My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse-Chapter 45 Regurgitation

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As a row of zombies tumbled to the ground, I looked at the pack once again.

The shockwave was quite powerful, however, it wasn't infinitely strong. After destroying the zombies at the front, the ones behind slowly began making their way through.

My arms were seriously hurting now.

'This is what happens when you overuse my power.'

I was informed by Mayuri's voice.

Suddenly, the remaining zombies stopped in place. They were frozen as if they had suddenly seen something that shocked them. A few moments later, they turned around and began fleeing back into the forest.

I knew what was coming.

"It's going to be a special zombie," I said.

We quickly made our way to an open area near the centre of the settlement. 𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m

I looked out into the dark abyss that was the forest, as the area went eerily silent after all that commotion. The intense pressure that I felt in the last fight against a special zombie was back. It felt as if my entire body was being crushed, my senses were being overloaded and I felt an overwhelming feeling of dread.

Out of the forest, a relatively tall but thin zombie showed its horrific head from out of the thick green leaves. There was some sort of greenish-grey liquid dribbling out of its mouth. As it looked around, it managed to catch a glimpse of us and began walking straight toward us.


All of it sudden, a huge amount of regurgitation arose from inside of its mouth, the big pile of liquid was like a projectile, covering the sky above us as it splashed down.


Chloe pulled out her [Diamond Shield] and blocked the corrosive liquid which rained on us. However, as she observed her shield, it turns out that the outer layer had been dissolved and it melted off like volcanic lava. The colour and structure of the shield had been compromised as it began rotting away from the regurgitation.

"This isn't good... it's burning through my shield."

From the looks of it, if it was corrosive enough to burn through a diamond shield, we were likely going to have to dodge it at all costs. If that liquid hit our bodies, who knows what would happen to our skin.

We began running between the huts, taking cover from the acid-like rain which was coming down against us. It seemed that the Zen ability of this zombie was pretty simple. Chloe pulled out her [Platinum Bow] and began taking aim at the lanky zombie from afar. It seemed our best strategy was to shoot at it from a distance and avoid its attacks at all costs.

I thought about it, I could probably send my Elite Minions in to engage it in close-quarters combat, although I ran the risk of losing them entirely. Just before, when the first attack of regurgitation hit them, they lost almost a third of their health from it. I didn't want to risk losing one of my Elite Minions unless it was really dire.

Chloe managed to hit a shot at the zombie from a distance. The arrow cut straight into the zombie's flesh, however, it only managed to hit it in the leg. The zombie fell off balance but it ripped the arrow out of its leg. A few moments later, the wound had healed as if it wasn't even there in the first place.

"We have to try to hit in the head, stomach or heart," I told Chloe.

"I know that, it's just really hard you know!"

She loaded another arrow onto her bow and aimed it at the zombie.


Suddenly, it threw up again and a wave of acidic liquid flew toward us.


I grabbed Chloe and dived behind a hut, the liquid splashed all over the huts and dissolved its room. It meshed the wood into a dark, viscous liquid. The entire foundations of the hut fell apart and even the walls came crashing down. We rushed behind another hut as we kept an eye on the zombie.

Chloe fired another arrow at the zombie, luckily, the arrow managed to hit the zombie in the stomach. It suddenly stopped and held onto its stomach in pain. However, it still appeared to be alive, a moment later, the zombie pulled the arrow out, spurting some blood on the ground. Not long after, the wound healed itself up and it was as good as new.

These zombies had some serious regenerative abilities. It was practically impossible to kill them without hitting their weak spot. Chloe loaded another arrow into her [Silver Bow] and aimed it at the zombie again. However, this time, the zombie began running towards us. The long limbs and tall body of the zombie made its run technique look really awkward, however, there was no doubt that it was fast, really fast.

We turned and also ran away as fast as possible. At point blank, we'd all be covered in its vomit and we'd have no time to react. We rushed around the huts, trying to put some distance between us. It chased us from behind, awkwardly turning and running as we hid around corners to try to lose it. 𝘧𝓇𝗲𝑒we𝙗noѵ𝑒l.𝐜o𝘮

Chloe quickly turned and fired another arrow, however, the arrow flew past the zombie and missed completely.

"Crap, it's hard to shoot while moving."

We hurried further and further away, we could not afford to have the zombie catch up to us.


The zombie regurgitated again, shooting a dangerous liquid toward us. We were forced to dive around the corner as we had hardly any time to avoid its attack. In the acid, two of my Elite Minions ended up being hit and lost a huge portion of their health.

"This isn't good, Chloe, can you shoot again?"

"I'll have to stop to be able to fire an accurate shot."

"I'll try to distract it with Bishop."

I sent Bishop toward the zombie as Chloe took aim. It was risky since Bishop was low on health, however, at this rate, we'd all die. With Bishop's [Desperate Defense] ability, I hoped that it would be able to distract it for a decent amount of time.