MTL - With So Many Vests, I Overturned In Front of the School Grass-Chapter 5

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Ding Wenlin was originally beaming today, because he made a fool of Chu Yi a few days ago, but he still succeeded!

Today, I specially came to the gate of No. 1 Middle School to chatter.

As a result, as soon as he walked to the edge of the fence, he was splashed with milk tea before he started talking.

Looking up, the face that was many times prettier than him was looking at him with a smile, it was so irritating.

"Fuck! Chu Yi, you have something wrong with your mother's eyes!" Ding Wenlin looked at the fence in front of him with confidence, "Blind!"

Chu Yi's side is much more powerful than him, and there is no need to say anything. Li Jinhang stepped forward directly, with a face full of my mother, Zaan fired: "Ding Wenlin, you **** owe | **** it?! Looks like him You look like a motherless idiot! When your mother gave birth to you, she forgot to give you a **** head! Shit!"

Ding Wenlin, completely defeated.

He Yu was sure that the old pig Page was standing behind the thin-legged pheasant named Ding Wenlin, so he tugged at Chu Yi's sleeve.

Chu Yi lowered his head and put his ears close together: "Huh?"

He Yu stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear: "That man wearing sunglasses, I saw him go out from my community a few days ago, holding a steel pipe in his hand, still stained with blood... then I picked you up. "

Chu Yi nodded solemnly.

He Yu also nodded.

The two of them have a tacit understanding that everything goes without saying anything.

Ding Wenlin noticed Omega standing next to Chu Yi almost instantly. The two of them stuck together and bit their ears in front of him. No one looked at him!

"I heard that the all-powerful school girl in No. 1 Middle School was blocked by someone two days ago?" Ding Wenlin smiled, the corner of Ding Wenlin's mouth curled up.

He deliberately exposed Alpha's shortcomings in front of Omega, and his face covered with pimples was full of vicious complacency that did not match his age.

"Grandson, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xin Tao held the strawberry juice, his peach blossom eyes burst into laughter, "Ever since your ex-girlfriend dumped you and chased after Chu Yi, you seem to be demented. Do you need it?" I called the Alpha Emergency Center and said that you are going to walk a tightrope for love and have bad intentions."

Ding Wenlin instantly became angry from embarrassment: "Don't be so **** blind!"

"If you ask someone casually, you will see that she confessed to Chu Yi and bought such a big bouquet of roses." Xin Tao looked hypocritically sympathetic, "He didn't even buy it for you, did he? It's a pity, Chu Yi There is an O."

"Xin Tao, I'm sorry | your mother!" Ding Wenlin couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped the fence with a loud "clang".

Xin Tao shrugged his shoulders, and smiled awkwardly: "Just throw sand when you're having fun."

One conflict between He Yu and Chu Yi sparked his boyfriend, and the other sparked his boyfriend, but at the moment they were like two theatergoers, leaning hand in hand and chatting.

"Who is this man, bro?" Seeing the people around him cast their gazes over, He Yu spoke in a timely manner.

"Who knew, he looks so ugly." Chu Yi casually stretched the collar of his school uniform, and patted it without even handing over the corner of his eye.

"Indeed..." He Yu covered his glasses and buried his head on his shoulder, his voice trembling, "It's so embarrassing!"

Ding Wenlin: are so **** dressed like a sack, you have the nerve to call me that!

Chu Yi patted him on the back with a distressed face, and said in a voice that everyone could hear: "Snoring, don't be scared."

Ding Wenlin: "...fuck!"

During class time, there were no students around except them. Ding Wenlin looked around and said something to the old pig Peppa next to him. A group of gangsters suddenly began to climb the fence.

He Yu seemed to see a group of fence zombies.

"Chu Yi, don't think you can run wild for much longer," Ding Wenlin stared at him like a poisonous snake, "You will have to pay the price sooner or later."

"Oh, what price?" Chu Yi responded perfunctorily, his eyes still looking at He Yu, the two people's eyes were entangled, and they were about to turn into butterflies and fly away.

"'re going to die sooner or later!" Ding Wenlin yelled.

"Oh," Chu Yi gave him the first look condescendingly, as if he was looking at a fool, "Remember this knowledge point, people are mortal."

Comrade He Yu, the tool man, nodded at the right time and was patted on the shoulder by Chu Yi as a reward.

Ding Wenlin, Ding Wenlin was about to die of anger, and commanded the hooligans: "Hurry up!"

He Yu looked and saw that there were six gangsters, three of them had knives pinned to their backs by visual inspection, they formed a five-person team, four top A's with explosive combat power, and one BUG—him.

A completely stress-free fight.

The hooligans stared at them, hanging on the fence to stare at them, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little more tense.

Chu Yi reached out to embrace him, pressed his head into his arms, patted him comfortingly, and said in a low voice, "They can't beat your boyfriend."

He Yu nodded solemnly, dutifully nestling in his arms like a fragile little Jiaojiao.

The moment the hooligans jumped down, there was an angry roar from a distance: "Stop all of them!! Don't even try to run away!!"

He Yu shuddered and turned his head.

Their dean Zeng Guanghong rushed over with a dozen security personnel from the school, and none of them escaped. Ding Wenlin, who was in command outside the school, was arrested by all of them.

"What's the matter with you guys!" Zeng Guanghong finished directing the gangsters, turned his head and took the time to interrogate Chu Yi, "Is it skipping class? Is it skipping class? How many times have I said it! Or don't skip class! Don't get caught by me if you skip class! Just can't remember!"

He Yu:?

Chu Yi was suddenly happy, and when he came over, the two brothers patted Zeng Guanghong on the shoulder nicely, and He Yu felt that Chu Yi could take out a box of Huazi from his pocket in a second and hand it over.

"This is not for the safety of the campus. I squatted here purposely, lest these gangsters hurt my classmates." Chu Yi's ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is so ashamed.

"Oh," Zeng Guanghong stared, "Then I still have to praise you for your kindness?"

"Thank you for the compliment, don't be so polite." Chu Yi put his arms around his shoulders with such embarrassment.

"Go to class!" Zeng Guanghong patted his hand away, and was about to turn around when he spotted a strange head out of the corner of his eye.

"You, stop."

He Yu withdrew his foot that was about to slip, turned around and bowed dutifully: "Hello, Director."

"Why are you here? Why aren't you in class?" Zeng Guanghong asked.

"I'm hypoglycemic, brother Chu bought me a drink." He Yuhou's face under the lens was honest and honest, and he never let it out because of his special pheromone, he looked more like a weak chicken Beta.

"Go to the school infirmary for hypoglycemia," Zeng Guanghong waved his hand away with eyes full of gangsters, "Everyone go back to work, and then skip class for a 5,000-word examination per person."

He Yu whispered yes, and the other four lazily agreed, then turned and walked in the opposite direction of the teaching building. After walking two steps, Zeng Guanghong found them, arrested them one by one, and sent them back to the class in person. .

It was the first time for He Yu to receive this kind of treatment, and he deeply felt that rich people can really do whatever they want.

Even if these four big A’s are demolished by the school, it shouldn’t be a problem, anyway, half of the school’s buildings were donated by their parents to build and renovate...

He Yu returned to class and was just in time for the end of get out of class. Just as he got back to his seat, Li Jinhang kicked the chair at the front desk and said impatiently, "Let's change seats."

That little classmate is an Omega, knowing that he doesn't hit an O, he is not afraid, and snorted: "I know that I can't beat you by bullying."

After speaking, he carried his schoolbag and walked away with his head held high.

He Yu lowered his head to play with his phone.

"It's better if you think too far, send a message to Lao Zeng in advance." Li Jinhang sat in the seat he wanted to sit, and his expression immediately became happy, "Ding Wenlin, that bitch-twittering idiot, dared to bring gangsters into the school, let's see if Lao Zeng won't pick it up He has a layer of skin!"

"I'm pointing at you to think of a way, our corpses are cold." Xin Tao held a bag of dried strawberries in his hand, and sat down on his table with his long legs on the ground, like a model.

"Cut," Li Jinhang refused to accept it, and slapped the table with his head like a hedgehog, "Chu Yi alone can overwhelm the whole audience with those bastards."

"What can he do?" Cheng Haoyan put down the book in his hand, and across an aisle, turned his head to torture his soul.

"..." Li Jinhang was at a loss for words, heartbroken, "Comrade Chu Yi, can you have a sense of teamwork! You can't watch us deliver one by one every time because you are lazy! You can go up after delivering them!"

"I'm sorry," Chu Yi naturally took the dried strawberries from Xin Tao's hand, opened it, and put it in He Yu's hand, with a clear-eyed arc on the corner of his mouth, "Keep it up."

Xin Tao looked at his empty hands, shrugged his shoulders, took out another bag from the table, and shared a piece with each of the single brothers.

"Why are you so picky!" Li Jinhang was dissatisfied.

"I'm afraid you're getting fat," Xin Tao patted his dog's head, glanced at He Yu who was acting and feeding Chu Yi with his own hands, and said pointedly: "So much dog food is not enough for you. "

It's a pity that Mad Dog Li couldn't understand, so he snatched the whole bag of strawberries from him and poured them all into his mouth.

Xin Tao: "...a fool is blessed with a fool."

During class, He Yu's phone vibrated like Parkinson's, so he quickly turned off the vibration.

Yuan Zuzong: You are **** hot! The Post Bar is now full of pictures of the two of you! You guys hold hands to drink milk tea! What is the taste of the milk tea Brother Chu bought? ? How does it feel to hold hands with Brother Chu? ? ? Come from the truth! !

Yuan Zuzong: Heaven! I still can't believe that you actually have a PY deal with my innocent brother Chu!

Yuan Zuzong: Beat the ground and cry bitterly.jpg

What comfort.

He Zuizui: It's tasteless, it's not as delicious as the second cup of pearl milk tea, which costs 5 yuan and half the price.

He Zuizui: The feeling of holding hands...His hands are easy to touch, his body is clean, the pheromone smells good, and his muscles are comfortable to hug.

He Zuizui: The years are quiet and good.jpg

Yuan Zuzong: Roll, roll, roll! Brother Chu is dirty! Brother Chu was defiled by you, an old dog!

He Yu deeply reflected.

O defiles A.

It's really exciting to think about it.

He Zuizui: If it is defiled, then I will accept it, which just heals the pain of my lovelorn. Rampant laugh.jpg

Yuan Zuzong: You actually use my Brother Chu as a stand-in? Die!

Just as He Yu was about to reply, another avatar started to flash.

Brother Feng: Come over tonight.

He Yu firmly refused.

He Zuizui: I got off work at four o'clock yesterday, and I still go today, this leader, I am about to die suddenly~

He Zuizui: Something is wrong with your conscience.jpg

Feng Cang looked at that weird "duck" and felt that the little **** on the opposite side had another convulsion.

Brother Feng: No, you have to come over tonight, come to the city center, there is a golden spoon, I don’t worry if it’s not you.

He Zuizui: Brother, I stayed up all night for two consecutive nights, which is against the rules.

He Zuizui: I am reasoning with you.jpg

Brother Feng: Don't call me Brother, I'll call you Dad. It's an emergency. I'll give you more money.

He Zuizui: Arrive at seven o'clock.

Brother Feng: .

He Yu lay down on the table and seized the time to catch up on sleep.

In order to be a father, he sacrificed too much...