MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section 6: High Risk (below)

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Section 6: High Risk (below) ("")

Through the information transmitted by [Geng Jinqi Mang], Zuo Mo can clearly feel the tyrannical affliction of locusts and the strong rejection of [Geng Jinqi Mang].

God's knowledge of God, never had an impact, so that Zuo Mo lost control of [Geng Jinqi Mang].

Strong self-satisfaction, in the face of the violent consciousness of the locusts, he did not back down. In the eyes of the cold mangling flashed away, urging [Geng Jinqi Mang], has long been eager to move [Geng Jinqi Mang] immediately pounced on the locusts!

[Geng Jinqi Mang] Like a myriad of tiny gold sands, they are wrapped in aphids, constantly leaving a very fine wound to the mites.

Although these translucent mites are so small that they are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, their knowledge is very weak, but they can bring together the knowledge of each locust to form a **** that is thousands of times stronger than their individual. This **** is full of tyranny, destruction, and destruction!

In addition, they constantly secrete gels to repair their injured body.

This is a fierce battle!

Zuo Mo probably can't think of it, but it is just an attempt to use [Geng Jinqi Mang], it will evolve into such a situation!

He completely forgot, this is just an ordinary attempt. His mind was completely immersed in this battle, immersed in the group [Geng Jinqi Mang]. Desperately urging [Geng Jinqi Mang], rushing toward the locusts again and again.

No one will be like him, pinning his knowledge on [Geng Jinqi Mang], which is too dangerous.

He has never experienced a battle, his knowledge is extremely fragile, a little careless, and it is easy to be dispelled by a more powerful god. Switching to a person, it is very likely that you will become an idiot. However, the tyrannical genius of the locusts not only did not dispel the ignorance of Zuo Mo, but it aroused the fierceness in Zuo Mo's bones. He was like an angered lion, madly pounced on the enemy!

In nature, the weak are always afraid of the strong.

When Zuo Mo’s knowledge became more fierce and mad, the inferior locusts instinctively feared.

The original stalemate of the battle quickly fell to the left.

[Geng Jinqi Mang] is desperately torn, and a locust is disintegrated and crushed. Only the pile of mites is left behind. It is also strange to say that the gag-killing of the locusts is mild and harmless to the Linggu plants.

When the last locust was killed, Zuo Mo finally retired from the tragic killing. He was just like fishing out of the water, soaked in sweat, gasping, beast-like eyes, fierce.

After a while, the murderousness in his eyes gradually receded, and he could no longer hold it. He sat down on the ground.

Until then, he was afraid after a while.

"It's no wonder that Ling Zhifu is so few, this stuff is not careful, it is easy to kill!" While gasping, Zuo Mo patted his chest. Before, he always thought that planting was a safety industry. I didn't expect it to be so dangerous!

There was no strength at all. He simply sat in the Lingtian for half an hour before he climbed up and moved to the quiet room.

He needs to add spiritual power, and the physical strength is completely drained, and there is no one left.

I don't know if it is too tired. This time I will enter the state very quickly.