MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 403 Void Creature Reappearance

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  Chapter 403 Reappearance of Void Creatures

   These small guilds can stock a few and wait until they encounter a support planet in the future, and transport all these units to them.

  Because these battle locusts are produced at zero cost by them, this means that they can minimize the cost of conquering civilization.

   It is also because of this reason that their reputation for this unit has begun to increase significantly, especially in some small guilds.

   This type of arm has basically become a non-removable existence.

   After all, as long as they have this unit, they don’t need to invest too much in the battle of civilization, so they can invest more funds in strengthening the elite unit.

  Of course, for this unit, players have also released many strategies and schools, the most popular of which is the Gu-raising style.

  The main mode of operation of this genre is to release a large number of second-stage swarm hosts, wait for them to develop slowly, and then use or sell these combat locusts after they have developed to a certain extent.

   After all, for these players, these combat locusts are free prostitutes, so even if they sell cheap, they are still net income.

  And the entry threshold of this industry is relatively low, which has also led to many individual units also paying more attention to this market.

  Actually, Jiang Yao didn't expect things to develop to this point. Originally, Jiang Yao thought that it would be impossible for players to discover the real usage of this bug.

  As a result, who would have thought that they developed this routine so quickly, and with the implementation of this routine, it means that the resources of the whole family can be tilted towards the incubators in the future.

  In addition, this galaxy has a lot of resources, which also makes many guilds also get a lot of resources in this event.

  . . . . . .

   "Now the number of corrupters of the players has almost doubled." At this time, Jiang Yao was sorting out the changes of the players during this period.

   "Although these are the incubators of the first stage, they can barely be considered to be able to take the battlefield. The only trouble now is the energy-eating crystal."

   "I'm particularly lacking this thing now. Without this thing, it's basically impossible to evolve a large number of high-level Corruptors in the future, so I have to get this thing as soon as possible."

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao also encountered difficulties. It is obvious that this thing is not something that he can get his hands on. After all, it is very difficult for this starry sky behemoth or cosmic race to find it.

   "If I can't find this resource, then in the next period of time, I may have to rely on the existing arms to fight against the empire."

   "The regular fleet of the empire is easy to handle, but I have nothing to do with the only civilization flagship."

   "Although I have the star ring in my hand now, if that star ring fights with the civilization flagship of the empire, it probably won't be enough for them. After all, the technological level difference between the two sides is too great."

At this point, Jiang Yao couldn't help but feel all kinds of discomfort about the subsequent battles, because the situation on the empire's side has far exceeded his expectations, although he had encountered the empire before, and there must be a civilization flagship in the hands of the empire. of.

  But what he didn't expect was that the empire would use this thing directly in this battle. You must know that this thing had never been sent out when he was fighting the Zerg.

  He said that he had only fought a few times on his side, and they immediately took out this thing. From this, it is not difficult to deduce what kind of weight he is now in the eyes of the empire.

   And the problem lies here, the higher their weight in their eyes, the more vigilant they are about themselves.

   This is not a good sign.

   While Jiang Yao was still thinking about some problems, the player brought him bad news.

  At the moment in the player group.

   "Brothers, I am mining resources in our galaxy, but I was found by the warships of the empire and almost wiped out."

   And everyone who heard the news couldn't help but put down their work and quickly asked about the situation.

   "I don't know the specific situation. The warship of this empire suddenly appeared in our area."

   "My mother, this is outrageous, how did they find this place?"

   "We didn't leave any traces when we left such a big universe, and we sent so many troops over there to harass them. It's unscientific for them to find this place under such circumstances."

   "I can understand if you want to say that it took them three to five years to find us, but now they have found our location immediately in just a few months."

   "Damn, brothers, stop talking about the grandchildren of the empire and go towards our worm nest."

   "Damn! The location of the insect nest is also exposed?"

  Jiang Yao, who was informed of the news at this time, was also taken aback, and didn't dare to hesitate too much, only to see that he immediately controlled the worm nest and began to leap.

   At this time, while jumping to Jiang Yao, he was also thinking about what was going on.

"Being able to find me again in such a short period of time can no longer be described as luck. After all, in such a big universe, the probability of encountering me is very low, especially because I also use the jump engine technology. The changes will be even greater.”

   "Because the enemy can never predict how many light years you have jumped and how many times you have jumped, so if you want to find you, you can only conduct a carpet search of the entire area."

   "If you search for them in this way, no matter how advanced their detection technology is, we need to invest a lot of detection equipment in order to find them, and this time is at least calculated in years."

   "And now, in just a few months, not only have we been found, but the hidden nest of such a deep insect has also been precisely located, which is outrageous."

   At this moment, Jiang Yao suddenly thought of a possibility.

   "Combined with the current situation, there is a high probability that the civilization in the dark is providing my coordinates to the empire."

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao's face became extremely ugly. Obviously, that civilization does not intend to let him develop with peace of mind.

   "What is their purpose in doing this? On the one hand, they guide me to areas rich in resources, and on the other hand, they don't want me to develop."

  "The Zerg Queen was sent away before, I really don't understand what kind of routine they did this."

   "And the most important thing is that according to normal logic, we should be more useful alive than dead, but what he is doing now is obviously to send me away."

   "But if they want to send me away, they don't need to go to such trouble and come forward in person, then I won't let him decide every minute."

  Thinking of this, Jiang Yao is also quite helpless about the current situation. If he can't find that civilization hidden in the spy device in the dark, then he will always be secretly controlled by that civilization.

  Jiang Yao is also uncomfortable with the situation he is facing now, but his civilization has no way to get rid of the discomfort.

   "I have to find more resources to improve the overall strength of the players, and then find more starry sky behemoths to kill them to obtain enough energy-eating crystals to evolve the insect nest."

   "Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to find out what that civilization hides in the dark."

   "But the most important thing right now is to solve the empire's problems first,"

  Thinking of this, he immediately contacted the members of the Euglena team to let them pay close attention to the movement of the empire, and to determine what warships the empire succeeded in this time.

   At this time, not only was he in action, but the players also immediately began to discuss the battle plan when they heard the news that the empire was coming.

   "Brothers, how should we play this wave against the empire?"

   "Didn't we discuss the routine before? Fight a wave and change places. If they bring the flagship of civilization, then we will fight in small groups. If they don't bring it, then we will directly dispatch as a group."

   "Just during this period of time, we have also obtained a lot of resources and our strength has also been greatly improved."

   "I don't think this matter is that simple. Since the empire dared to appear here, it means that they have a solution to our routine."

   "Now it depends on how many large warships the opponent has. If the number is small, then it's okay."

   "We just need to avoid that battleship and we're done. If we carry more, then we may have to escape here."

"Now let's find a way to spread the eyeworm out to understand the situation on the other side, and then we need to find out if there is a star gate nearby. The fact that the empire can come here so quickly means that there is a high probability that there is a star gate here. "

   "Otherwise, according to the normal routine, it is absolutely impossible for them to come here so soon. After all, it took our insect nest here a month or two just to jump."

   "The time it took them to jump over is definitely not bad. Before that, they were still fighting with us. Counting those times, they couldn't have arrived so soon."

   "However, it is not a little bit difficult to find the star gate here. After all, we have been here for so long and haven't found it."

   While the players were still discussing this matter, their eye worms also successfully chased the target. This time, the fleet carried by the empire was a little different from what they thought.

  Because only conventional warships were dispatched from the empire this time, there was no trace of the civilization flagship that made people very afraid.

  Of course, this is undoubtedly good news for the players, but they have also considered what if this is deliberately done by the empire?

  I parked this battleship a jump away from here, waiting for them to take the bait.

  And for the players, this possibility is very high, and after considering this, the players decided after discussion to adopt a small-scale combat method at that time.

  If there are several guilds in each team, even if there is a problem, their overall loss will not be too great.

  The players who have made a battle plan in this way are also waiting for the opportunity to act.

  Because small-scale operations must wait until the empire's fleet is dispersed, and now their fleet is still together, players can only keep tracking and waiting for opportunities.

  Although there is nothing wrong with this routine of the players, what makes the players feel sad is that after a few days in a row, the formation of the empire separated, but they did not divide into many pairs to search around as the players thought.

  The formation of this wave of empires was divided into two teams in total. The first team continued to track the whereabouts of the insect nest in this galaxy, while the other team sailed in the opposite direction.

  The players who saw this scene were also a little puzzled by the operation of the empire, "So what's going on?"

   "Why are they divided into two teams? It stands to reason that they shouldn't be divided into many teams and search us in a carpet-like manner throughout the galaxy?"

   "God knows what the situation is, and whoever stipulates that others must be separated. After suffering so many losses, others should learn to be smart no matter how stupid they are."

   "And to be honest, combined with the previous battles, I concluded that the reason why the empire fell for us was not that they were stupid, but that they did it on purpose."

   "After all, at the end of every battle, we can find that the empire is holding back. From this, we can infer that they have already made precautionary preparations, so they deliberately stepped on our trap."

   "Obviously this time he doesn't plan to step on our trap like before. I guess they have a high probability of ambush, waiting for us to take the bait, and seeing if one of our teams doesn't take the bait, so now they are split into two teams."

   "The problem is that they are split into two teams. They should both be searching in the galaxy, but now the direction of their other team's transition is obviously to leave here."

   "I also discovered this. You can see that our eye worm players followed them and almost ran out of this star field."

   "Why are they so well prepared to leave here suddenly?"

   "Ghost knows what's going on, but we'd better keep an eye on this team first, and then make plans after determining what their purpose is."

   In this way, the players stared at this abnormally performing team while discussing.

  But soon the players had an answer, and this answer was unexpected by the players.

  Because following this army, the players successfully found the location of the flagship of the imperial civilization.

  At this time, the civilization flagship of the empire is stopping not far from the players' hearts.

  In fact, from the very beginning, the empire thought that players would jump directly to the flagship of civilization after being hooked.

  But who would have thought that there would be such a slight flaw in their plan.

   That is, a special monster appeared in the area where their civilization flagship was parked. This kind of monster was something they had never seen before, and when these monsters appeared, they immediately launched an attack on their civilization flagship.

  Although their civilization flagships are relatively powerful, these monsters are special because their energy weapons or laser weapons do very little damage to these monsters.

  It seems that this strange creature is inherently immune to this kind of damage, which also makes their civilization flagship very slow in killing this monster despite its fierce firepower.

  (end of this chapter)