My Researching Journey (HxH)-Chapter 31: Results

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Chapter 31: Results


Chapter 31: Results


Then Yasuo brought his right hand close to the butterfly, then "Amplify..".

Suddenly a purple sphere appeared enveloping the butterfly within, and as it appeared something changed.

Yasuo's domain enveloping an area with a radius of sixty meters started shrinking until it only enveloped an area of two meters around him though a bright smile painted Yasuo's face as if it's not anything strange.

As The purple sphere with a diameter of ten cm enveloped the butterfly, everything inside from the butterfly to the air particles seemed to freeze as If time stopped.

And with it, Yasuo's minute sense inside the purple bubble got stronger and stronger until his senses extended to the microscopic level making It within his control. f𝗿𝚎eweb𝗻o𝐯𝐞l.𝚌om

He closed his eyes as several micro strands of Nen connected to his right hand started going inside the butterfly while doing a few micro impacts just enough to not cause any harm.

The process continued for a while as he made sure to let the butterfly's cells have a taste of Nen before he stopped as his domain return to its normal state.

The ability he used is a sub-ability of the control domain which allows his senses to reach a frightening level granting him the possibility to control things at the microscopic level at the cost of shrinking his domain.

So far he is able to amplify a sphere with a diameter of ten cm at the cost of reducing his control domain's radius by fifty-eight meters.

That is something he is able to do solely because of his frighteningly high compatibility and proficiency in enhancement and that is another reason why he needed that increase in compability.

-----Control Domain- Amplify (Enhancement): The user can amplify his senses and control over an area at the cost of reducing his control domain's radius.

-The cost and the Amplification area radius depend on how much amplification is needed.

-The amplified area can only be within the user's domain which means If the user sacrificed 58 meters leaving him only 2 meters, then the amplification domain can only be within the 2 meters.

-The amplification domain can have any radius as long as it's within the normal domain but the smaller it is the stronger the amplification will be.

-The user's control inside the amplification domain can get stronger depending on how much of his domain range is sacrificed.


His amplification domain disappeared and with it, his control domain returned to its original radius.

"Go little butterfly and don't disappoint me.." A tranquil smile painted his pale face as a small clanking sound coming from the long-chain earring on his left ear.

This has been something he did several times over the last year with a question in mind, Is it possible for any creature to awaken Nen?

So he groomed the butterfly since a year ago though there doesn't seem to be much effect as of yet. He also did the same for a few other animals yet none of them produced any result yet.

Yasuo knows that animals can awaken Nen the example being chimera ants specifically Youpi, he has no human genes yet he is able to use Nen meaning the beast genes he has in him allowed him to.

Unless the Ant Queen has human DNA in her though they were magical beasts which might have an effect.

Yasuo continued to be absorbed in his thought process, 'Also it wouldn't make sense for other creatures not to have Nen as creatures from the dark continent were shown to have abilities that could only be explained with Nen.

Though they may not know how to use Nen or even know of its existence, Nen could also be explained with the Soul being its source or at least being a part of it.'

Yasuo then continued to mix several mixtures though most of them are poisons and only two of them have a body strengthening effect but still, they're nowhere as useful as the first one he took.

Relaxing music started playing as different test tubes could be seen flying everywhere as different substances seemed to get mixed at the same time with precise accuracy.

New tubes with new mixtures positioned on new heaters while the completed ones were sent to a large fridge by the side.

A small smile of enjoyment could be seen on Yasuo's face, he seems to be enjoying such a simple yet magical process.

The whole building is within his control domain though what he trained the most isn't his range, but his preciseness and what can he sense though he is still nowhere near the microscopic level.

What he found is that increasing his senses in the control domain is much harder than increasing the range, which explains how his range nearly doubled while his sense didn't have any notable increase.

That's also why he created the sub-ability -Amplify-. This is something necessary since the limitation of he can control only what he can sense exists.

He was even planning on creating it long ago because he predicted something like this will happen and he will be such an ability.

"Hmm, I used every interesting test subject and useful plants though the only ones available on the market which is why I want to take the hunter exam.

The license will help me find special and rare resources that could be useful and It will help me move around the world easily. "

Yasuo went on to drink two more mixtures while continuing his work with his control domain.

He then entered a small white chamber at the left of the room while using his domain to create sort of a barrier not allowing anything to leave the room before closing the door.

What appeared before him is a small pool, inside the pool is a dark liquid that seems to produce bubbles of toxic substances. A strange aura could be felt from it, a vile one as it seemed to surround the pool.

From the pool, two pitch-black daggers surfaced with the sticky black liquid dripping from them.

The daggers have no hilts on them with a length of ten inches, they look extremely exquisite with the same perfect shape though their sharpness and deadliness could be easily noticed.

Once the daggers came within two meters of Yasuo, his domain started shrinking, and with it, a purple sphere with a diameter of one meter enveloped the daggers.

Then Yasuo started manipulating all of the liquid still sticking onto the daggers back to the pool until they became dry with no hint of any fluid whatsoever.

He controlled the daggers bringing them closer, then 'Ren' he used Ren concentrating all of his Aura on the daggers, and as the aura was concentrated to a certain degree, It became incredibly dark as it enveloped the daggers within.

He continued the process for about an hour then stopped, "Hmm, they're completed...beautifully done."

He observed the daggers with a gleam of delight in his eyes as he traced the cold chilly daggers with his fingers sensing the Nen all over them.

This is a project Yasuo started a year ago, creating a weapon similar to Benny Delon's knives though much higher quality.

So he bought the most durable material he could find and gave a lot of time to Improving a certain poison making them much more lethal, he also used Ren on them regularly though he wasn't sure if it will work.

But the results in front of him filled him with delight as a brilliant smile surfaced on his face, "Hmm, now all I need is to study the mysterious inscriptions or the divine script to see If I can make them stronger."

The mysterious inscription When applied to an object, it increases its durability by many times, even if the components of said objects are not fused together.

For example, Killua, whose superhuman strength allows him to easily twist any iron box open, was unable to warp Ging's box in the slightest.

As for the divine script, It has the uncanny power to strengthen the Nen of the one who drew it, provided the script is charged with his or her aura.

These are things Yasuo's interested in though he'll need to go to Greed Island or visit ancient ruins to study them.

Yasuo then went out with the daggers flying around him as he closed the door, two dagger sheats flew from a closet at the end of the room. Colored in black with an exquisite purple engraving all over them.

They positioned on the belt of Yasuo's black pants as the daggers followed, sheathed In their place.

After a few hours of work and preparing a few things, Yasuo exited the building then changed his clothes in his house.

Yasuo then walked on a vast green hill next to his house, until he suddenly jumped with his speed accelerating as he flew into the horizon with the Zoldyck mansion as his destination...

Flight appeared to be quite simple of an ability to gain. All he has to do is be able to handle the required input and he can control himself to fly, into the horizon he went.