MTL - Yang God-Chapter 17 The realm of night travel

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After the heavy snow, it was a few sunny days, the clouds were scattered, and the night sky showed a sparse star, but it was far less than the galaxy of the summer night.

"The soul of God thinks about heaven, heaven, the return of the gods, the spirit of the Buddha. The sky is full of enthusiasm, the depth of the sky, the combination of the soul, the illusion of rebirth, the soul can be cool, hot, hot and sour And you can see the heavenly Qionglou jade girl, and you can see the Shura evil spirits. You can see the heavenly gods and bodhisattvas. You can see the gods in the heavens and the earth. You can see the ancient sages, and you can feel the reincarnation. You can also feel the battle and kill, and you can feel the soft jade. I can also feel that the father is strict with the mother, and I can feel that I am arrogant and arrogant, and that I can smash the river and smash the sea. I can feel the rot of the body, the bones are tiring, all these illusions, all the things, the mind is fixed, and there is a Buddha named Amitabha. The Amitabha Seal, this Buddha is the true face of all the heavens and the earth, guarding the thoughts, not moving for everything, can avoid disasters. Suddenly, the gas of the stars has touched the soul, pulling up vigorously, people have the meaning of flying in the sky, At this time, the gods will be determined by the great efforts, and they will rise and fall in the body, and they will not be able to make a fuss. All these kinds are illusory..............."

At night, when there was no one around, when the silence was over, Hong Yi stood in the middle of his yard, looked up at the sparse star in the sky, looked at it deeply, then closed his eyes and recited the scriptures. Practice method.

After a good day of reading, he has roughly read the original method of the original soul of the scriptures in the scriptures of the Amitabha.

I silently read an article and feel that I have fully understood the meaning of this verse.

The floor was covered with simple cushions. The Hongyi plate sat on it, and looked up at the sky again. He looked at the tacit mind. After half a column of incense, he seemed to remember all the stars in the sky, and suddenly closed his eyes. The Buddha sitting in the middle of the Amitabha, sitting with his hands in front of his abdomen, his thumb opposite, and his imitation.

After thinking about the sky and staring in his head and closing his eyes, Hong Yi sat quietly, thinking about the brilliance of the stars in the sky, pouring it into the top, and entering the head one inch.

Because Hong Yi has the experience of practicing the idea of ​​"Pagoda View", he is also determined to live in God. When he calms down, there is no distracting thought. It is not difficult to cultivate the law of the strong spirit of the Amitabha.

At the same time, he read the Taoist classics, and he also knows that the method of spiritual cultivation is basically to think about it and to do it with falsehood.

Although I think that the stars are shining, it is like imagining that there are plums in my mouth, and the mouth will be full of life. In fact, there is no plum in the mouth, just an illusion.

But this kind of illusion can cause various reactions of the soul and even the body.

Hong Yi took a fragrant time, thinking about it, and gradually entered the state.

In the imagination of thoughts, all the stars in the sky flashed from the incomparably distant void, and all the infinitely long rays of light fell on the top of their heads, drilling in an inch.

When the illusion of the starlight enters the brain, it reaches the membrane. Hong Yi suddenly feels that the whole body is cool. It seems to be bathed in the breeze. The whole body is breathing in the pores. The whole person is swaying and fascinating.

Such a comfortable feeling, Hong Yi, the whole person is a feeling of comfort and sorrow, this kind of comfort deep into the bone marrow, seems to be described in the notes of the pastoral book, the "Fu Shou Ointment" of some aristocrats in the previous week.

This kind of comfortable feeling, even if it is a determined warrior, a martial artist, or even a congenital martial artist, the great master can't resist the temptation. Hong Yi also has a feeling of intoxication.

Fortunately, he read the scriptures, knowing that the stars of the sky are shining into the brain, and there will be many illusions. The breeze blows the body and flutters, it is the first feeling.

Just when I was intoxicated, Hong Yi was alert and suddenly realized that there was a golden Buddha in the starry sky, kindly and kind, as if it were his predecessors before the thousand.

This Buddha is the Buddha painted by the Amitabha.

The scripture says that looking at this Amitabha, you can suppress all kinds of demons and understand the true colors of your own.

Hong Yi knows that it is not an exaggeration to say in the book. Because of the Buddha's art, all the Buddhist sects have been concentrated in it.

If you don't talk about Buddha, you can say that the characters you paint are already the peak of painting. This kind of realm can be compared with the people of martial arts, the **** of immortality.

Hong Yi has a feeling that if Bai Ziyue saw this Buddha, he would have to go further without having to cultivate the scriptures.

This Buddha appeared in the starry sky in his mind, immediately! All the comforts of Hong Yi disappeared, and instead they responded to the wisdom.

Heaven and earth are still heaven and earth.

There is no starlight into the body, everything is an illusion.

"A powerful illusion..... Fortunately, you can see the Amitabha, or you will be drunk in it. It is extremely dangerous."

Hung Yi knows that if I didn’t just think about the Amitabha in time, I’m afraid I’m really intoxicated in the feeling of the breeze, I can’t protect myself. If I don’t, I’ll be crazy.

Practice the spirit of the soul, keep it, wholeheartedly invested, really fake, fake. A heart is lost, and it will never be lost. The danger of cultivation is greater than that of Xiuwu.

"With the experience just now, I am not afraid to try again."

Hong Yi once again set his mind, sit still, seal, and watch the starlight into the brain.

Sure enough, when I thought of the starlight into the membrane, the whole body was surrounded by the breeze and it was comfortable.

Hong Yi has experience, no longer manages, tries to calm his mind, and continues to think step by step. Sure enough, when the starlight penetrates into the brain and penetrates the membrane, the illusion changes again, but it is stinging, headache, and then bitter and bitter. Everything tastes in my heart.

Hong Yi still clings to his heart.

Suddenly, it was a feeling that the evil spirits in front of him, Shura Yaksha, the devil surrounded by all sides, all of them must be rushed to eat people to drink blood.

Hung Yi seems to have fallen into the **** of Shura, and there seems to be a variety of screams in the ear.

He ignored it and kept his mind.

Suddenly another change, such as falling into the gentle township, beautiful like a cloud, the beauty is looming, wrapped in gentle mian, sing and dance.

Hong Yi has withstood the temptation.

Suddenly changed again, killing on all sides, the blood of the corpse, and being in the jungle of the battlefield.

Hong Yi once again clung to.

Suddenly, the whole body rotted, crawling full of flies and mosquitoes, and exposed white bones.

Hong Yi is still clinging to it, and his heart suddenly realizes what is meant by life and death, and the horrible heart goes.

The illusion has changed a lot, suddenly:


The starlight of the thought seems to be combined with his own soul. Hong Yi feels the sky in the sky, and there is an irresistible force coming from the sky, pulling his own soul out of the body and drifting to the sky.

This feeling is very real and very good. It is like a hard-working, overcoming the difficult problem of the 1989, and finally passed the last level.

The soul of Hong Yi couldn't help but let this force pull away from the body and want to float to the sky.

At this critical juncture, suddenly, the Amitabha that seems to be his past life appeared in the starry sky.

The soul that wants to leave the body and fly up to heaven is calm down.

After Hung Yi was awake, he was scared of a cold sweat.

"The illusion of the last level is so powerful! Indeed, after all the hardships, hardships and hardships have finally reached the goal, no one can control the desire to fly up to heaven. Even if it is a saint."

Hong Yi knows that if he is really out of the shell, he will go to heaven, and now he has lost his soul. Even if it is cultivated to the ghost fairy, the soul will float on the very high day, and it will be blown away by the wind.

The last feeling of flying up to heaven is the illusion of the last level.

Hung Yi sat down again and tried this idea.

This time, with more experience, it is easy to overcome the illusion. Hung Yi once again tried to feel the kind of heaven that vigorously pulled his soul to rise and fall.

So he worked hard against this force.

Feeling the soul sinking in the body seems to be a struggling person.

Finally, Hong Yi was exhausted, banged, thoughts scattered, and there was a feeling of sleeping right away.

He knows that his soul is too expensive, just like reading and thinking too much.

"You can't sleep in the yard, or you will freeze to death."

Strongly supporting his body, Hong Yi almost climbed into the room, lying on the bed, covering the quilt and the whole person immediately went to sleep. Entered a deep sleep.

No dreams.

I woke up and it was already dawning.

The bright sunshine came in through the window. Hong Yi only feels agile, and he is so refreshed that he wants to sing.

For four or five nights, Hong Yi has cultivated the ideas on the Amitabha.

Suddenly, this evening, Hong Yi burned a scent in the room, and occasionally tried to smash the soul.

Just as soon as he came out of the shell and touched the outside world, Hong Yi had a person who had just learned to swim to see the water, and there was a strong desire to swim in the water.

According to the Taoist records, Bai Ziyue also said that after the soul came out of the shell, this yuwang was the realm of night travel.

Hung Yi tried to put the soul out of the incense range.

Sure enough, there is no longer the feeling of being powerless and cold, but there is a kind of comfortable swimming.

The interest rose, Hong Yi’s soul fluttered out of the door.

Wandering in the night!

Finally cultivated to the realm of night travel.