My Dragon System-Chapter 433: The Utopia

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Chapter 433: The Utopia

Still, the two girls had their backs up against the wall. It was just from the alleyway where the man was coming down their way. The girls were hesitating about what to do. But whatever was going to happen, Martha wanted to stay by Slyvia's side. Even if she didn't agree with the decision she was about to make.

Unlike her, Slyvia hadn't gone through the beasting process. Yes, she was strong, but not empire strong or to mess with the shadow. On top of this, she hadn't really fought in a long time. She had been too busy doing her duties back at the kingdom.

Slyvia quickly turned and faced the robbed man that was walking his way.

"I'm so sorry we were eavesdropping on you good sir, but we heard about what you said and we were just thinking that perhaps we could come with you?"

The man looked at the girls up and down, and he could see they were gently dressed. He couldn't imagine what reason they would need to be taken along, unlike Roy who was behind them.

Seeing this, Martha was quick on her feet. "We are sisters you see, and our family. They recently betted all our money on one of the fights in the arena. Apparently, there was some new unexpected guy that had shown up. It had surprised everyone." Said Martha.

"Our parents told us to go look for work, and we wish to help them, but we aren't strong enough to go out and hunt."

Turning around, the robbed man looked at his partner, who had already convinced Roy to come along with them. They too had heard of the news of the man at the arena yesterday, so it was quite possible. The other man just shrugged his shoulders. Their aim was to bring as many people as they could anyway, and if people were volunteering to come with them, then why should they worry too much.

The girls and Roy were escorted by the two men. Roy willingly gave himself in based on their offer. He thought there was no harm in him going with them, and it wasn't like he was going to get tricked out of even more money.

Besides, if someone was going to try to do something to him, harvest his organs or such, he was confident in his fire powers to deal with them. Something that the two men with them didn't know.

They continued to follow the men, and it looked like they were taking them out from the center of the city. Then they had finally reached a large wall closer to the outside. It was hard to tell where they really were or what exactly went on behind such a wall, but the wall went far to both the left and right, to the point where they couldn't see the ends.

"Here is where you three will be staying, this place operates different from the rest, and you are free to leave at any designated day. Essentially if you want to leave, you must let us know a week in advance and we shall let you do so." One of the men said.

"And how many people usually want to leave?" Slyvia asked.

"Most people never leave. They are just like yourself with nowhere to go, and we offer them comfort. Maybe it gets a little too comfy in there." The man replied.

The man asked the three of them again before entering, it was as if he wanted all of them to be sure, and from the sound of it, they could leave whenever they wanted. It kind of seemed to be perfect to be true, but there was also a chance she wasn't in the right place at all.

They walked up to an unguarded part of the wall, where there was a door. There was nothing but a simple key used to open it. Which seemed to be in line with their story of them being able to leave whenever they wanted.

When the door opened and the girls walked through, Sylvia even inspected it to see if it was made out of Glathrium which it was not.

When they entered, they could see what looked like a mini town inside. There were people, kids and such, all wearing the same basic cloth clothing. But they weren't dirty or such, it just looked simple.

"All of these people were like you, struggling to eat and live. So we took them off from the streets, gave them a place to live and housing." The men explained as they walked through the small town, and started to head for the bigger building towards the back.

This was the reason why they had seen no poor people out on the streets because they would have been recruited to join this place. At the moment, just from first impressions, it didn't look like the type of place that would be up to mischief.

Instead, it just looked like the Empire was trying to hide their dirty laundry. To have the impression that they didn't have the same problems as every other kingdom.

But they weren't completely buying it, not yet at least.

"For free?" Martha asked, hoping they could find their answer.

"Of course not." The man replied. "We are heading to the registration area to get you registered, remember if you want to leave this place then you must go back here and give a week's notice. Someone will then come and collect you. Escorting you out of here.

"And by the way, your week started as soon as you walked through that door, so even if you wanted to leave now you will have to give your week's notice."

The two girls slightly glanced looking at each other. If this really wasn't the place they were meant to be at, then that meant without sneaking out or causing some form of trouble they would miss Ray's event.

Whatever the cost they needed to be there.

"There is a research center, there's nothing too dangerous inside, but groups at a time will be asked to enter. You are free to define an experiment as such at any point and time. A doctor will explain all the possible side effects. However, to stay in this facility you must take at least one test per month. That is what we ask, and all the people here already know it as well."

Looking at the research center, standing opposite the registration center they were going to, Sylvia knew she would find her answers in there. What possible experiments could the empire be doing, if it wasn't related to the black liquid?


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