My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse-Chapter 36 Mayuri-Luc-Ei - Part 1

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[You have entered Mayuri's World.]

Suddenly, I was transported to an entirely new space. It was filled with... nothing, nothing at all—no matter where I looked, my eyes were filled with the hopelessness of emptiness. It was a realm consisting of nothing.

What was this place?

Finally, after a few seconds, I felt my feet touch a surface. I looked down at the ground which was completely white. Like an experimentation facility or maybe a newly built house, except everything was white. I placed my hands on the ground and pulled myself up. Standing uncomfortably on my own two feet, I began walking forwards, step by step, one at a time.

As I took a few short steps forwards, the entire surroundings changed.

I was transported into a seemingly normal neighbourhood. However, I couldn't move or interact with the surroundings. I could only watch as the area moved around like a movie. I was looking down at some ordinary houses and an ordinary road.

Suddenly, the area began moving, I looked down at my body but the body wasn't mine, it was that of some girl. I was looking through the lenses of someone else's eyes. They began walking down the road, for some reason, I could feel every sense they were feeling, the chilliness of the wind, the texture of the clothes on my body, the warmth of the sun, I could feel it all.

All of a sudden, words appeared in front of my eyes.


[Act 1 Scene 1: Where]








[Act 1 Scene 2: Nurture]

"You are worthless."

Why was I here?

These powers of mine. No. I must find something else to nurture.

What was this? I felt as if I could hear this person's thoughts in my own head. I couldn't even tell which thoughts were mine and which thoughts were theirs. I was looking at the world through the eyes of this girl.


[Act 1 Scene 3: Eyes]

Flames tore through the walls of our house. Shards of glass smash into the ground, and the flames flickered, changing in veracity. Smoke filled the air.

I watched as everything we once had slowly sizzled into ashes.

It's okay, at least my family isn't inside.

It's okay.

It's okay at least my family isn't inside.

Why was I lying to myself?


The area around me lights up.

Light blinds everyone and everything around me.

People frantically cover their eyes in pain.

The earth around me cracks and splinters.

Trees, telephone poles, people, cars, and houses, all lifted into the sky.

A whirlwind of objects forms, with me at the centre.

I couldn't help but feel the sensation of a tear flowing down my cheek.


[Act 1 Scene 4: Hand]

Oh well.

Such is the nature of my power.

I suppose I'll destroy everything.

What was the point anyways?

It's not like I have anything to live for.


[Act 1 Scene 5: Heart]


Amongst the chaos, someone calls out to me.

"Stop this"

Why would I care about what these selfish, hateful people want?

"I'm sorry"

There's nothing for you to apologise for, boy, just accept this fate.

"All your emotions..."

The whirlwind of things expands, engulfing everything in its vicinity.

"I'll hold them for you..."

The voice of the boy quietens.

"I feel your despair..."

Houses smash into each other; sections of earth rip out of the ground.

"I'll give you something to live for."

Suddenly the voice of the boy is clearer.

"Lean on me, I'll share your emotions."


The battered and bruised boy grips my arm.

"I'll feel everything that you are feeling"

The mayhem continues, expanding, destroying everything.

Suddenly, the boy pulls me into his arms in an embrace.

"Mayuri, I'll go through this with you."

Suddenly, the chaos stops.

—Everything went white.





It took me a few seconds to regain my composure.

I was back in the pure white world.

What did I just witness?

It looked like someone's memories.

They must have been Mayuri's memories.

I ran my hands across my body to check that I was back in my own body.

Her thoughts were gone from my head.

I took a few moments to slow my breathing.

Why did I see those memories?

Her house was burning down, she began destroying everything around her. After that, someone called out to her, before everything stopped.

I struggled to understand.

Again, I pulled myself up off the ground and began walking around once again. My head was aching slightly after witnessing that memory. The feeling of hearing her thoughts and feeling those unnatural sensations was an eerie feeling. My balance was a little wobbly at first as I tried to move around this empty world.

There was nothing to look at, nothing to keep my balance with. I raised my around to my sides and walked like I was on a tightrope.

Where was I meant to go?

Suddenly, I was again transported to another place. This time I was inside a school, the bright sun and clean green grass filled my view.

More words appeared in front of my eyes. 𝙛𝘳𝘦e𝓌e𝗯n𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝚘𝑚


[Act 4 Scene 2: Recess]

The bell rings for recess.

I watch from a distance.

The awkward interactions between Noah and his girlfriends. I can't help but wonder. Would I be happier? Would I even be happy, to see him again?

I walk around the courtyard of the school. Now that Sacha doesn't spend much time with me, I feel kind of lonely.

Sitting alone on a bench, I see a boy. Something about the boy catches my eye. His curly black hair, his blue eyes, where have I seen this before?

I heard that there had been a new transfer student, but I had not actually seen him. For some reason, he seemed familiar.

No way.

No way.

Could it possibly be?

If there was any time for me to speak to someone it would be now.



"You're the new transfer student?"



I had not actually spoken to many boys at this point. What was I even meant to say? Please, boy, say something to me.

"Um... So do you like the school at the moment?"

What was I thinking who at this age asks questions like this!? I'm as dry as the Sahara Desert.

"Uh... I suppose I do..."

What the hell is this? Why can't I communicate like a normal person? Think! Think! Surely there's something interesting to talk about.

The boy opened his mouth to speak. Thank goodness he's asking me something now.

"So, what's your name?"

As soon as I hear those questions I instantly panic looking down at the ground. I can't help but blush. What am I doing? This is the easiest question to answer on the entire earth.

This might not even be that boy. Come on I'm better than this.

"U-um, my name's Mayuri"

"Oh, Mayuri, that's a nice name."

My heart was beating faster than ever now. What the heck am I thinking? That response is something out of a fast-food worker's dictionary. Why am I getting so worked up about this?

There's no way he would just show up at my school.


Dammit, I didn't even ask for his name!

You know what, it's now or never.

"Hey, can I sit next to you?"

I'm literally going to die of embarrassment, why am I so forward, we literally just met.

"U-um, sure I suppose."

Why am I doing this? I suppose I need some shame in my life don't I. Well, I guess I'll take a seat now that I've gone this far.

"So, what's your name?"

"It's Jack."

Oh, hi Jack. I guess this will be the second beginning of our story.




I was beyond confused now, why was I seeing these random memories?

It was so awkward, these thoughts that were even mine were constantly forced into my head.

This girl had a really weird thought pattern.

Why were these memories being shown to me?