MTL - You Don’t Understand The Pain Of Being Popular-Chapter 64 The sixty-fourth day of fame

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Yao Bianliang frowned slightly. The current public opinion situation is clearly one-sided, how could different voices suddenly appear.

"Sisters, what happened," she typed immediately, "Yao Bianliang has done such an outrageous thing, how can someone speak up for her?"

The black fan also found it incredible: "I don't know, I only know that the group of people made rumors that Luo Shuai was sleeping with fans. They also said that Yao Bianliang beat Luo Shuai because of this incident..."

Yao Bianliang:? ?

Yao Bianliang's eyes widened slightly, and the fingers that were about to type stayed in mid-air, without any other movements for a long time.

What the hell, Luo Shuai is actually a fan?

The reason why she beat Luo Shuai was because he was a sleeping fan?

What a joke, she doesn't even know about it!

[Huahu: This kind of news is nonsense at first glance, how could Ah Shuai do such a thing. 】

[A trumpet: I remember that this matter has already been refuted, why has it been revealed again. 】

[CC: It's definitely a rumor! If Yao Bianliang really beat Luo Shuai because of this incident, I will kneel down and apologize to her. smile.jpg]

[Little bee: This kind of remarks is false at first glance. Laughing, some marketing accounts really do everything they can to whitewash Yao Bianliang. 】

[Yao Bianliang cools me down: If Luo Shuai is really this kind of scum, I will set up a memorial tablet for Yao Bianliang on the spot, and burn three sticks of incense every day, praying that she will become popular soon. dog head, jpg]

Yao Bianliang: "..."

No, we are all sisters, so there is no need to be so vicious.

Yao Bianliang watched the sisters in the group speak enthusiastically, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Strange, this is not right..."

These people thought it was her way to whitewash herself, so they refused to believe it. But Yao Bianliang himself knew that she had never done anything to whitewash herself.

After the incident, she immediately gave Zhou Fei and his group a holiday. At the same time, she told Mo Yougan and others not to have to speak for her.

In other words, there should be no one in the entire entertainment industry who will help her clean up!

Where did these whitewashing remarks come from?

"Could it be that... Luo Shuai and his family did something about it?" Yao Bianliang's thoughts flashed.

Luo Shuai has been in the entertainment industry for so long, and his personality is so flamboyant, he has offended many people, and must have touched the interests of others.

Ansheng Entertainment Company has many competitors, and Luo Shuai is their company's cash cow, so of course it is easier to be targeted.

Therefore, many celebrities and companies have enough motivation to release Luo Shuai's black material, slander him, and tarnish his image.

"These rumors have been refuted long ago. From this point of view, I'm afraid it's not true." Thinking of this, Yao Bianliang regained his confidence.

She clicked on the relevant entries and looked at the comment areas that had already quarreled. One side insisted that "Yao Bianliang's move really has other hidden intentions", while the other retorted that "this is basically pouring dirty water on Luo Shuai".

Judging from the current situation, the people on Luo Shuai's side have a crushing advantage, and there are not many people who speak for Yao Bianliang.

After seeing this situation, Yao Bianliang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope that Luo Shuai will clarify these scandals as soon as possible, and then continue to spoil her reputation, let her cool down quickly!


In the hospital, Luo Shuai looked at some comments on the Internet and frowned: "What's going on, who released the news?"

In his opinion, after a long and short period of "refuting the rumors", the heat of this matter should have been suppressed long ago.

But now, he just arranged for someone to scold Yao Bianliang on the trending searches, and someone directly broke the original scandal!

First someone broke the news, and then a marketing account followed suit and reposted it.

Open Weibo and you can see that several entries have already been squeezed into the tail of entertainment hot searches.

#Luo Shuai Sleeping Powder#

#Xiaoyuan accuses Luo Shuai#

#Luo Shuai Studio Refuting Rumors#

Seeing that the heat intensified and had a tendency to explode again, Luo Shuai couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

The manager's expression was not too good either: "I told you to restrain yourself a long time ago. If things get serious, neither you nor I will feel better about it."

"How do I know that Yao Bianliang will draw this matter out?" Luo Shuai scratched his hair irritably, "Damn it, where are the public relations staff? Let them suppress the heat."

The agent sighed: "It's already started to suppress the popularity, we directly withdrew the trending search and issued a relevant statement."

After hearing this, Luo Shuai felt a little relieved.

"Yes, let's send a lawyer's letter, and then arrange for the studio to refute the rumors. Those guys can't make trouble."

Wasn't the incident last time quite a big mess? However, under the protection of the company, he was still not affected, and he stayed in the entertainment industry well.

As long as the tricks are repeated this time, intimidating and luring those who broke the news, and spending money to suppress the enthusiasm, then there will be no problem.

"In the end, it's Yao Bianliang's fault." Thinking of the culprit who caused the incident, Luo Shuai's teeth itch.

If it wasn't for Yao Bianliang attacking him in public, he wouldn't use public opinion to put pressure on her. It's just that he didn't think that after such a disturbance, he would be exposed to black material again, and he would get into a commotion instead.

This time, he must completely destroy Yao Bianliang's reputation!

Luo Shuai was full of hatred in his heart, but at this moment, he could only put aside the matter of Yao Bianliang for the time being, and deal with his own affairs first.

"Is the lawyer's letter ready? I'll post it on Weibo right now." Luo Shuai asked his manager.

The manager nodded and shared the lawyer's letter with him: "Just forward the studio's Weibo."

This is not the first time Luo Shuai has dealt with this kind of thing, and he is quite experienced in it. He tapped the keyboard quickly with his fingers, and quickly typed a long string of text.

[Luo Shuai v: Forward [email protected]罗巧工作室

I hereby solemnly declare that I have never had any intimate relationship with any fans or underage women! The recent remarks about my sleeping fans are not true.

Regarding the prosecution of the rumor-making marketing account, it has been handed over to lawyers.

In the information age, rumors are easy to arise. Netizens are asked to distinguish between true and false, and do not believe or spread rumors! 】

Below the statement, there is also a photo of the lawyer's letter.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, fans immediately came to criticize it.

The corners of Luo Shuai's lips curled up slightly, heaved a sigh of relief, and posted another comment in the comment area.

[Luo Shuai: I am 28 years old and single, and I have never even talked about love. I didn't expect to be rumored like this... I hope that the majority of netizens can treat it rationally and don't believe in rumors! 】

There was a knock on the door, Luo Shuai ignored it, just concentrated on typing this message, and clicked send.

After sending the message, he moved his shoulders and asked, "Who is it?"

Two seconds of silence followed, and no one answered his question outside the door.

Luo Shuai frowned slightly, and while he was wondering, he heard a "bang", and then the door of the ward was pushed open. Several uniformed police officers filed in and stood in different positions, blocking all possible escape routes.

The did they come here?

Luo Shuai's face turned terribly pale, his hands shook, and the phone fell to the ground.

His lips trembled, trying to say something, but he found it difficult to make a sound.

"Mr. Luo Shuai, right? You were arrested on suspicion of rape."

The leading policeman looked at Luo Shuai, and said in a cold voice, "Now, come with us."