MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 120 Let you experience the eyesight of a fairy!

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  Chapter 120 lets you see the eyesight of a fairy!

  Fairy Immortal thought very well. Lu Yang was personally cultivated by the elder sister. Her own quality was already unique in ancient times. It is not difficult to leapfrog to fight. She just took this opportunity to show off in the ring.

  She discovered that Lu Yang could indeed leapfrog to fight in ancient times, but that didn't mean he could leapfrog to Daoist sect.

   What Immortal Fairy doesn't know is that Dao Dao Sect is one of the five great immortal sects. Compared with exquisite magic techniques, their unparalleled brains are their signature.

   Wendao Zong has been standing for 120,000 years, not only because of luck, but also because of strength.

   When it came to the period of the nine sons of Wendaozong, the nine sons had their own means, and forcibly raised the strength of Wendaozong by one point.

  For example, the Seventh Elder in charge of Danding Peak, his 100 foundation building experiences when he was young, laid a solid foundation for the later disciples of Daoist sect, and Lu Yang also benefited from this.

  The Seventh Elder put forward a saying during the Dzogchen period of the foundation building period, saying that there is no rule in the world that a person can only have one golden elixir, why not double golden elixir and three golden elixir?

He began to deduce the appearance of the double golden pills and the three golden pills. The trajectory is like a chaotic fog, with no rules to follow.

  With perseverance, the Seventh Elder listed the 18th Tianyuan Form, borrowed the master's spiritual knowledge to calculate the result, and solved the problem.

  But the amount of calculation required for the rotation of the three golden pills is too large, which cannot be tolerated by the golden pill stage, and the three golden pills will die without a problem.

  Although it was not successful, the new algorithm created in the process of solving the problem was of great help to the Seventh Elder.

  Through the research of Wendaozong in the past dynasties, there has been extremely in-depth research on the method of forming alchemy. It is not difficult to form a top-grade golden elixir after laying a good foundation in the early stage and following the process.

   Wendao Zong randomly picked out a disciple, and if he was released to the outside world, he would be a genius. I dare not say that the same level is invincible, but it is still no problem to defeat ninety-nine percent of the same level.

  In the spiritual space, Lu Yang silently looked at Fairy Immortal.

  I understand the truth, but why is Immortal Fairy the one who is useless, and me the one who is ashamed?

  The Immortal Fairy died before she left her teacher.

   "Give me back your body!" Lu Yang regretted letting Immortal Fairy control his body.

The Immortal Fairy taught Lu Yang this junior: "Young students, cultivating immortals is not only about fighting and killing, can it mean that being strong can represent everything? Of course not. Cultivating immortals means knowledge and testing eyesight. There are many good things in the bazaar of Daoist sect. , watch me show you what the eyesight of an ancient immortal is!"

  Lu Yang chose to trust her again.

   "Let's take a look, the glazed blue vase obtained from the relic cave, it's a rare magic weapon."

   "Wolong Jade Pillow, the Wolong Jade Pillow that allows you to practice in the dream world, a special product in the south, definitely a good thing!"

   "Small Redemption Pills, ten contribution points for one pill, buy three and get one free! Buy more and get more free, buy a hundred pills and get free pill recipes!"

   "Let me out, let me out, Jindan stage monks, can accompany you to go out on missions, can endure hardships, and are willing to work, one hundred and twenty contribution points a day!"

   Wendao Zong Bazaar covers everything, from selling cave treasures to selling your own.

   Fairy Immortal controlled Lu Yang's body to squat down. When squatting, she subconsciously put her hands behind her buttocks, and then realized that Lu Yang was not wearing a skirt.

  Lu Yang complained secretly, how fresh, what kind of skirt do I wear?

   "How did you sell this glazed blue vase?"

  The Immortal Fairy fell in love with a vase, and there was a withered flower in the vase. I couldn't tell what kind it was, and I didn't know how long it had been dead.

   "Eight hundred and eighty-eight contribution points."

   "So expensive?!"

"Don't be expensive, junior brother. This glazed blue vase is a treasure I found in the cave of a cultivator in the transformation stage. Look at the exquisite workmanship and the sturdy material. It's worth the money. "Senior brother picked up the glazed blue vase and threw it on the ground, the vase really didn't have any gaps at all.

   "Besides being strong, are there any other advantages? Is the advantage of a magic weapon just being strong?"

  Brother is a little embarrassed. This vase has been in his hands for a long time, but it has never found a real use. The selling point of the publicity can only be that it is strong.

   "One hundred contribution points, I'll buy it back as a display."

   "Brother, you bargained too hard, seven hundred, it can't be lower."

  The Immortal Fairy turned her head and left.

   "Don't rush, four hundred, this is the lowest price!"

   "Two hundred."

  Brother gritted his teeth. This vase has been on display for a long time, but no one has bought it. Today, someone finally wants to buy it. We can't miss this opportunity.

"make a deal!"

   Fairy Immortal showed off to Lu Yang: "Did you see, this is my eyesight!"

  Lu Yang was curious: "Is there any secret hidden in this vase?"

  The Immortal Fairy shook her head mysteriously: "The vase is indeed only hard, but the secret is not in the vase, but in this withered flower!"

   "There is an exercise hidden in this flower, I will explain it to you!"

The Immortal Fairy came to the corner of the market, chanting words, which seemed to be an ancient scripture. With the sound of Lang Lang's scripture, the withered flower was resurrected and became a state of budding. When the flower fully bloomed, A series of characters floated out of the painting.

   Fairy Immortal had an expression as expected, she translated with care, and the result was quickly translated.

"This is an exercise that can be practiced to the stage of refining, called "Glass Transforming Bone Art". The exercise is divided into three stages, non-transforming bones, diamond bones, and glazed bones that have been cultivated to great success. This is the fragment , only the bone-free stage, that is, the part from the Qi training stage to the Jindan stage."

   "If you have the opportunity to enter the ruins, maybe you can find the second half of the practice!"

  The Immortal Fairy is proud of herself, and practiced the remnants of the Qiqi Qigong. In ancient times, it could easily destroy small and medium-sized tribes. I don’t know how many people broke their heads and wanted to practice.

  Lu Yang was silent for a while, and silently recited a passage, Immortal Immortal Fairy was greatly surprised, this is the end of the remaining chapter of "Liu Li Bone Transformation Art".

   "I haven't translated it for you yet, how do you know? Can you understand the meaning of the characters?"

  Lu Yang sighed, and explained: "Tao Dao Zong has obtained the entire exercise from the ruins long ago. I read this exercise as a reference when I was studying the exercise."

   "Elder Sister has also revised several loopholes in the exercises, continued to write the exercises, and deduced that after the glazed bones are immortal bones, the current "Glass Bone Transformation Art" can be cultivated to the peak of the fusion stage."

   "If you're interested, I can take you to see it. It's on the first floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion. You don't need money, just take a look."

   Immortal Fairy: "..."

  You asked why Zong put such a precious exercise on the first floor of the Sutra Pavilion?

  Lu Yang also has a question, he wants to know if the two hundred contribution points can be refunded?

  (end of this chapter)