MTL - World of Cultivation-~ Section VIII Counterattack [First]

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"Everyone is uplifting!" Zou Fanxun screamed at the guards, looking at the wind and the raging wind outside, and his heart was a little uneasi.

The Minghai warehouse where he is stationed is an important distribution center for Tianhuan, which has accumulated countless materials. These materials are transported from various locations and are shipped here and transported to designated locations. Most of them are medium- and low-level materials, and the variety and quantity are amazing, so the size of the warehouse is equally amazing.

Here is the material transportation hub of Tianhuan. The importance of Tianhuan is self-evident. Therefore, the Minghai warehouse is stationed in a complete war department, in addition to a large number of master protection. However, a few days ago, the ring owner stationed in the Minghai warehouse, leaving with the top three warehouses, said that it is an extremely important task.

Zou Fan, who is cautious and cautious, has some uneasiness. The Minghai warehouse is the weakest moment at the moment.

If the enemy is attacking at this time...

The idea made his heart tremble, but he shook his head and was unlikely. Mo Yunhai is now being completely suppressed by Tianhuan, and there is a lot of effort in dealing with them.

And such a bad weather, it is impossible to travel.

The Minghai world is the real wind and snow world. Every year, about 90% of the weather is snowy days. And the wind and snow here, mixed with a lot of wind and snow, make it almost a snow and ice death. Those who can survive here are powerful ice and snow monsters.

The transportation fleet is also difficult to move in such a snowy day. As for the ordinary repairers, it is impossible to fly in such weather, and countless winds and sleds will smash them.

The location of the Minghai Sea is extremely important. There are no other boundaries nearby and it can only be passed through here.

Such a blizzard is very rare, and it can be considered a big help for himself.

Despite this thought, Zou Fan has strengthened the guards of the warehouse. His eyes swept through the dense ban, and his heart was uneasy and dispelled a lot. The prohibition here is like a fortress.

Although Zou Fan is only a silver warrior, his attitude is rigorous, he is solid and trustworthy, so he was sent to guard the Minghai warehouse. The war department under his command is much larger than the average war department, and it is completely built in accordance with the standards of the gold war.

Suddenly, Zou Fan’s eyes condensed.

In the snow, there is a faint blue figure.

Zou Fan’s heart suddenly mentioned, but there are three lines of defense in front. How did this person come in? A strong sense of danger instantly filled his mind, his face changed greatly, and his voice shouted: "The enemy!"

The entire warehouse suddenly became a mess, the alarm sounded incessantly, and the banned light illumined. The entire warehouse seemed to wake up from sleep, shrouded in a compelling light.

The guards continue to enter the ban, and all look nervous, as the enemy!

The blue figure is getting closer and closer, and the violent snow seems to be nothing.

In the blizzard, the blue figure gradually became clear, and the graceful curve, holding an umbrella, was full of ambiguous beauty.


Zou Fan’s pupil suddenly shrank, and a strong sense of danger rose to his heart. In such a violent wind and snow, a woman appeared. This is not a good sign!

The danger of the other party is self-evident.

"All bans, ready to attack!" Zou Fan decisively issued an order.

In the snow and snow, looking at the fortress in the distance, the two ice-blue wafers in the eyes of the visor lighted a slight radiance. After ten thousand years, she stood on the battlefield again!

Her snowy mood is rare and excited.

How lonely is the totem that is buried in the incense of the temple.

The battlefield should be the home of the totem!

Born in the tribe, powerful and totem, enjoy countless worship, enshrine, and lead the tribe, shelter the tribe, fight for the tribe, and never give up, it is for glory!

The glory of the totem!

The glory of the distant, the glory of the past, in the name of 岚, will bloom!

The ice umbrella in the hand is tight, and the squat shape disappears into the snow.

"Be careful!" Zou Fan's pupils shrank again and screamed.


A loud noise, the ground of the snow blasted open, dozens of feet of snow wall rose from the ground, rushing toward the warehouse like a sea!

In an instant, countless rays of light sprang from the fortress.

Almost subconsciously, almost all the guards did not hesitate to launch a ban, only to see the radiance of various colors, like a raindrop on the snow wall!

The snow wall was instantly torn apart, and the turbulent airflow and blizzard were mixed together to raise the snow.

Wherever the vision is, a piece of whiteness.

not good!

Zou Fan jumped in his heart and didn't wait for him to react. A blue shadow flashed away in the corner of his vision.


Numerous ice ridges are like rainstorms on bananas, not far from the mask, and instantly broken.

Puff puff!

A blood column shot, not splashed to the ground, it was condensed into a grain of snow by the incredible cold, sprinkled in the snow.

The guards widened their eyes and the cold spread in their bodies. In the blink of an eye, they frozen into ice.

I fell on my back, oh, smashed!

Wind and snow have become the enemy's best helper, and numerous ice ridges have emerged from the snow. These icy horns have amazing power, even the defensive mask of the warehouse, in front of it, can not be hit!

A few figures approached the C position at a very fast speed. Zou Fan was a little bit in the heart. These people were usually arrogant and tight, so that they did not drop the chain at the crucial time.

"C-bit!" Zou Fan Shen: "[天锁] ready!"

The voice was degraded, and I saw countless bright plaids. I suddenly flew out of the depths of the warehouse and quickly flew into the sky. In a twinkling of an eye, a circular aperture appears above the warehouse, the diameter of the aperture is more than ten miles, and numerous bright variegations flow indefinitely.

[Tian lock] is one of the most powerful bans in the Minghai warehouse, designed to deal with masters, especially those who are masters of power. The strength of the other party is unpredictable, and it is definitely a master of power!

This is definitely not good news for Zou Fan.

At present, the development of the ban is relatively lagging behind, and the types of bans that can deal with the masters of divine power are scarce. However, due to the important position of the Minghai warehouse, there is a special ban on the ability to deal with divine masters.

This is the [day lock]!

As long as the few guys are entangled in the enemy, [Tian Lock] can imprison the other party.

A few figures fought with each other at a very fast speed. With the strength of Zou Fan, only a few gray shadows and a blue shadow were erratic.

"Locked!" Surprise.

"Attack!" Zou Fan did not hesitate to order.

The aperture shrinks and shrinks from the sky, and the target is pointing straight!

The sky is snowy, as if it is still.


This is the first time that the double rain has been under the hands of Gongsun, and it feels very strange. I have to admit that the preparatory work for the grandson is done in great detail, in detail beyond his imagination.

Although they are all ten major battles, the styles of Gongsun and Guliang are quite different. The Guliang knife is wide open, but the Gongsun difference is much more delicate. This kind of preparation work is probably only a warlord like Gongsun, and it is possible to do this.

Accurate and thorough preparations make the rain very relaxed. He needs to do it very simply. As long as he exerts his strength, he can successfully complete the task.

His goal is to sail thousands of doors.

Thousands of sails are not a big martial art. In fact, it is just one of the outer sects of the Tianhuan. Its position in the Tianhuan is not high, but its importance is seriously underestimated.

There are many peripheral sects in the Tianhuan. Most of these sects are inextricably linked to the Tianhuan, and the Qianfanmen is one of them.

It is proficient and focused on the refining of treasure ships, especially various transport vessels. Nearly 70% of the transport vessels are from the sails. For the Tianhuan, which started with a refiner, the circulation of materials is amazing, and the demand for transportation vessels is enormous. The refining of the transport ship is not difficult, but it takes time and the profit is not high. Tianhuan is naturally unwilling to put manpower into it.

Qianfanmen is willing to take over, for them, happy. Thousands of sails also became one of the more powerful martial art in the peripheral martial art.

Their transport ship, with the relationship of the Tianhuan, sold extremely hot.

In the intelligence analysis of the public grandson, the martial art is considered to be of great importance. Once destroyed, it can have a great impact on the transportation line of the Tianhuan.

The refining of the transport ship does not require too high-order materials, nor does it require too high-order methods, but it takes time.

Thousands of sails were destroyed, and the Tianhuan will face a short period of time, making it difficult to make up for the plight of the transport ship. Other sects can be refining, but no one can be compared to Qianfanmen. With the exact information, there is a huge order to flow into the Qianfanmen, and the problem is tight under the Tianhuan.

The grandson's plan can be said to be seven inches in the middle of the opponent. I have to admit that Gongsun is a guy who is very good at catching the other side's flaws.

What is more coveted is that the sails do not have the defensive power to match them. Thousands of sails are located in the hinterland of the Tianhuan, and they are less vulnerable to attack. Moreover, because the backing is a ring, his competitors are not afraid to move black.

For a long time, it has formed such a situation.

However, Tianhuan is not without measures. They still station a war department near Qianfanmen to ensure the safety of Qianfanmen.

However, this level of defense, for super-skills such as double rain, is almost undefended.

In particular, the attention of the Tianhuan at the moment is attracted by Zhong De and Zuo Mo, and the top-ranking strong players are almost all transferred. At this time, it is undoubtedly the time when the Tianhuan defense is weak. You won't encounter the same master. For the double rain, this task is as easy as an outing.

The grandson’s hand is really awkward!

After the double rain, there are dozens of elites, they carry a lot of explosive magic.

Their mission is only one, that is to razed the thousand sails to the ground!

The double rain took a deep breath and the look became cold: "Begin!"

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