MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5 challenge

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After a month!

In the middle of the night, on the top of a mountain in the mountains, there is a burst of green awns, which are seen from a distance, like a star descending on a mountain. In order to avoid the vision caused by cultivation being discovered, Shen Xiang borrowed medicine to come to the remote mountain forest to practice.

In order to ingest more aura, Shen Xiang climbed to the foothills in order to sense the wind and thunder between the heavens and the earth. At this time, I saw the clouds above the mountains tumbling, the wind was raging, and occasionally the clouds flashed. Thunder and lightning, the lightning fell straight down, hitting the mountains, as if to open the mountains.

This amazing vision was triggered by Shen Xiang’s cultivation of Qinglong. The squally wind and thunder lightning are all attracted by his cultivation for a whole day. At this moment, lightning is beaten on his body, not only can heen his body, but also allow him to take in the power of powerful lightning. .

This kind of move can be described as crazy. It is necessary to know that the thunder and lightning is the most devastating phenomenon of nature. Even if it is a high-powered warrior who is in the realm of Zhenwu, he does not dare to face it at will, but the Qinglong cultivator of Shenxiang’s cultivation needs to use the sky. Lei assisted.

This strange scene continued until midnight, and Shen Xiang’s face, which was distorted by suffering, slowly recovered. The clothes on his body had already been smashed, and there were many scars of black smoke. However, the bruises flashed on the scars, and the blue light braved the strong woody attributes to repair the injury.

"What is this pain? I want to be strong!" Shen Xiang clenched his fists, shouting in his heart, enduring the wave of lightning strikes, biting his teeth and enduring the pain, letting the lightning quench his body.

It is not a magical power, it can not only cause a vision, but also allow the body to withstand the thunder of lightning, fight the body and make the body stronger.

A few days later, Shen Xiang’s body was beaten by lightning, and at this time he had completed the basic hardening!

Shen Xiang has a pair of eyes, and two lightnings burst out from the pair of sturdy scorpions.

"Shen gong is a magical power, and it is not something that can be compared with the martial arts! It is only one month, let me enter the five-fold martial arts!"

At this point he has entered the fifth place in the martial arts!

Shen Xiang looks at the five true vortexes in Dantian. As long as he grows stronger, he can let him control the infuriating heart. This is the true atmosphere of Wu Wujing!

He is sixteen years old and has the strength of five martial arts. He is also a genius!

Shen Xiang looked at the red and blue infuriating from his hands. One was the fire attribute and the other was the infuriating nature of the wood. Explain that he has initially mastered the Qinglong Shenong and Zhuque.

At this time, Shen Xiang only felt that he was like a reincarnation. Whether it was flesh or infuriating, he was tyrannical. After all, it was the infuriating spirit of cultivation and the cultivation of the body.

At this time, Shen Xiang realized that the power of God is a magical power, that is, the practice that enables people to cultivate into God!

"There is too much aura here. If you want to make a spurt, you can only pass the remedy! You can now release the infuriating fire and you can start learning alchemy." Su Meiyao told him.

Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou also hope that Shen Xiang can grow up quickly, so that they can restore their strength as soon as possible, and there is no power to make them feel fear.



"Hey, isn't this a big son? The genius's genius alchemist challenges you and says that you want to compare with you and Dan."

When Shen Xiang just entered the Shenjia Gate, he saw a arrogant teenager telling him.

"Challenges? When is the matter?" Shen Xiang was surprised, but he went out for ten days.

The boy smiled disdainfully: "You didn't know it. We thought you were afraid to hide it! This is a matter of ten days ago. Who made your fiancée look at the genius of the drugstore? Here you Unlucky."

Shen Xiang had the urge to swear, but he endured it and smiled. "Shen Zhenhua, do you remember that when you were a child, I was smashed by a dog? You shouldn’t want to see me ugly now?"

The young boy named Shen Zhenhua is the son of a branch of Shen family. There are many branches of Shen family, all over the country of Nanwu. The commanders are also very strong. Only some important things will gather in this Shenjia Mountain Villa.

Shen Zhenhua's face was full of anger, but he endured it and sneered: "Of course, let's see how you are beaten by the pharmacist genius. I really want to see how you lost the fairy-wife's fiancee."

After that, Shen Zhenhua laughed and left.

Shen Xiang snorted and hurried away to find his father. On the way back, he heard that Shen’s family had an accident, so those branches would come back.

Tianhu Park, in a study.

Shen Xiang rushed in and hurriedly asked: "Daddy, Grandpa, he retired from the position of the patriarch, is this true?"

Shen Tianhu looked dignified and nodded. "It's true! Your grandfather retired. He should go to the martial arts sects. The leaders of the Shen family will come here to compete for the patriarchal position."

The Shen family's long abdication, which means to choose a new patriarch, there may be many things happening at that time, because the patriarchs of Shen Jiaxuan will have many battles over the years, and injuries are inevitable.

When the patriarch of the martial arts family can master the supremacy of power and have rich resources, many people will fight for it.

Shen Xiang’s father will also compete for the position of the patriarch. At that time, Shen Xiang will certainly be involved. If he does not have strength, it is quite dangerous.

The position of the patriarch of Shen’s family has never been passed down. They all rely on competition. After all, this is a world of strength and respect. Only by showing strong strength can people be convinced, so to be a family leader, you can be convinced.

Shen Xiang saw Shen Tianhu’s face very dignified and carefully asked: “Daddy... is it tricky?”

Shen Tianhu sighed and said: "It is very tricky. There will be several people who compete with me for the position of the patriarch. Two of them are my most scrupulous... I don’t say this, the genius of the pharmacist challenges you. Go and reject him."

Refuse? After learning about the challenge, Shen Xiang did not think about rejecting it. He is now a Wuwu Wuwu martial artist, and he is still cultivating his martial arts. Because he cultivates the Taiji god's functional restraint, Shen Tianhu can't find his son flying fast.

"Daddy, I can't let Xue Jia and the pharmacist look down! I have to fight!" Shen Xiang's eyes are firm and he has a war. The body suddenly has a thick and pure instinct, which makes Shen Tianhu's pupil shrink. Shocked in his heart, he can see from his infuriating that his son is not the same.

Shen Tianhu can think of what must happen to his son, but he does not ask much. He is also very happy to see his son strong.

Shen Tianhu’s big hand rested on Shen Xiang’s shoulder and laughed loudly: “Daddy supports you, you must let the pharmacy know what is called heaven!”

Shen Xiang smiled and said: "Daddy, can you support me to pay for it?"

Although Shen Xiang has a powerful father, he is very poor, and his father is worried that he will become a beggar, so he has always let him lead a simple life, which leads to the appearance of the grandfather of the patriarch.

Although Shen Tianhu is powerful, in order to improve his own strength, he also spent a lot of time in order to help Shen Xiang collect the medicinal herbs, so he is not allowed to spend money.


"I want to buy some elixir to plant." Shen Xiang whispered, his eyes turned.

Planting elixir, it is a very in need of experience, and needs to be carefully cared for. The people who usually grow elixir are also the people of alchemy. They are all the old men with white hair. The young people are very rare. I have no experience, and I have no patience. I have to know that some elixir will take many years to mature.

For the first time, Shen Tianhu saw a ten-year-old kid who was going to make a potion. However, he saw Shen Xiang’s pair of nephews with confidence and grievances and took out a storage bag.

"If you are playing, I will smash your ass, let you feel that sitting on a stool is a nightmare within a month." Shen Tianhu smiled and let Shen Xiang shudder.

"Three thousand big money! If you do not have the confidence to double the three thousand spirits, don't ask me for money later." Shen Tianhu took out a specially made spiritual money ticket.

Shen Xiang smiled and took it over and said: "Do not worry, I am a man who wants to be the youngest alchemist in Shen family!"

Shen Tianhu was shocked. He naturally knew that Shen Xiang is not the one who has no spirituality. He is also happy in his heart. If that is the case, then Shen will be more powerful, and you must know that Shen has been for many years. Did not go out of the alchemy.

Shen Tianhu laughed loudly: "Take me to go toss, don't give me any tricks, just wait for you! I will help you respond to the pharmacy."

Shen Xiang got three thousand big money and left in a hurry.