MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 627 a familiar stranger

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The moment Hua Rongyue took off her mask, she was shocked when she saw the "flower face" on the opposite side, and then there was a hint of hint in her eyes, as if asking Hua Rongyue who she was. It is not necessary to take off the mask as originally planned.

Hua Rongyue didn't say anything, he restrained his movements and waited quietly to see what Hua Rongyue was going to do.

The people standing behind saw Yi Linglong suddenly take off the mask, and they all wanted to see what Yi Linglong looked like. Suddenly, someone in the quiet place stretched his neck and moved forward. Look, it looks very funny.

Shen Qinglan and Gu Xia were also standing in the room. The two of them didn't know what Yi Linglong looked like, but the person from the six doors next to them suddenly froze. When they got there, it was as if they had seen something particularly terrifying, and the two of them became curious and followed the probe to take a look.

Hua Rongyue threw the mask on the ground, then smoothed her hair with her hands to make her face more visible.

She could hear the voice of someone gasping for air behind her. These people's voices may have come from people who used to know her, or from her six-door colleagues, but at this time At this moment Hua Rongyue doesn't care about this anymore, she didn't want to hide it.

"Wait, why is Hua Rongyue there?" Shen Qinglan said in surprise.

She said while dragging Gu Xia next to her and said, "Oh, Gu Xia, look, we were still asking where Hua Rongyue went... After a long time, he is here. ."

Gu Xia stared at Hua Rongyue with a solemn expression, but did not speak.

"Then is it another six-door operation tonight?" Shen Qinglan whispered, "It's strange, he used to tell us every time, why did he do it this time? So mysterious? No wonder Six Doors suddenly let so many of us come together... Shall we stand a little further?"

"First...wait first." Gu Xia said, "The situation ahead is very dangerous, let's see how others do it."

"Well...that's right." Shen Qinglan nodded.

Hua Rongyue now looks almost the same as usual, except that her face looks paler. In addition to these people still in the room, there are a few people below who can see her appearance clearly.

Many people were taken aback when they saw Hua Rongyue's face.

To be honest, Hua Rongyue's face is a bit different from Yi Linglong's face in everyone's mind. How should I put it...Although Hua Rongyue's face is pretty good-looking, in everyone's heart, Yi Linglong's face should be colder and crueler.

facial features are still evident.

In layman's terms, Hua Rongyue's appearance is not murderous.

"Wait a minute, that person is not..." Someone below whispered, but then quickly realized something and immediately shut up. At this moment, some of the subordinates that Hua Rongyue had brought were also standing in the crowd, and they also saw Hua Rongyue above.

When most people saw this face just now, their hearts beat violently for a while, because they finally realized where Hua Rongyue had gone. Most of their first reactions were the same as Shen Qinglan's—could this be another mission prepared by Six Doors? But then these people felt something was wrong.

Because when Hua Rongyue appeared in front of everyone in the past, she almost always wore a mask, or tried to disguise her face to be different from her usual appearance. The temperament is also very different from his own, but today's Hua Rongyue seems to have removed all the disguise, and appeared in everyone's sight.

Captain Hua... Don't you want to go back? Some people wondered for a second, this way of almost cutting off their own way is indeed not in line with Hua Rongyue's consistent style, even if tonight is indeed a very important day, maybe after killing Hua Mian, their whole " "Music" will soon be disbanded, but they still don't think this is Hua Rongyue's style of doing things.

Hua Rongyue has always been humble, not pushy, and not good at speaking. He would stand in front of so many people, almost like throwing himself under the sun, is it Is this what the man at Six Doors told him to do?

Hua Rongyue smoothed her hair. For the first time, like greeting an old friend, she said lightly to the person opposite, "Long time no see."

She didn't say this to "Flower Noodles", nor to others, but to herself and Yi Linglong.

"I didn't expect..." She heard Big Brother Yi chuckle, "You actually choose to take off the mask, but is it really okay? Your appearance has been seen by everyone I saw it all."

Hua Rongyue laughed after hearing Yi Linglong's words. It seems that even Mr. Yi thinks that a person of her character will not easily reveal her identity, which is always dissatisfied with her character. For the unconvinced big brother Yi, it is simply strange.

However, Hua Rongyue didn't say much, just said indifferently, "It doesn't seem to matter whether the mask is taken off or not."

"This guy Hua Rongyue actually took off his mask?" The man's subordinates were a little surprised, especially the one who had been complaining about Hua Rongyue just now, he turned his head and asked, "Your Excellency has Have you ordered this?"


"That's Hua Rongyue's temporary intention." The man turned his head and said meaningfully, "Is he going to cut his own retreat? "

"If it's the latter, then I admit that I still looked down on him before. I didn't expect him to be a little more ambitious than I thought."

"You can do what I tell you to do," he said.

"Huh?" The handsome young man was stunned when he heard the voice. This voice was obviously not Hua Rongyue's usual voice, but it was indeed from him. Every time the handsome young man played a double reed When you are, you have to match this voice.

He has always had a very bold guess... That is, the flower in front of him, like some people in the book, may have a strange disease, which makes his character extremely unstable , and may even have several personalities.

The one who usually faces them is the one who can be regarded as rational or even "gentle", and this irritable, cruel, and even a little crazy flower face It only appears occasionally, and basically every time he appears, he is faced with a situation that requires him to play two roles.

In one sentence, "Then what should I do?"

"Follow my orders when you make moves, don't get distracted." "Flower Mian" sneered, "Don't be afraid to hurt me."

Hua Rongyue has always been learning the martial arts moves in the book of Yi Linglong, but she has never really compared with "Yi Linglong".

The handsome young man was stunned for a moment after hearing the voice transmission of "Flower Mian", but he still acted according to the voice transmission.

It might be difficult to learn new moves while listening to instructions, but for him it was a piece of cake.

As soon as he started, Hua Rongyue knew that this was definitely not his usual style.

Because every part of this move has the breath of Yi Linglong, it is flamboyant, and it is strange, and it is very attractive when it is shot.

This move has not even been seen by Hua Rongyue herself.

In her mind, she instantly remembered how Big Brother Yi looked when he was thinking about his moves.

At that time, she also sighed that Yi Linglong was indeed a genius in the sky, and even so, she could still practice martial arts.

At the moment when Hua Mian made a move, everyone looked over, and at this moment, everyone realized that it turned out that Hua Mian still left behind, and those methods just now only It's just an appetizer, and what he's doing now is the real killer move.

This move has never been seen by anyone present, even beyond the imagination of most people.

Yi Linglong's moves were ahead of everyone in the previous life, and now they are improved on the original basis, almost ahead of this era.

At the moment when I saw this move, someone suddenly felt like a blow to the head.

—So martial arts should be like this.

When Shen Qinglan saw this knife, goose bumps all over her body stood up, as if she was facing a flower face.

She can imagine that if the person standing there at this moment is her, then she will definitely be cut in half in the next second.

Has the martial arts attainments of this flower face reached such a level? Some people's martial arts can only make people imagine failure when they see them, and some people's martial arts can only make people imagine death when they see them.

Shen Qinglan still understands Hua Rongyue. Hua Rongyue has always been a well-behaved and quiet person in the six doors.

Hua Nian, Shen Qinglan felt that Hua Rongyue would definitely not be able to escape this knife, and he would definitely be chopped into two pieces in the next second.


Hua Rongyue casually took out the woundless in his hand, the short knife in his hand was like an extension of his arm.

This knife was given to him by Six Doors. He has used it for two years, and the time is not short.

But looking at the way he is using this knife at this moment, it always makes people feel that this knife may accompany him for a longer time.

Shen Qinglan's pupils suddenly dilated.

Hua Rongyue's knife action.

What kind of emotion was in his eyes?

For a moment, Shen Qinglan suddenly felt that Hua Rongyue seemed to have changed, but when she thought about it carefully, she found that he had never changed at all.

He is still the same him, whether it is the first time we met or now, he has not changed.

The hand of the flower was withdrawn.

The knife in his hand has a small gap.

Hua Rongyue took it back without injury and pulled a beautiful knife.

Most of these people who had been brought by Hua Rongyue and had in-depth contact with him silently retracted their chin from the ground.

"This, is this Captain Hua?"


" Is that Captain Hua, who usually doesn't like to talk, has a gentle temperament, and stays alone when he has nothing to do?

Shen Qinglan couldn't relax at this moment, her mouth was wide open, at this moment, Gu Xia next to her suddenly grabbed her arm and stood back without leaving a trace stop.

She turned her head to look, and suddenly found the expression on Gu Xia's face at this moment, as if she was extraordinarily guarding Hua Rongyue standing in front.