MTL - Yang God-Chapter 18 Soul

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"I don't think I will be in the realm of night travel so quickly. The Taoist saying that the practitioners must reach the realm of night travel, at least they must practice more than one year of calming and meditation, and they can barely reach it. How can I reach it so quickly? ?"

Hung Yi’s soul wanders out of the shell and wanders around, feeling very comfortable.

It’s as comfortable as a hot day.

He walked one foot or two feet away from the ground, and he felt that there was no weight in his own light, but he did not have the practical feeling of walking in the flesh.

And the door, the wall, all blocked him, and when he thought, he went through it.

The soul is an invisible and innocent thought, how can the door and the wall be blocked?

"Some of the reading notes have a saying that the gods traveled for a long time. It is said that there are priests and people face to face, suddenly sit still, wake up after a day, tell people what happened thousands of miles away, say that they are a day of work, adjust their minds Out of the shell, I walked a thousand miles and came back. As a result, people didn't believe it, but after a month, the news came thousands of miles away. It really was exactly the same as the Taoist. I don't know if I have the ability to travel thousands of miles? How fast is the soul floating?"

This is the first night of the soul, Hong Yi feels very novel.

A thought moved, and his soul suddenly flew up and the speed of the drift increased.

"How can you be so hard?"

As soon as the soul flies high and the speed speeds up, Hong Yi has a feeling that he can't breathe, and the body is cold, as if to be blown away by the wind.

He quickly stopped thinking.

"Just flying a person high, floating is just an ordinary person running, how can it be so uncomfortable? This does not say that the day trip is a journey back and forth, and the ordinary walking is not much worse. Obviously the soul is still not strong. But the Amitabha The cultivation method on the top is really dangerous. Look at the power of the stars into the brain, the illusion is born again, and stick to it one by one. One can't hold on, and the soul flies away. It is true. The Taoist also records the white bones of the gods. Shura view, jade girl view, flying view, etc., but the experience of these ideas, I seem to have experienced one by one! No wonder this Amitabha is the source of the patriarchal."

Hong Yi read the Taoist scriptures, and it also recorded many ideas about the growth of the soul.

Such as the white bones: I think that I am rotted all over the body, the flies are densely covered, and the white bones are revealed to eliminate my own horror.

Such as the jade girl view: I think that I am pregnant with a jade girl, the jade girl makes all kinds of teasing actions, but I do not move, exercise the heart as snow and ice thoughts.

Such as Xiu Luoguan: I think that I am in the middle of a hundred ghosts, not afraid. It is also going to horror.

Such as Feishengguan: I think that there is a strong desire to attract the gods in the sky, and to resist the thought of flying in the sky, it is also to eliminate ambiguity.

All these kinds of views and thoughts, Hong Yi seems to feel all when practicing the Amitabha. That is to say, the practice on the Amitabha, the moment of the electric stone fire, contains all kinds of methods.

"Brother, I heard that Hong Yi was suddenly called by his father a few days ago. He also gave the account room a hundred and two silver coins, so that he can prepare for the imperial examination after the spring. Does this mean that it is included? Father began to pay attention Hong Yi? This little father never took care of him."

Hung Yi floated out of the corner of Houfu and wandered to the south.

At this time, it was already in the dead of night. In addition to the princes who took the lantern parade and checked the vigil, they all went to sleep.

However, Hong Yi suddenly heard the sound.

The sound of the sound was a large courtyard with a red lacquered high wall. There was a voice in the yard and a conversation.

Between the conversations, I actually mentioned myself.

The Houfu South Courtyard is called "Lantingzhai" and is the residence of Mrs. Sanfangping's wife.

Among the Houfu, the three ladies, Mrs. Zhao, the wife of the wife, lived in the middle of the government, and had two sons.

Mrs. Erfangfang, a wife of the wife, lives in the Yuntingzhai area on the east side of Houfu. She has a daughter, Hong Xuejiao.

Mrs. Sanfangrong, her wife, lives in the Lanting Village of Houfu South. Have a son.

The rest of the small donkeys lived in the west, but there were no three ladies who could occupy one side.

The servant's nursing home, the housekeeping account, and the prostitute are all concentrated in the corner of the north.

When Hong Yi walked through the wall, he saw two men practicing punching and kicking, a dance root hardwood and a brow stick. One seemed to use a fist to attack and practice. Both of them were wearing silk satin and they were quite a little bit of a wind.

The two of you came and went, and after a few rounds, they stopped and talked.

Hung Yi recognized that the two men, the stick of the son of Mrs. San Fangrong’s son, Hong Gui, and the bare-handedly sticking the stick, was the relative of Mrs. Rong’s head, called Rong Rong.

Both of them, Hong Yi, have seen and read together in the patriarchal school of the Hong family.

"You don't have to be angry with that kind of person."

Between the two people's dialogue, they are eager to please.

"Hey, this young master is hard to see his father, but he has a family law, and he has been lying on the bed for half a year." Hong Gui has a complaint in his eyes: "This Hong Yi met his father, but he was rewarded. Actually, he still gave him one hundred and two silver coins in his account. What is the son of a Ruan, why not just take a test in the exam? There is nothing to be seen."

Hong Gui hates the way.

Rong Rong smiled, "Gui Shaoye does not need to be angry, I heard that Hou Ye does not let him practice martial arts. I can only be an official in the dynasty, but Wu is a lord, and in the future, Master Gui will practice martial arts and go to the army." Telling Wutang's further study, with the prestige and connections of Houye once in the army, at least one of them was led by the other party. How many times did he fight down, not a marquis? Even if this Hongyi was admitted to the official, how could he be an official? It may be that the first one is unhappy, and the exile of the family is a commonplace. Although the Dagan dynasty nominally respects the scholars, it is not at all soft to kill the head.

"While this is the case, I am so upset." Hong Gui poked the stick to the ground.

"Cousin, what are you afraid of, a son who died in Otaru, I have seen it in Zongxue, and it is indeed a look that seems to be learned. If the cousin can’t understand it, wait for the school to start. Time I am looking for a fork to beat him."

"Sure enough, there is a **** in the head, and the mechanical conspiracy will be known to the ghosts and gods. Hehe...."

When Hong Yi heard this, he sneered in his heart. He did not think that he would be seen by Wu Wenhou and would be secretly jealous.

However, Hong Yi knew that this Hong Gui was drunk because of a drink, and he was called by Wu Wenhou, and he was beaten by a family law.

After hearing the conspiracy, Hong Yi was secretly guarded, and the soul floated out.

The soul drifted to the East Court.

Just when he arrived at the "Yun Ting Zhai" in the Eastern Hospital, Hong Yi heard a slamming sound, as if something was blown up and smashed the porcelain bottle. Then, the sound of the cracks came out one after another, and it was not known what happened inside.

Hong Yi wandered the soul again, and saw the center of the yard standing with Hong Xuejiao in the process of training.

Surrounded by silence, only the soft stars sprinkled.

Hong Xuejiao's body shape shuttles around, every punch, every movement, makes such a sound, and it seems that the wind of the fist bursts, and it seems that the bones in the body are moving.

There is a book on the ground with lots of humanoid movements and fonts, as well as annotations.

Hong Yi remembered the curious mind and wanted to open the cover. But he is the soul and the shell, but it is impossible to flip the book.

At this moment, Hong Xuejiao's body passed, brought a strong wind, turned the book over, Hong Yi saw five big characters "Tiger Magic Bone Boxing"!