MTL - World Defying Dan God-Chapter 5228 Beads of God

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Granny An beat her up and asked, "Senior, can I have a look at your alchemy furnace? Just to see the internal structure."

"Of course, you can just look at it." Chen Xiang nodded and said, and looked at the lid of the World-Proud Stove.

The internal structure of the Aoshi Divine Stove is actually very complicated, because there is a lot of space inside.

Over the years, Chen Xiang has stuffed a lot of things inside the World-Proud Stove, and Sister Xiaojing has also separated many separate spaces inside.

In fact, the Aoshi Divine Stove is not just a stove, it has a hole in it, and it is also a storage artifact close to infinite space.

There is also the switching of multiple spaces. For example, the interior of the Aoshi Sacred Stove that Granny An saw is clean. A normal internal space of the Sacred Stove is only as big as a large water tank.

However, after Chen Xiang closed the lid, he could switch out the space at will, and then refine that space.

After many years of transformation by Sister Xiaojing, several small spaces can be divided inside the Aoshi Divine Stove, which is equivalent to multiple alchemy spaces inside the alchemy furnace, which can refine many things at the same time.

This is the power of the Aoshi Sacred Furnace, so if Chen Xiang has enough medicinal materials, he can refine many furnace pills at the same time through the multiple refining spaces inside the Aoshi Sacred Furnace.

The premise is that he must be strong enough to control so much.

Granny An looked very carefully. What Chen Xiang showed her was very ordinary. Even so, Granny An looked at it for a long time, and even tapped lightly.

"The material seems to be very good!" Granny An also unleashed her soul and divine power to detect it, and found that the Aoshi Stove looked ordinary, but it seemed very extraordinary.

"It's definitely not as good as yours, but I'm used to it." Chen Xiang smiled.

"What kind of material is it made of? It's not the common alchemy furnace material, so I don't know much about it! I don't know about refining equipment, but I know about alchemy furnaces. I always feel that this alchemy furnace is very unusual." Granny An The more I look at it, the more weird it becomes.

Chen Xiang secretly admired Granny An, because he had tried his best to make the World-Defying Stove look ordinary, but Granny An still found something.

Chen Xiang said: "The materials are all miscellaneous materials. In fact, I don't know it myself. I just used it for many years, and I got used to it, so I just kept using it."

Granny An asked, "How many years have you used it?"

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "I don't remember, tens of thousands of years, maybe hundreds of thousands of years."

"What?" Granny An was taken aback: "It hasn't been bad for so long?"

"Their flames are not strong, so of course they won't burn out! The materials are all from heaven and earth, and the good materials between heaven and earth. It's normal for weak flames to last hundreds of thousands of years." Niu Chao said.

"No, although my flame is not particularly strong, I think this stove can withstand my flame." After Granny An finished speaking, she released her divine fire.

Chen Xiang didn't stop him either, he also wanted to see how strong the flames of the alchemists of Absolute Beginning Heaven and Earth were.

The divine fire released by Granny An through the divine power of Absolute Beginning is indeed very strong, much stronger than Chen Xiang's.

But Chen Xiang believed that if he could cultivate the Absolute Beginning Divine Orb, the flames released would be stronger than theirs, because there are also methods of controlling fire and cultivating flames in the Heavenly Alchemy Technique, which are also common in the Absolute Beginning world.

Granny An put away the flame, frowned, and said: "This pill furnace seems to be better than ours."

She turned her head to look at the glittering golden alchemy furnace, it was a high-grade alchemy furnace that was close to a king-grade artifact.

If Chen Xiang's alchemy furnace is better than theirs, then it is the royal artifact of the Absolute Beginning Heaven and Earth.

Chen Xiang is from ancient times. Granny An's Taichu Academy also has a collection of many ancient artifacts. In their eyes, they are all antiques, and the materials used are very poor.

After the birth of the Absolute Heaven and Earth, many stars shattered and fell on the Absolute Beginning Heaven and Earth, and the energy erupted from the birth of the Absolute Beginning Heaven and Earth strengthened the fragments of the stars a lot, and then turned them into many ores.

The artifacts of the primordial world are all forged from the powerful materials that are transformed from the stars, and the artifacts that are casually forged are much stronger than those in ancient times.

So in the eyes of Granny An and the others, artifacts from ancient times can only be regarded as antiques, after all, no matter how good the materials were at that time, that's all.

However, the alchemy furnace in Chen Xiang's hand subverted Granny An's understanding of ancient artifacts.

Chen Xiang nodded and said: "This alchemy furnace has been with me for a long time, and has experienced a lot."

Niu Chao was surprised: "Could it be that this is a royal artifact? Impossible!"

Granny An shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, I'm not a refiner... I just think that this pill furnace can create a very natural and harmonious feeling with the flame, and it can make the flame very peaceful."

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Grandma An, maybe your fire control ability is very strong."

Granny An shook her head and said: "No, my flame character is of the more irritable kind, which also makes it difficult for me to advance to the next level in the alchemy. However, my flame has become peaceful in your alchemy furnace. A lot. I never thought that the Pill Stove could change the character of the flame."

"Flame personality?" It was the first time Chen Xiang heard such a statement.

At this time, both Chen Xiang and Niu Chao could see that Granny An liked Chen Xiang's alchemy furnace very much, her eyes were full of envy and excitement.

"That's right, the flames we release through the divine power of the beginning all have their own personalities. And it's hard to change, it's just like that." Grandma An sighed: "Many people can release flames, and they are also very good at controlling fire. But when it comes to alchemy, the flame personality will be very hot, making it impossible to make alchemy."

Chen Xiang didn't know what was going on, he thought that it was most likely that the Dao of Absolute Beginning of Heaven and Earth was not perfect, or that the divine power of Absolute Beginning was too strong, which caused the flame to appear in this situation.

Granny An said again: "Senior, your alchemy furnace can make the flames very peaceful. How did you do it?"

Of course, Chen Xiang didn't know how to do it, because the Aoshi Stove has always been like this, just now it was under his control that Granny An's flame could burn in the furnace, otherwise, if the Aoshi Stove repelled her, her flame would be repelled come out.

Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't know either!"

At this time, someone also sent ten Earth Fire Orbs, so that Chen Xiang could start alchemy.

Granny An took out a set of medicinal materials to Chen Xiang, which were three divine fruits, namely white, black and transparent.

There is a divine fruit that is transparent, like a crystal, and it feels soft in the hand.

Granny An said: "Senior, with these three divine fruits, you can refine the Pearl of Transformation Pearl. If you can refine it, the Pearl of Transformation Pearl will be yours."

Niu Chao was surprised: "Grandma An, did you give him such a high-quality pill from the beginning?"

Chen Xiang also said before that he had to try with low-quality medicinal materials.

Granny An said: "He has this alchemy furnace... If this senior has rich experience in alchemy, he might be able to succeed."