MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 363 Several parties meet and easily crush

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  Chapter 363 Several parties met and easily crushed

   In this way, the Zerg Queen stared at the situation in front of her and waited for the best time to escape. As time passed, she became more and more anxious, and at this moment Crossel acted.

   I saw that the battleships of the Crossel Civilization suddenly turned on the transition state collectively, and at the same time, the players were also rushing towards this side.

  As the players got closer to the battlefield, they soon discovered the Crossel civilization as a third-party force waiting for profit.

   And when this civilization appeared, the players were a little confused.

   "Speaking of which, how did I detect another fleet?"

   "This is a bit outrageous, is this fleet an ambush army of the empire?"

   "Should we hold back and wait for a while?"

   "Hold on to the hammer, since we can find them, then they must also be able to find out why we care so much about him and go straight to it!"

   "Damn, I'm worried that I won't win if I go directly."

   "Damn it, the sky is falling and there's a tall guy holding it up." Speaking of this, the player subconsciously looked at the Thunder Beast who was rushing to the front of the team.

  Following his gaze, the player who asked the question before seemed to have the same reason after thinking about it.

   And the team that suddenly appeared at this time naturally aroused various speculations on the 1st.

   "What the **** is going on? Logically speaking, if this fleet is an empire, then there is no reason why they should not go back to support us when we attacked the star gate."

   Speaking of this, he couldn't help but frowned.

   At this time, in his eyes, this fleet probably does not belong to the empire, but since he does not belong to the empire, what kind of power will this fleet be?

  At this time, he can basically be sure that the other party is definitely an advanced civilization in the universe.

   After all, judging from his appearance, there is a high probability that he is hiding in the dark and preparing to catch a fisherman, and he who is hiding in the dark is bound to see the battle between the two races.

  He still dared to attack even though he knew the opponent's technology, so it can only explain one problem, that is, their technology level is not low.

  And under normal circumstances, advanced civilizations should have more or less a certain understanding of the empire. From this, it is not difficult to deduce that this mysterious fleet is likely to be an advanced civilization that is not much different from the strength of the empire.

   Otherwise, he would never dare to be so stupid.

  Although after meeting in the universe, the fate of the two of you will be connected together, and it is very likely that you will meet again someday in the future.

  So when you see an enemy, you must find a way to destroy it, but there are exceptions to everything.

  For example, for example, you are still a medium civilization, and you discover an advanced civilization, but this advanced civilization has not discovered you. Under such circumstances, you will probably hide yourself and desperately develop yourself to prepare for future encounters.

   "Considering this, there are not many civilizations in the universe who dare to do this."

   "If I'm not mistaken, there is a high probability that this civilization is the Destroyer organization that the leader said."

   Thinking of this, No. 1 immediately told the players his speculation, and asked the players to be careful.

   At this time, the players with the latest news immediately began to discuss a temporary battle plan.

   "Brothers, this is probably the situation. According to the current situation, when we go in, there is a high probability that it will be a scuffle."

   "So as soon as we go in, we will set up a formation. We will fight whichever side fires at us, and we will ignore the side that is not firing for the time being."

   "What if they all shoot at us as soon as we pass?"

   "It shouldn't be possible. We all belong to different forces. Under such circumstances, the probability of firing at each other should be 50-50."

   "Never mind him, anyway, we are not weak now, if they dare to focus on us, we will directly attack him."

   In this way, amidst the players' discussions, they soon came to their goal.

   And shortly after they landed, the warships of the Crossel civilization also came here.

   "Damn! What is the Crossel civilization!"

  When the players saw the appearance of this fleet, they couldn't help but be amazed.

   "Brothers, this is not the case."

   "You said that the appearance of the empire here is a coincidence, and I will admit it, but this Crossel civilization also appeared here."

   "Yes, I am also wondering, the empire and the Crossel civilization are enemies according to what the peasants said, so it is absolutely impossible for them to communicate with each other."

   "And the universe is so big that under normal circumstances, if it is a normal encounter in the universe, the probability is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack."

   "And how long have we been fighting them before, and we have met again in a few months. This probability is equivalent to finding a needle in the universe."

  "So we can rule out the possibility of coincidence first, and the answer that we can meet them so easily after removing the coincidence is ready to come out.

   Those are the two hooks, probably using some special means to keep track of us. "

   After hearing this player's analysis, everyone felt very reasonable.

   "Unexpectedly, they were followed by them last time. Really, this group of people thought we were easy to bully, left trackers on us, and then sent a fleet to harvest us at the right time."

   "The question is where is this tracker placed? Why haven't we noticed?"

   "Upstairs, do you think our main concern now is where to put the tracker? Our main concern now is that these grandchildren treat us as soft persimmons."

   "Damn, not only pinch it if you want, but chase after it."

   "This is intolerable!"


   "Made, a group of NPCs are chasing our players, how dare they."

   "Let's discuss Jill's tactics, the one that kills them all!"


   After brainstorming the whole thing like this, the players suddenly feel uncomfortable. After all, they are also a player and a bunch of NPCs chase you every day.

  All kinds of disgusting you, it's whoever suffers.

  It’s like you were about to teleport when you were swiping the map, and then a monster came out and interrupted you, and you ran away for a certain distance to teleport again, and the monster came rushing to interrupt you again.

   "Emma! I have a bad temper!"

   "Can't stand it! Fuck them!"

   In this way, the players yelled and directly attacked the two civilizations. Of course, they also added Kassadin's Zerg along the way.

  The next moment, the players were divided into two groups, and several Thunder Beasts from the second stage of evolution rushed towards the remaining defeated soldiers of the empire with a group of corrupters.

  Xianyu and their fifth-tier Thunder Beast led another group of players directly towards the direction of the Crossel Civilization Fleet.

   "Brothers rush! Give these grandchildren some color!"

   "Let them know today whether we're soft or hard!"

   "Kill them to death, call dad if I don't call them today!"

  The next moment saw countless attacks, flying towards the fleets of the two civilizations, and then the two civilizations immediately launched a counterattack.

   At this time, this wave of operations by the players also dumbfounded the two civilizations.

  In their imagination, after these worms successfully join forces, they will gather together with a high probability, and then present a three-legged game state with themselves.

  But who would have thought that after joining forces, these worms would split up and kill them as if they had eaten dynamite.

  Although there are only tens of thousands of warships left in the empire, their strength should not be underestimated. On my side, there are still hundreds of thousands of warships at full strength, and the Zerg can only kill 200,000 warships at full strength.

   And the 200,000 yuan still counts the group of Hydralisks in the planet, and they can't play much role in space warfare.

  They really couldn't figure out where these bugs had the courage to start a group like this.

  But just when they were wondering, something that made them even more confused happened.

   That is, they even slaughtered their own kindred.

  Probably, the situation is like this. Originally, the empire and the swarm had been fighting, but after this wave of worms came, their position was behind the previous swarm.

   Immediately afterwards, they launched a charge, and when they charged, they would inevitably encounter the group of fighting insects.

  After they met, they didn't cooperate with the swarm to attack as they thought, but sent the group of worms away.

   And this wave of operations really confused them.

   This was the first time they had seen a swarm of insects killing each other on the battlefield, and it was obvious that the later group of insects was much more lethal than the previous group of insects.

  After all, the attack of the previous group of bugs hitting the later group of bugs is almost like scraping, and it can’t do any harm to them at all.

   This also made them immediately discover that the group of bugs that came after them were of extraordinary strength.

  Although they don't know what happened inside the swarm, they all understand that they must be careful when dealing with these swarms.

  At first they thought that these bugs were crazy and dared to split into two groups, but now it seems that they are not crazy, but that they really have this strength.

   At this time, the commander of the Crossel civilization, who had figured everything out, saw the swarm getting closer and closer to him, and immediately ordered to start the attack.

  At the same time, the empire also took the opportunity to attack the players. At this time, the Zerg queen watched the situation and pondered for a while.

  She also let her worms attack the players, and then she took advantage of the chaos and slipped away, leaving only Kassadin to preside over the overall situation here. .

  Because for the current her, this time is undoubtedly the best time to escape.

   At this time, seeing the Zerg Queen preparing to escape, the Empire and the Crossel Civilization wanted to stop it, but it was clear that the current group of players would never give them this chance.

  Because the players are crazily outputting at them at this time, and what scares the Crossel civilization the most is.

  Although they thought the players were very powerful just now, they didn't realize that the players' strength was even more terrifying than they imagined until after the fight.

  That's right, the strength of this swarm of insects can only be described as terrifying. The leader of the Ultralisk and their dreadnought fight is like cutting cabbage.

   After a beam skill, more than half of the dreadnought's shield was directly cut off. This was the result of the salty fish's lack of energy reserves after they teleported before.

   At this time, the only remaining shield of the flagship was chopped off by the Ultralisk with a few knives, and then there was a burst of crazy output to their flagship.

  Although their Dreadnought armor has the ability to self-repair, it is completely vulnerable to the ravages of ultralisks.

   Not only that, but the defensive power of this Thunder Beast is also very terrifying. The ten dreadnoughts in their formation have been crazily outputting against him for such a long time, and the opponent has nothing to do with it.

   This kind of destructive power and defensive power made the Crossel civilization and the empire terrified.

  Although they thought that these bugs were much stronger than ordinary bugs, they never thought that they could be so outrageous.

  The opponent even attacks flagship-level battleships by chopping melons and cutting vegetables, so the opponent's attack on those expulsion guards and cruisers is really a child with one knife.

  Even if there is a shield, it is useless. As far as the shields of those ships are concerned, there is no essential difference between having or not having the shields of those ships.

   Seeing this scene, these two civilizations are naturally very clear. If they continue to fight like this, they will have no chance of winning at all, not counting other bugs. They probably can wipe them out with just that ultralisk.

  Of course, the fact is that it is basically impossible for that Thunder Beast to destroy them. After all, although the attributes of this Thunder Beast are abnormal, its ability to withstand injuries is still limited.

   After the two battles, this Ultralisk actually lost more than 40 million blood, but this damage is still within the acceptable range for his current overall blood volume.

   But it's a pity that they don't know the real situation.

  So at this time, the two civilizations saw that the situation was not good, and they were ready to run away.

   After all, it is meaningless to fight this kind of battle. If they want to wipe out all these bugs, they can only send several times more warships over.

   Or directly dispatch the super flag, otherwise they can only be killed by these thunder beasts.

  So at this time they made a decision immediately and that was to retreat.

  Although the players wanted to chase them after seeing them retreat, the players at this time also understood that these warships dispersed in a crowd, and they couldn't chase much, so they immediately shifted their targets to the swarm.

   After all, they still remember that Kassadin's worm head is worth a million.

  And the most important thing is that for them, the swarm led by Kassadin is a counterfeit product, and they feel that it is most important to clean up these counterfeit and shoddy products first than to wipe out the enemy.

  After all, this group of counterfeit and shoddy products still hold a lot of resources.

  The players who figured all this out immediately started chasing the insect swarm here, and Kassadin also cooperated very well in trying to fight them to the death, and then he really died.

   After all, Kassadin has no advantage in air battles, let alone land battles. His Hydralisks and the evolutionary Hydralisks controlled by players are basically ravaged by A.

  Aside from Hydralisks, their combat units are Zerglings and Velociraptors, but the situation is that even if these are added, the result is basically the same and they are still being ravaged by various kinds.

  Even the worker bees joined the battlefield at the end, but it didn't work. After all, the attribute gap between the two is too huge.

  (end of this chapter)