My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!-Chapter 254 254

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"Ivy, have you not discovered resources that could increase my aptitude yet?" Rezen asked as he waved his hand

The snow around him moved and buried a small pack of wolves that approached him. Now that he reached the Junior Rank, it has become easy to defeat and kill beastlings

The convenience of being able to control the elements without the need for Mystic Gems or Resonance Gems finally showed itself

"There is none of such resources nearby. The mana level of the forest is abnormal, there should be something here that is causing that. It would be hard for rare treasures of heaven and earth to appear here" Ivy answered much to Rezen's disappointment

Even with the aid of Ivy, it was still not easy to find the resources that Rezen needs

"Should I go deeper?" Rezen muttered to himself but in the end, he shook his head

Ivy said that there is something in the forest that causes the mana level to become abnormal. While Rezen doesn't know what was causing it, he doesn't plan on taking the risk

"It seems like I will fail" Rezen smiled bitterly. This part of the forest is already an area he entered before but he didn't find anything and the chances of finding precious resources are very low

It's just that even if Rezen is already a Junior Mage, the risk when venturing is still high. If not then with the ability of a Junior Mage, it should be no problem for them to feed tens of people or even more than a hundred people in a tribe

"Forget it, I'll search for a few more hours but if I don't find anything, I should just focus on my alchemy training. Ivy doesn't lack recipes for elixirs that could increase my talent. It might take months to brew even the lowest quality one but at the very least, there is hope"

Rezen let out a deep sigh and he continues his search. Whenever he encountered beastlings, he would kill them but as soon as he encounter Junior Beasts, he would run or hide since his goal is not to hunt them

In the end, after hours of searching, Rezen didn't find anything and he was about to head back to the tribe when his senses picked up something

Every member of the tribes living in the Drakery Forest is always on the lookout for mana fluctuations if they want to survive

Rezen has adapted the same thing and since the mana fluctuations were not hidden, he easily sensed it

Rezen raised his head and his nerves became tensed. Hovering in the air, he saw two people sitting on what looked like sticks

One of them was a woman and the other was a man. The man was wearing heavy armor with a sword on his side. His left arm looks abnormal as instead of having human skin, his left arm was translucent blue in color. As for the woman, she was wearing a robe that fluttered in the winds

Not even a speck of snow could be seen on their bodies and they are the type of people that Rezen has never seen in this realm before

"Are they from the big tribes? Is the different this big? But I heard that they just have more Junior Mages making their tribes stronger but they are not much different compared to the small tribes"

"They wear such exquisite clothes and they could even fly. Is that because of their own power or because of the sticks they are sitting on? What are those sticks even?"

Rezen instinctively knew that he cannot win against these people nor running away be possible. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he stared at them warily

Fortunately, the two seem friendly, at least for now. They were moving with their sticks relatively slowly as if they are afraid that they would startle Rezen

Even then, Rezen is a person that is very much afraid of dying. If he dies, his parents' resurrection and his revenge would fail. He is the type of person that absolutely doesn't want to die

With the fear of death and not fulfilling his goals, Rezen unconsciously took a step back. The two seems to have noticed that and they stopped approaching him

"We mean no harm" the male one of the two said but with the stoic expression on his face, it was hard to believe it

This man's facial features were quite scary and his body was also bulky. The tribesmen are also bulky but they are at least not wearing such intimidating armor

Rezen even wondered if he could even scratch that armor if he were to use his full power

The man said that they meant no harm but it did nothing to lessen Rezen's fear. It's not that Rezen is a complete coward. No, he was actually a coward in some ways but he wouldn't be this afraid of death if not for the fear of failing to accomplish his goals

As such, after meeting entities that Rezen knew he doesn't have a chance against, no matter how friendly they are, he would still be on guard

"I mean it, we really mean no harm!" The man seems to be offended by Rezen's reactions and he insisted that they are not here to harm Rezen

'Brother, that just made you look even more suspicious! If you want me to believe that, at the very least smile and don't have that kind of intimidating look in your face!' Rezen thought while trying to calm himself

For now, these people are suspicious but he cannot do anything against them. He could only do his best to resist and flee at a moment's notice

Rezen was about to open his mouth and speak when the ground below him suddenly moved as if there was an earthquake

He was still trying to think about how he should approach and talk with these people when the ground suddenly broke into pieces

The development was too fast for Rezen to react. The next thing he knew was that something came out from the ground that pushed everything whether it be soil, rocks, or snow, and that something causes Rezen's body to be thrown into the air

He turned his head to check what really happened but the only thing that Rezen could see was rows and rows of sharp teeth along with a meaty tunnel

"Am I about to be eaten?" That was the thought in Rezen's mind and his reflexes kicked in. He was about to use magic and resist whatever entity was clearly trying to kill him but before he could do so, someone already saved him

Before Rezen's mind could register anything, he felt something piercing his clothes, and the force from it threw his body away

Whatever pierced his clothes moved too fast that he could only see a shadow before he heard the static sounds

Before Rezen could collide with the trees, he found his body stopping mid-air and some sort of power was making him float

His eyes instinctively looked at the two humans riding on sticks. Rezen saw that the woman was holding a magic wand pointed in his direction

As for the man, he was not in his original position anymore. When Rezen found him, the man already have his hand on the magic beast that came out from the ground

No, it wasn't even a magic beast anymore as it was missing a large chunk of its body and what remained was completely charred

Pieces of charred meat and blood splattered on the man's face and armor, giving him a more intimidating appearance to the point that Rezen swallowed another mouthful of saliva 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

When Rezen turned his head to his side, he saw that what pierced his clothes was actually a sword with sparks of lightning

To think that these people could use magic that fast! The effects of their magic already appeared before Rezen could even sense the mana fluctuations

As a Spirit Mage with a stronger soul, Rezen should be more sensitive to such fluctuations but he sensed them too late. It just shows how fast these people move!

After taking care of what looks like a giant worm type of magic beast, the man slowly walked towards Rezen that is being controlled by some power that puts him down on the ground

The sword on his clothes also moved on its own and landed on the other man's hand

"Are you hurt?" Wermon asked while his eyes holding genuine concern scanned Rezen and for a moment, a certain person's image overlapped Wermon's appearance in Rezen's eyes

The two have different auras. One is like a cool iceberg while the other is seemingly intimidating on the outside but is actually caring and soft inside

However, both are kind and genuine people at heart. Whoever this man in front of Rezen is, he reminds Rezen of Claude Preston whom he was forced to betray