My Sect System-Chapter 34 - Baptism

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Meng Shu was shocked seeing the QI stir and Clouds gather around the sect.

The Guard who came with Meng Shu was also shocked so to confirm it he asked, "Young Miss.."

Before he could complete the sentence he saw Meng Shu nodding and confirming his guess.

They were shocked because. When they saw things happening around the sect they knew what these things indicated. These things indicated that the sect is gaining acceptance from heaven and all who are attached to the sect are going through baptism.

As things started to change, the system said, "Host tell everyone to take out their tokens and sit in meditation pose."

Jian didn't hesitate and ordered, "Take out your tokens and sit in meditation position."

Everyone didn't hesitate and sat where they were standing and took out their tokens. f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

After few minutes the clouds started to converge and a bolt of lightning struck the stone on the stage. As the bolt struck everyone's token started to shine and each disciple's cultivation was increased by one small realm.

This means a disciple who has not started cultivation were now at Body Tempering First Level and each one's realm was increased by one level. It continued only for few minutes and things started to return to normal.

Jian also opened his eyes and Just as he was about to ask the system.

Meng Shu said, "Congratulations on your ceremony and receiving acceptance from heaven."

Jian finally knew that what was going on earlier and why the system said to take out the tokens. Jian stood and said, "Thank You Miss shu".

Jian looked towards the crowd sitting in meditation and said, "Listen, You should accept all the baptism and continue to meditate till it's over."

Jian smiled and looked at the disciples meditating. after few minutes he looked back and said, "Miss shu Thank You for coming since everyone is receiving the baptism I need to look after them so let me give you a tour of our sect before You go."

The guard frowned Hearing Jain, he was clearly unhappy. But on the other hand, Meng Shu smiled and said, "It's Ok master Jianyu."

Jian still insisted and lead them towards the sect hall and as he leads them toward different buildings he explained their function. And after checking the whole sect in only half-hour Jian and Meng Shu's team reached the gates of the sect.

Meng Shu said, "Master Jian now we will go and thank you for hosting us."

Jian said, "No Miss shu thank you for coming to our sect's ceremony."

Meng Shu only smiled and said, "Then Master Jianyu Till we meet again"

Jian nodded and Meng Shu and others flew away. Jian looked in the direction they flew and after some time he entered the sect and activated the Guardian Formation.

While Meng Shu and her team were flying. The guard asked, "Miss who is he? How can he get baptism at the opening ceremony?

Meng Shu shook her head and said, "I don't know who is he and I have also checked his background but there was nothing to be found and I also used my technique on him do you know what was the result"

The Guard shook his head. Meng Shu Continued, "It didn't work, I raised the power of techniques to a Hundred percent but it still didn't work."

The Guard was shocked. But this time he was so shocked that he had started to look pale. because he knew which technique she was talking about and he knew how powerful it was. The Guard wanted to say something but he couldn't.

Meng Shu smiled and continued, "Don't need to worry. I have already guessed who Feng Jianyu is but now I want to confirm with my master"

The guard sighs and looks at the girl beside Meng Shu and again sighs.

While Meng Shu and Guard were having a conversation Jian after activating Guardian formation directly went towards Herb Garden and started Harvesting the Herbs as they also reached maturity because of baptism.

It took nearly thirty to forty minutes to harvest all the herbs in the Garden. Jian followed the process described in the Knowledge provided by the system on completing Pill Concoction Mission and following this process his control over his Qi also started to increase.

After harvesting the herbs Jian said, "Transfer all of them to treasure Hall and allocate the required price."

The system said, "Ok Host"

Jian left the herb garden and went towards the stage. Because disciples were still meditating.

Jian looked at them and sat on the stage and asked, "System can explain to me what is happening."

The system said, " Host when you have completed the ceremony and also confirmed the mission. The sect got acceptance of the heaven and all disciples and Members of the sect were also baptized."

Jian said, "But seeing Meng Shu's shocked expression it should not have happened right?"

The system said, " Host, as I suggested that you should speak about theocracy and rules of the sect before the ceremony and they should be balanced and unique. So when heaven accepted to sect it accents your sect's ideology so as a gift your sect members were baptized.

And other factors wad you completing the mission with above the required amount and also before Four days. So this all was calculated and your sect member received baptism. But Host you should not think the bolt striking was also part of the baptism."

Jian asked, "What it was then?"

The system," It was the warning from heaven, when you said, 'to reach to the top you will also go against the heaven' so if you or your sect continue to go against the heaven then difficulties will be increased"

For some reason, Jian was not afraid of Heaven and took it as it was air. if it was before, he would have broken in a cold sweat.

Jian asked, "What is this baptism?"

The system explained, "The baptism is a process which is awarded by heaven when sect increases its rank. It especially happens when three-star rank Sect upgrades to four-star rank and similar for six-star and nine-star rank. It can help form Physiques and purify the bloodlines"

Jian asked, "How can it help?"

The system said, "Host Baptism is a type of enlightenment and who can understand it will be awarded physiques and bloodlines purification"

Jian said, "Then shouldn't everyone in above four-star rank sect have Physiques."

The system said, "No host special condition is to be satisfied and accepted by the heaven then only can it happen."

Jian nodded in confirmation and saw that disciples were also starting to wake up.. He couldn't wait to check whether anyone formed physiques or not even though he knew that it was not possible.