MTL - Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver-Chapter 421 Return to high energy radiation area

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  Chapter 421 Return to the high-energy radiation area

  And this is the general situation of the contest between the swarm and the void creatures in another universe.

The situation of the two races is similar in many respects, and it is also for this reason that they maintain a delicate balance in the original universe. To consume the opponent's troops.

   And this balance will be broken on the day when the resources of the universe are completely consumed, but this will take a long time, so relatively speaking, the two races in that universe are still in a state of balance.

  But the situation is different now. Now, this universe is firstly a swarm that can compete with void creatures, and it has been suppressed so that it has no chance to develop at all.

On the other hand, the Void creature chose to indulge because the opponent knew little about its situation. Such a wave of operations is very likely to cause the swarm to be suppressed in various ways, and the Void creature can take advantage of various opportunities and cognitive abilities. gap develops.

  Whether it is void creatures or swarms, once they are given enough resources to develop, the disaster they can bring to this universe is devastating.

  But now the mainstream civilization only knows the disasters caused by the swarms, but not the disasters caused by the void creatures, and Jiang Yao deliberately concealed this matter.

  Through this point, it can be foreseen in the future that the void creatures will make most civilizations in this universe realize what despair is.

  Of course, this is also a good thing for Jiang Yao, because only when the void creatures are strong enough, they will focus on the void creatures, and then it will be a good time for their own development.

   At this time, after Jiang Yao finished handling the matter, he directly led the players towards the high-energy radiation area. As for the situation here, he no longer needs to worry about it.

   Originally, he had been thinking that if void creatures appeared, these civilizations would most likely destroy them.

   As a result, who would have thought that these civilizations would still sit around and reap the benefits. For Jiang Yao, they had such thoughts, which meant that they were going to die.

  Because Jiang Yao estimates that if there are no accidents, a small-scale wave of voids is very likely to form in the area where the empire is located.

   This is inevitable, because he is very clear about the process of void creatures forming void tides. First of all, each void creature can independently store energy.

   And can transmit this energy to the mother body, the most important thing is that the void creature has a very large amount of energy reserves.

Under normal circumstances, the formation process of the void tide is probably, after finding the resource galaxy, frantically exploiting resources to store energy until the matrix's personnel reserves are full, and then starting to let the small void creatures in the group store energy when the small void creatures reserve , the mother will continue to produce small void creatures.

  The small void creatures produced will also be used to store energy until these void creatures collect all the energy, and then the mother body begins to enter the crazy production stage.

  And these small void creatures that store energy will continuously transmit their energy to the mother body at the same time, ensuring that the mother body's energy is in a full state.

   And after these small void creatures gave their stored energy to the mother body, the number of small voids produced by the mother body has already belonged to countless levels, and the most important thing is that the energy reserve of the mother body is still full at this stage.

  So they can continue to be produced, and then the war begins.

   During the war, the mother body also continuously produces small void creatures to join the scene. In this way, even if a large number of small void creatures die during the war, the total amount can basically remain unchanged.

   It even said that if your strength is not strong enough, it is very likely that you will fight more and more.

  If such a situation occurs, then your civilization will not survive long.

   After cleaning up this civilization, they will take your resources as their own and start the previous cycle again.

  Through this kind of cycle to grow themselves wave after wave, the number of their footballs becomes more and more terrifying. At that time, it will be the moment when the Great Void Wave appears.

  Of course, this kind of void tide can only be said to be played when there are not many resources, but if there are a lot of resources, then the void tide of void creatures will have another situation.

  They will frantically produce elite arms, and then use the elite arms to form a void wave like the void tide. Once it becomes a climate, even powerful civilizations like the empire can only be pushed horizontally.

  Of course, this requires too much resources, so under normal circumstances void creatures will not do this.

   And according to Jiang Yao's prediction, he can't do this in this universe, because the resource acquisition is too small compared to the previous universe.

   At this time, Jiang Yao also arrived at the predetermined area.

   After arriving in this area at this time, Jiang Yao parked the insect nest in a relatively safe place. After the insect nest was settled, the players immediately started to act.

  Because the rewards for taking this place down this time are also very generous, so the players are also very concerned about this wave.

   "Brothers' current situation is probably like this. The empire has sent nearly two million warships here."

   "And the most important thing is that these battleships are the main battleships of the empire, and they are very powerful."

  "Before they were overshadowed by our teleportation, now their routines are deep, and their warships are formed in small groups.

  The distance between each group is also very far, which leads to the fact that even if we continue to use the previous routine, there is a high probability that it will not have much effect. "

   At this time, after the players got together, Xianyu and the others told everyone about the situation in the empire.

  Naturally, everyone couldn't help frowning slightly when they heard the deployment of the empire. Obviously, it is very difficult to win this wave.

  After all, the strength of the main warships of the empire is much higher than those cannon fodder, and the most important thing is that the number of their warships is far higher than the total number of players.

   If you go head-to-head, even if you touch the Thunder Beast, you don't have much chance of winning.

   "This empire is quite bold. They are under siege now. Under such circumstances, they dare to send so many warships over."

   "This is very abnormal. After all, the information in this area may be very important to them. They even said that as long as they understand the technology inside, it may change their status quo, so they will take risks."

   "However, I am curious that these technological relics are not of much help to our swarm, why are we so persistent."

   "The old irons upstairs need to figure out that this is a game, and what we have received is just a mission in the game."

   "Are the content of the mission and the logic of the mission really so important? Shouldn't we care about how to get the last reward of 1 million evolution points?"

   "Yes, some game daily tasks are very unreasonable. Why are these tasks repeated every day? Is this reasonable? Obviously unreasonable, but why do you want to do it?"

   "Okay, everyone, don't talk about these things. Now let's study how to fight the empire."

   "I think it's definitely not okay to just face up."

   "Upstairs I think you're farting."

   "Damn it, I suspect you're provoking trouble."

   "I think we can use the bomb bug plan. The first point is that Ultralisks have a very long teleportation distance. Although their battleships are relatively far apart, this does not prevent us from arranging bomb bugs."

   "We can appropriately reduce the number of bombs carried by each bomb bug and then bomb them wave by wave. They will be consumed by us sooner or later without supplies."

  As the player's voice fell, everyone thought for a while and said: "Your method, I think there is more or less a problem."

   "Although the feasibility is very high, you have to consider the cost. Not to mention the cost of these bugs, the cost of teleportation alone is not something we can afford."

   "Otherwise, let's try to use condensed matter baneers to do things. Their small waves are just suitable for condensed matter mobs to destroy."

   "The cost is not low, and they also have corresponding defense means. The destructive power of the condensed matter will be greatly limited."

   "Brothers, why do we have to bane bugs? Besides bane bugs, we still have a lot of routines. Brothers, your thinking should not be too limited." At this point, the player continued to add.

   "Combined with the current situation, I think we can play a positive wave."

   "It is also skillful to fight head-on. Before we left here, we stocked a lot of swarm hosts, and now they have produced a lot of combat locusts. We can use these combat locusts."

   "These combat locusts are combined with copies of some arms, so our total number will become very exaggerated, and with such an exaggerated total number, we can completely fight them."

   "Of course, this is not a dead knock, we have to play routines."

   "What routine?" At this time, everyone asked curiously after hearing what the player said.

   "First of all, we need to know that there is a very special area on the side of the star gate. In that area, the sensing ability of ships and our bugs basically fails.

   And that area is relatively large, what do you think will be the effect if we deal with the enemy in that area? "

   "First of all, our high-level units can be maintained inside, but their warships cannot be maintained inside for a long time."

   "Compared to them, we have a natural advantage, and the things inside are very important to them, but it is different to me, so when they know that a large number of bugs have entered, they will definitely find a way to stop us,

  Because for us, it doesn't matter if we destroy these things, but for them, the things we destroy will definitely make them very painful.

  So under such circumstances, they will definitely send a large number of warships to fight us in a disadvantaged environment. "

   "We can use guerrilla tactics to fight and consume them, then they will feel uncomfortable, and the most important thing is that they have no supplies, so they can only consume with us."

   And after hearing what this player said, everyone understood his plan. He wanted to use the toughness as a cover to let all the bugs enter that area and shift the main battlefield from the outside to the inside.

   "This method is indeed possible." Speaking of which, the player seems to have thought of something, "By the way, I remember that there was someone in the Salted Fish Guild tracking the warships of the empire before? What's the situation now?"

  Hearing the family's question, Xianyu also explained the situation inside to them, "At present, the empire's exploration fleet has found a relic. After finding the relic, they have been studying that relic over there."

But at this time, everyone's eyes lit up when they heard what Xianyu said, "It's a good relationship. We went in and ran to the ruins, and then killed the battleship over there and destroyed the ruins. I don't believe it." They don't send troops over."

   "When they send troops over, it's time for us to fight and consume them."

   "It just so happens that there is such an opportunity, or else we would just operate like this."

   "I think it can be."

   After discussing it in this way, all the players immediately started to act. Of course, before setting off, Xianyu also told everyone about some internal situations.

  First of all, the internal environment is relatively complicated, and the most important thing is that only conventional navigation methods can be used inside, and some methods such as jumping cannot be used.

  If you want to jump, you have to rush out of that area, but that area is very special. Wendy is very high on the periphery of the area. If you want to pass through, you will most likely die on the way.

   Simply put, that area is a closed environment that can only be entered and exited through the star gate.

  After knowing the general situation, the players also began to prepare before departure. First, they had to carry enough supplies, and then they controlled the king worm to gather the combat locusts produced by the swarm host.

  Then started the routine of being a fake, and after all the arrangements were in place, the players began to act.

   And when the mighty swarm army appeared in the sight of the empire's fleet, it naturally attracted the attention of the empire's fleet.

  As the battle between the two sides began, I saw that these fakes and combat locusts, as well as the defensive bugs temporarily hatched by the players, were at the forefront, creating opportunities for the players behind to break through.

   Regarding the players' routine, the empire naturally didn't see any clues at the beginning.

  They thought that the players were going to have a head-to-head battle with them here, but as the players got closer to the star gate, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

   At that stage, the army of the swarm was divided into two groups, one was heading towards the star gate, and the other was flying towards them.

  But as long as they are not stupid, they can guess that there is a high probability that all the ones flying towards them are fakes, and those that are really the ones flying towards the star gate.

  (end of this chapter)

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