Seminary in his youth, and joined the Tobesk Dawn Church at the age of 23. He has never married since then. They are all contributing to the church.

Although for 30 years, Priest Augustus did not break away from the status of a priest for various reasons. But no one doubts his piety. The old priest has a high prestige in the church of this parish, and he is very trusted by the clergy and believers in the church of the Dawn Church. Ask him for his opinion on important issues.

Due to the embarrassing relationship between the Correspondence Ring Warlock and the Orthodox Church, Xia De will often need to hide his identity from the Church in the future. Priest Augustus is the best person in the group who has contacts in the Orthodox Church and can settle the Church's affairs.

Although due to his advanced age, the ring warlock's talent is not very good, but he must not be absent in a five-person group.

As proof of mutual trust, Priest Augustus and Shad also revealed their rings to each other. The priest also belongs to the unusual situation in the ordinary situation, but instead of three like Miss Louisa, there is only one core spirit rune [Shimmer].

The identity and core runes of Augustus priests are in line with the requirements of the "Divinity School" of St. Byrence Comprehensive College. But the priest did not join the seminary. He is now a member of the Chemistry Academy, proficient in planting and picking herbs and mixing potions.

In a group of five, Xia De now knows another person. Among the remaining two people who did not arrive, Miss Dorothy Louisa, a writer belonging to the School of Folklore, will probably take some time to come, and the other three-ring magician, Luvia Anat, cannot come today. Some things are not in the city of Tobesk for now.

"Miss Anat is actually different from us. Strictly speaking, she is a ring magician who belongs to the [Prophet Association]. Ant wrote to let us say hello to you. She will not be back until next month, but she didn't It's been a few days, it's next week."

The doctor continued to introduce the situation of this group, and indicated that Xia De, who had finished shaking hands, could sit down wherever he wanted.

"Since she belongs to our group, isn't that lady a correspondence student at St. Byrence?"

Xia De asked suspiciously, and chose to sit opposite Dr. Schneider.

Although Priest Augustus has a church background, he received adult education in the college, so he can be regarded as a correspondence student of St. Byrence. This Miss Anat is completely different.

"No, she is also a correspondence student of the academy. She belongs to the Astronomy Academy and is proficient in divination. As for why she has dual identities, do you know about 'joint training'?"

The doctor asked, Xia De was only puzzled when he heard the lady's information just now, but now he is really surprised, confirming once again that the faction he joined is really a school.

"She herself still belongs to the [Society of Prophets], but is trained in two ways. In fact, St. Byrence Comprehensive College, and many friendly organizations, including Zarath College of Arts and Circus Higher Medical College, but not Churches have such joint training students, you will know later.

But you don't have to think about Anat just because of her identity, just treat her as an ordinary companion. Need tea? Last time I drank good black tea at your place, and I also asked the servant to buy some. "

The doctor asked, Xia De thought for a while:

"Okay,, Miss Luvia Anat is actually the same as us?"

"There's still a difference."

Priest Augustus was fiddling with his old pipe while talking, of course he would not smoke in the clinic, this is just a habitual action:

"In addition to Miss Anat being able to gain knowledge in the academy, the [Prophet Association] can also provide her with convenience. She is highly valued by the ring magicians of the [Prophet Association]. So relatively speaking... "

The priest glanced at the doctor, and the doctor shook his head indifferently, indicating that the gray-haired old priest could continue:

"Although she is only three rings, and is only one ring higher than me in the group, even the doctor is not sure that she can beat her in a non-head-to-head fight. Of course, this also has the abilities of Schneider and Louisa, and it is not suitable for head-on fights." Reason for fighting."

Priest Augustus believes that although ring warlocks have power, this profession is to study the world and explore themselves deeply, not for fighting and killing. In the eyes of the old man, the Ring Warlock is more like a scholar than a mercenary.

His thinking is very similar to that of the doctor. After becoming a correspondence ring warlock, he should not indulge his heart just because he gained power, but should be more humble and cautious.

In other words, the two are gently reminding Xia De to be careful when doing things, and not to participate in things that should not be involved. Patience in reading, engraving spiritual runes to accumulate spirits, reading the notes of predecessors, and learning more thaumaturgy and incantations is the correct life state of a correspondence ring warlock.

Shad therefore suspected that the doctor had told Priest Augustus what happened to him the day before yesterday. Priest Augustus was worried that Shad, having suddenly gained power through the remnants of the Old Gods, was eager to gain more power through similar adventures, so he said this.

Priest Augustus was also a very nice fellow.

"Speaking of which, I'm actually quite curious about one thing."

Now that he mentioned the relationship between ring warlocks and fighting, Xia De asked:

"Since the ring warlock collects the elements themselves, and even has spirit runes engraved because of the elements. Then, can killing the ring warlock gain the power of the opponent, such as spirit runes, such as dissipated elements, or the opponent's elements turned into artifacts? sort of thing."

"Oh, that's a horrible thought."

The gray-haired old priest shook his head, closed his eyes and prayed while holding the holy emblem on his chest. The doctor shook his head seriously, and his blue eyes looked at Xia De:

"Xia De, I don't know where you got such a terrible idea. But killing a ring magician who has nothing to do with you, all you can get is the other party's body, and the guilt that will accompany you for the rest of your life.

From De La Rion to Carson Rico, from the Old World to the New World, from steam-industrial cities like ours to gloomy country cemeteries. Ring Warlocks can appear almost anywhere, but remember, this is the age of civilization, not a dark forest where the weak prey on the strong. If someone takes the initiative to attack you, you can fight back, but don’t kill people for pure profit, UU Reading will make it easier for you to lose control. "

Xia De also understood that what he said was inappropriate, and he was only curious because of the fantasy stories he had read in the past. The outsider doesn't want to gain strength by killing people at all, he just worries that others will do this:

"Sorry, but I'm actually just curious. Yes, that kind of world is too scary... It's as if people can live by eating people."

Priest Augustus, who was holding the holy emblem tightly, looked at Shad, his eyes were not as strict as the doctor's, and the wrinkled eyes showed a soft meaning:

"Although our world is so weird and terrifying, there are countless evil things entrenched, relics of the past era can be seen everywhere, dangerous and mysterious knowledge challenges the limits of normal people's reason at any time, evil gods walking on the ground and peeping at the world, old and new There are giant beasts of the abyss hidden under the continent's ocean, but we are still happy for the existence of the world. Come, gentlemen, and respect this benevolent world."

The old priest said he was moved, and raised the teacup in front of him. The doctor nodded and toasted with satisfaction, while Xia De smiled. No matter how bad his situation was when he came here, it seemed as if the world was compensating him by sending him such good friends:

"To this merciful world."

The three of them said loudly together, the smile of the outsider at the moment came from the heart.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and the blond writer who broke in without knocking did not hear the previous conversation, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw three men holding high teacups, one with a sacred face, one with a serious face, and one with a mouth. smiling.

Miss Louisa looked at the men hesitantly, wondering if she should quit:

"What were you... just doing?"