MTL - With the Famous Name of the Three Kingdoms-Chapter 686 I want to play 8...

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"Or, we will continue to wait and see for a while..."

Although it was a very attractive choice to invade China with the Eight-Power Allied Forces, in the end, the Southeast Asian countries still did not dare to do it.

After all, Qin Xiaobai's record of leading China's creation is too strong. Even now, after triggering the historical plot of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, Huaxia has become increasingly thin, but Yu Wei is still there.

Perhaps China will eventually collapse, but it is foreseeable that the first batch of small countries will definitely have no bones, so Southeast Asian countries continue to remain neutral in this trembling complex mentality. Attitude is watching things develop.


"Why, is this the rhythm of our group?"

The players in the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and other countries in Europe and the United States, at first, were a bit embarrassed. I don’t know how to do it, and I entered the war with Huaxia directly, and opened the portal. They can directly attack China in direct disregard of the distance gap.

But then, the players in Europe and the United States are also in full swing, and under the call of the top players in Europe and America, they have begun to mobilize.

However, compared to Japan’s excitement and excitement, it can be compared to the mentality of burning and looting, and the moods of European and American countries are all painful...

Because in the eyes of ordinary players in Europe and the United States, they and China are innocent and invincible, at least not as big as Japan's enmity, let them expedition to China, it is better to fight against the death of the European continent.

But there is no way, who is called Huaxia is too strong, its land area is the top three in the world, the population is the world's first, and the mineral resources are extremely rich.

Such potential is undoubtedly the most likely to become the world hegemon in the future.

What's more, nowadays, Huaxia has also released a Qin Xiaobai. Under his command, Huaxia's eastward expedition to the south has been levying a northward battle, and it has frequently slammed the internal and external troubles, and it seems that there is no one to stop.

Under this premise, basically, as long as the country has a little bit of competition for the world hegemon, basically want to give China a scorpion, let Huaxia slow down its footsteps to dominate the world.

Nowadays, there is such a great opportunity to be placed in front of them, and we can ignore the geographical remoteness. The Eight-Power Allied Forces attacked China.

This naturally can not help but the players in Europe and the United States are not on the heart, so they have also actively mobilized.

Therefore, it is said that the players in Europe and the United States want to invade China. It is better to say that they are afraid of China, so it is better to say that they are faced with a strong, and they must form a weak alliance.

But of course, the ambitions of this weak alliance are not small. Since God gave them such a good opportunity, they naturally have to make good use of it. They all hope that this war can hit China, it is best to kill it, or to completely eliminate the roots. Give up the melon...


Finally, the interior of China.

From the outside world, after they heard the news, they were all shocked by everyone.

After the Chinese inside learned the news, it had not turned over, and at least it had to be the same as Japan, which was defeated in the Korean Peninsula at that time.

However, in fact, it is not exactly what they imagined. At the beginning of the announcement of the system announcement of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, the players in China were indeed a little surprised, but they were just surprised.

Because in the face of this historical plot of the national disaster level, they are actually used to it...

I know that there is chaos in the yellow towel, Dong Zhuo is chaotic, I don’t know, there are five chaos.

The various crises and turmoil faced by China have already made the nerves of Chinese players very tough...

In addition, because of the existence of Qin Xiaobai, leading China to live through the difficulties again and again, making the power of China to have a peak.

And their confidence in Qin Xiaobai has reached a point of quite iron powder.

Therefore, let alone now face the Eight-Power Allied Forces, even if it is said that China will play ten, one hundred, or even single-handedly the world, they do not expect to feel much panic.

Maybe, people will be pleasantly surprised. After all, they have pressed their wives to Qin Xiaobai. When Huaxia is singled out the world, there will be not only Japanese maids, but also blue Persian cats and blondes. Horse...

The ordinary players in China are so calm. As the head of China, Qin Xiaobai, who has known this for a long time, is naturally more calm, and even praised.

Because he has successfully dug the pits of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, he waited for the Eight Kingdoms to jump into the pit.

As early as the beginning of the Korean war on Japan, Qin Xiaobai began to plan the layout, and from the outside world, the only thing he did was to simply assemble the South China Army in the northern Xinjiang.

This is a normal thing in the outside world. Qin Xiaobai is dealing with Wuhu, the northern part of the country. Now he has smashed the five hu, and the natural south is south.

The focus of their attention at that time was to declare war on South Korea in Japan, to destroy the country in South Korea, and then to declare war on Japan against Japan, and Japan was annihilated in the DPRK and the ROK. This series of eye-catching wars.

In fact, they do not know that Qin Xiaobai’s dispatching of troops within China’s interior is the real focus.

Qin Xiaobai, who knows the direction of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, has already dispatched all the major troops back to arrange an ambush.

This is also the reason why Qin Xiaobai only took a million cavalry units when he rushed to the Japanese army on the Korean peninsula. Of course, it is more important because Qin Xiaobai has this confidence.

As for this world, because of his sake, Huaxia is too sharp and revealing, so that the eight countries have also strengthened the power of aggression against China, but this does not have to worry about because of his sake, all the current national strength of China is also It has been greatly improved, and with the burden of smashing the five hustle and bustle, at this moment, China has truly turned all its potential into strength.

The only thing that worried Xiao Qinbai was that once the war was waged as a protracted war, China’s financial resources might not support it.

After all, China’s turmoil has been ruined, and the financial situation is indeed in jeopardy. Even if there are two golden roads to support, it will take some rest and recovery to fully recover.

So before, Qin Xiaobai did not take the initiative to provoke the Eight Kingdoms after he finished the Wuhu, and even if he moved later, he also tried to make a quick decision.

Now, this little worry has been completely thrown into the clouds by Qin Xiaobai.

In Qin Xiaobai, a pre-sale of Japanese maids, received a lot of players inside and outside China, so that his financial resources once again burst, the problem of small money is completely unnecessary, and even squandered.

In this situation of taking advantage of it, Qin Xiaobai is afraid of the Eight Kingdoms, and it is better to fight if he wants to fight.