My Space-Time System-Chapter 557 Dispirited Six.

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557 Dispirited Six.

With Blake being successfully extracted from Calton city, the Masked man ordered the immediate retreat of all members of the League of Assassins especially since the other 3 councillors had arrived.

Once the attacks on cities had stopped, Ash Corps were returning to Calton and heading straight to the Aetherhold Penitentiary. With the presence of overwhelming numbers, it didn't take time for most of the inmates to be killed, leaving one 3rd of the original population.

Immediately, Prince Bryon set up an investigation into the prison break. He needed to know how the mana-inhibiting collars had been disabled and all those behind it. Also, he had ordered the immediate repairs of the destroyed parts of the prison.

"Thank the heavens that is over." Camilla let out a long sigh as she saw Damon.

"What's wrong?" Camilla couldn't help but ask as Damon seemed to be sadder than usual.

"Blake…" Damon shook his head.

"What happened to him?" Camilla asked with a furrowed brow.

"Blake is gone…" Damon said in a defeated tone.

"Can you complete a simple sentence?!" Camilla was angry, afraid and fed up with the tension.

"When the blockade was initiated, Blake appeared at the entrance. He tried to escape so the 3 Demigods engaged him in combat…" Damon explained everything that went on.

"…" Camilla was planted to spot with different emotions building up as she was lost for words.

After what felt like an eternity, Camilla finally returned to her senses and immediately took out her communication amulet and initiated a group call.

She wasn't just calling to inform the rest, she was praying and hoping that Luciano could do something about this.

"Heard all the cities in the Eastern region were attacked, hope everyone is safe?" Brian asked as he and Castiel joined the call.

"Blake has gone rogue …" Damon began recounting the story. 𝗯𝗲𝐝𝗻𝗼𝐯𝗲𝗹.𝐨𝗿𝗴

"…" The moment he was done, silence washed over the group as everyone was trying to process the news they just heard.

"Why?" Tessie was confused as her eyes became teary. "Was he under control?"

"I have no clue. Throughout the fight, he didn't say a word until he finally left." Damon felt, even more, dejected the more he recalled what happened.

"Camilla you were the closest to him, how was his life in the Ash corps?" At this point, Luciano didn't have an indifferent expression as usual, he was clearly upset.

"It was no different from school; he was segregated by the nobles because he was a commoner and hated by almost everyone for achieving a lot at such a young age. The only difference is that Blake had all of us back in the magic school, but here he had only me."

"Imagine saving and carrying everyone, but still ending up getting betrayed by the person that put the mission in jeopardy in the first place because of his pride. He still managed to survive that but now gets attacked for being betrayed."

"He somehow survives that but now gets detained for months for something that he clearly didn't do because a bunch of people that have power hate him." Camilla was boiling.

The more she spoke, the more they realised what Blake was going through and how he felt. They put themselves in his shoes and with no doubt knew they would have done the same if not worse.

"Maybe he realized that this would be another opportunity for them to keep him locked up for longer." Damon felt defeated.

It was then that they noticed tears rolling down Tessie's cheeks. "Sorry guys, I have to go." With no more strength to hold back her tears, Tessie disconnected from the group call.

"Please someone should check up on her to make sure she doesn't hurt herself." Brian said as they were far away.

"Brian, Castiel, did you guys know that Blake had the space element?" Damon asked one of the questions that has been on his mind.

He felt that if anyone was to have the answer to this question it was meant to be the 2 of them because they had been friends with Blake before anyone else.

"??!!!" Everyone including Brian and Castiel was shocked by the random question.

They looked at each other as they thought Damon must have seen something to ask such a question out of nowhere.

"Yes." Brian and Castiel felt there was no need to hide it any longer.

"Serious?!" Camilla and Luciano were further shocked.

"When? How?" Damon asked.

"When we were on our way to Calton, we were chased by morgs, I and Brian split up from Blake who later ended up in a concealed space which contained a mysterious waterfall lake that had a cave behind the waterfall."

"Prince Bryon saved us, and then we moved over to the waterfall lake. When we got there Blake was already done absorbing the inheritance. So, we were flown directly to Calton." Castiel narrated their story.

'He was stronger than I thought.' Luciano muttered to himself.

"What next?" Camilla asked steering the conversation back to the main reason for the call.

"At this point, I can't do anything about it; I will have to speak to Bryon or my father. However, I can guarantee one thing, a lot of people will pay." Luciano was about to let the scorching flames of revenge loose.

With that the call came to an end, leaving everyone with their own thoughts and conflicted emotions.

'Who will I have lunch with?'

'What of all the vacations we planned?'

'I miss you already…' Having nothing she could do to bring him back, the dams burst open and tears began rolling down her cheeks.

Brian and Castiel who were currently on a mission deep in the forest were forced to stop in their tracks because their emotions were clouding their thoughts.

They somehow felt guilt that they contributed to Blake's decision to go rogue. If they had accepted

his 2 offers to join the Ash corps, he wouldn't have felt so alone.

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