MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 630 Invincible China

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After picking up all the talents in the world of Chu and Han, Qin Xiaobai also did not forget to continue to squeeze, the remaining potential value of his garden. [Latest chapter reading..]

It should be known that shortly after the end of the Chu-Han period, it was followed by the rule of the literary period of the Han dynasty, and the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, which was the peak of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, there are still many undeveloped talents in the Chu-Han world.

Zhou Yafu, a famous Western Han Dynasty who is similar to the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms, is better to find, because he is Zhou Bo, and he will directly control Zhou Bo Yao.

And Li Guang, Jia Yi, Yuan An, Yi Dian, Dou Ying, who have no outstanding origins, or talents whose origins are not outstanding, are hard to find.

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai will ask Li Longji to let him search for the talents that have not yet grown up in the Chuhan world.

Anyway, Qin Xiaobai has a growing spirit. As long as he finds it, even if he is still a newborn baby, he can turn it into a talented person.

Li Longji heard the words and turned into a bitter face again. Qin Xiaobai really did not put pressure on his shoulders, but the benefits were not left to him.

Now the talents of the Chu and Han worlds have been Qin, and even the future talents have also agreed, the venues have been hollowed out, and the wool is covered...

"Oh, recently Princess Taiping, I have always said that I want to come to the Chuhan copy to play..."

However, when Li Longji saw Qin Xiaobai’s deputy, you will do it, but if you don’t, you will roll the scorpion and change your aunt’s appearance.

Based on his quick and correct attitude, Li Long expressed his sincerity to Qin Xiaobai, and he must successfully complete the task assigned to him by the organization.

Qin Xiaobai was pleased to see this and announced that he would completely administer the affairs of the Chuhan world to Li Longji.

In the end, Qin Xiaobai also planned to re-enter 500,000 soldiers and horses into the copy world of Chu and Han.

After all, it is not easy to open a world of Chu and Han. It can only be opened once a month. You can go to the Chuhan world to get some soldiers.

As a result, Li Longji was looking for a piece of tofu to die in minutes. Qin Xiaobai did this...

Turned from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the world. A population of 100,000 households was transferred, and 500,000 peasants entered the world of Chu and Han, enriching the world of Chu and Han, whose population was dying after the war, and also eased the financial burden for Li Longji.

Li Longji, who has been harmed by Qin Xiaobai. Suddenly seeing Qin Xiaobai’s good-hearted fishing for him, he was moved to his heart.

However, the actual Li Longji boy is still too simple. He does not know that the East Han main world can still transport three million stone grains inside when opening the copy.

An adult man. If you save something, you can eat a stone and grass for half a year.

Although Qin Xiaobai's five million Zhili army is all riding, it is five million people and five million horses.

But three million stone grain grass, how to eat at least enough for a month, Qin Xiaobai happens to open the Chuhan world once a month, can supply the five million Zhili soldiers and horses in the Chuhan world. need.

However, the supply of three million grains per month is not a small number. Although Qin Xiaobai is a big local tyrant, this year the landlord has no surplus.

more importantly. The number of times the Chuhan world is opened once a month can also be accumulated.

The number of opening times of the Chuhan world will be accumulated, and when you want to use it later, Qin Xiaobai can also choose more flexibly.

If it is used in the supply of horses and horses in the copy world of Chu and Han, it would be too wasteful.

The so-called pressure has power, so Qin Xiaobai will have no festival c, and put the burden of these five million soldiers and horses on Li Longji’s shoulders...


After Qin Xiaobai squeezed the world of Chu and Han, the first thing to return to the Eastern Han Dynasty was to follow the Chuhan world. The plan was made to arrange the talents he brought from the Chuhan world.

The first is the official establishment of the General Staff Office, which includes Han Xin, Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Tai Ping Xiao Loli, among the top four talents who have reached the golden level.

The main role of the General Staff Office is to consult all military affairs. There is no general policy for the future development of the country.

However, because the grassroots of the General Staff Bureau is now barely set up, all aspects are still not perfect, and now the situation at home and abroad is changing rapidly. Qin Xiaobai still feels that he is personally at the helm, so let them temporarily stay in the General Administration. Hang a name first.

But of course, they can't let them so idle, so Qin Xiaobai let them start part-time.

Taiping Xiao Loli continues to be responsible for the development of the gold territory. And maintain the central operation of Qin Xiaobai's forces.

Xiao He, Qin Xiaobai gave him the post of Jing Zhao Yin.

As one of the three major sections of Qin Xiaobai's Zhili forces, and the most affluent Si Li area, it is undoubtedly a very important place.

After Qin Xiaobai swallowed the area of ​​Si Li, the government affairs of the Si Li area have always been responsible for the temporary handling of the nephew. Now that there is a golden-level political attribute of Xiao He, it is natural that this important place should be given to Xiao He to govern.

In this way, you can also liberate your nephew from the busy government affairs. You must know that Qin Xiaobai is a good boss who is very painful and secret.

Of course, only the little secret is not busy, the boss has time to play tricks...

As for Zhang Liang, Qin Xiaobai naturally left it with him.

In the past, although Qin Xiaobai’s intellectual property was against the sky, he was only able to defend. Now, with Zhang Liang, it is completely different. It can be attacked and defended, and it can be retreated. In the future, it will be completely arrested.

In the last Han Xin, Qin Xiaobai fulfilled his promise and sealed it as the deputy marshal of the world.

Although Qin Xiaobai's commanding ability and Han Xin are not much different, Han Xin's commanding attribute is still higher than three points.

In this case, when Qin Xiaobai wants to fight for the troops, he will go cool. In the rest of the time, you can justify the righteousness, let the singer let the more capable person, and then he will run to the side to be the treasurer.

At the same time, the soldiers and horses under the name of Qin Xiaobai are still personally led by him, but there is also a huge advantage in letting Han Xin come to the actual command.

That is, not only can Qin Xiaobai personally control the soldiers, the positive influence of the main princes on the soldiers, but also the skills of Han Xin's skills and Qin Xiaobai at the same time.

After all, loyalty to the country is an intrinsic psychological effect, and more and more good will require the actual command of the external commander.

The loyalty to the country, more and more good, these two greatly increased morale, military, organizational skills, superimposed in the tens of millions of troops, is unimaginable and powerful.

In the past, after returning from the copy of the Great Song, Qin Xiaobai, who possessed the attributes of Yue Fei and the loyalty to the country, was enough to make Qin Jun fat and completely stabilize the dominance of the central court.

Now if Han Xin is added and the skills of the two are allowed to work at the same time, Qin Jun is really invincible.

Even now, all the princes in the Huaxia District, including the players' tyrannical powers, may not be Qin Xiaobai’s. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks: meditation ~ peace of mind, 灬彳方彳皇, **** stars of the years, 汝 is my love, hovho, ah oh hahaha okay, pharyngeal feathers, the dead Xia Xuan, the battlefield battlefield, slutty chase Dream, the sorrowful readers of Fengmu, support for the black ink o(n_n)o~

