One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning-Chapter 427

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Chapter 427

427: Hell Mode! Four down! The only seedling …… Great Desolate Army

Five thousand of them were directly dispatched.

The other three races – Maze puppets, Goblin Chief and Water Cannon Turtle.

Each just sent two thousand trolls!

But these two thousand were already enough.

They fully displayed the talent of the Great Mythic level at this time.

Especially the maze puppet and the goblin chief here.

There was no long-range output capability.

Griffons …… could fly to very low places.

Then let the forest trolls jump down without panic.

Forest trolls and also Lin Youhe’s goblin chief.

Bump into the forest troll.

Simply encountered …… Super enhanced version of itself!

The goblin chief was also outstanding in close combat.

Sturdy body shape with lots of strength.

But the forest trolls were not at all comparable.

Instead of one-on-one.

It was five to one.

Also completely unable to beat!

Couldn’t break the other side’s defense.

On the contrary, on his own side.

One axe by a forest troll was easy and freehand to destroy them!

Even the griffin in the air.

Also, from time to time, swoop down to give the goblin chief a hard blow!

Not to mention the maze puppet.

Completely a supporting transcendent species and it had no fighting power itself.

The only advantage was that ……

Not dying so fast!

And the water cannon turtle was also helpless.

With insufficient water cannons.

There was not much power at all.

Hitting the forest troll was like tickling.

The shell of the water cannon turtle was hard.

But under the constant slashing of the axe of the forest trolls.

Eventually ……

It was difficult to avoid the end of being broken open!

Four positions.

Four races. freewebnøvel.coɱ

All were being slaughtered by the forest trolls almost unilaterally!

The scene was unbearable.

The demonized people with the lowest defenses were falling the fastest!

In less than a minute.

Nearly a thousand casualties!

At this time, the rainstorm fighters dispatched by the Great Desolate Army were also …… rushed to the scene!

But looking at the battle situation down here, fighting into a ball.

It was also very difficult to do!

A cannonball down.

They estimated that forest trolls did not die.

And the demonized people would suffer in large numbers!

The other three places.

It was the same situation.

The storm fighters hovered overhead.

But there was nothing they could do!

Witnessing four transcendent races being massacred by forest trolls!

“The tactics are going well. Even Jiang Fan’s planes can’t do much but watch.”

On the side of the Xinghe Academy.

All five team members revealed a smile!

This was a surprise tactic they had developed earlier!

A surprise attack on the weaker teammates of Jiang Fan!

Raid tactics were not uncommon.

Why did team competitions put the entrances to the five teammates in different locations?

It was to enrich the playing style.

And make the game better.

In many previous games, there was raid play!

On the way to the rendezvous of the teams.

Make a surprise attack!

But the conditions for a surprise attack were harsh!

Must know the location of the opponent.

There must be a highly mobile transcendent race, like the Griffon.

Against the Bei Dou University.

Also had to consider the rapid support of Jiang Fan pilots!

But the Xinghe Academy had its own balanced lineup.

Still managed to do it!

“This is also a weakness of Jiang Fan’s pilots, unable to strike with precision.”

The young man in white said with a smile: “As it is now… the enemy and us are fighting together, there’s not much the planes can do!”

“Don’t be happy yet.”

The captain, the tall young man, said in a gruff voice: “Let the rest of the races rush over and support the forest trolls and griffins!”

“Wait until the four races, the Demonized Man, the Water Cannon Turtle, the Goblin Chief and the Maze puppets, are resolved ……”

“Then besiege Jiang Fan’s musketeers with all your might!”

“As for the pilots ……”

The tall young man turned to the pretty girl beside him and said, “Mo Yao, it’s okay for your Siren to deal with it, right?”

“Of course, no problem?”

Pretty girl smiled gently and said, “I have almost completely mastered the characteristics of Jiang Fan aircraft. Do not look powerful and fast, but the weakness is still very obvious! That is ……”

“The defense is not good. I am afraid it is more fragile than the demonized person!”

“With one hit, it is the end of the machine destroyed!”

And this time.

In the four directions, the battle intensified.

Demonized Man, Maze Puppet, Water Cannon Turtle and Goblin Chief.

All of them were fighting with the forest trolls like crazy!

Although they were no match.

But definitely not resigned to their fate, either!

“Kill, kill, great goblin warriors. Show your courage and finish these abominable green-skinned trolls!”

Lin Youhe was screaming frantically.

At this point he had completely ignored it.

He shouted directly in the battle room.

Because ……

Tens of thousands of Goblin Chiefs.

Two thousand of them had already fallen under the Forest Troll’s axe!

The goblin chiefs were also just transcendent species.

Naturally, the discipline was not too high.

Even if it was an army.

The casualty rate exceeded twenty percent.

All might collapse.

Not to mention these untrained goblins.

Not only Lin Youhe.

Wan Yunsheng, Xiang Zhifei and Jane Ziqiang were also desperately trying to encourage the race they had built.

Keep fighting on!

“Demonized people, don’t be afraid. If you accidentally hurt your companions, you will accidentally hurt them. Kill a few more forest trolls, just a few less!”

Xiang Zhifei clenched his hands.

The whole person almost stood up!

The look was very tense!

All four of them knew… that they definitely could not beat the forest trolls.

But before dying, you have to bite off a big bite of each other’s flesh!

Not willing to give up in vain.

Jiang Fan couldn’t look down and spoke, “You guys quit, don’t let the races you each built suffer too many casualties.”

“It’s not time yet.”

Lin Youhe immediately shook his head and refused, “My Goblin Chief can still hold up, kill a few more Forest Trolls and you’ll be under much less pressure later.”

Rumble ……

At this time.

Not far away on the ground.

A violent trembling sound rang out.

A large black and huge figure rushed towards this side.

The griffins and forest trolls were just two races.

This time, the Xingher Academy had sent over five transcendent species!

“You guys hurry up and exit!”

Jiang Fan shouted directly.

Lin Youhe also knew it wasn’t good and gritted his teeth, “Jiang Fan, let your pilot’s output, ignore my Goblin Chief and finish these green-skinned trolls!”

“Are you crazy?”

Jiang Fan looked at Lin Youhe.

Once the storm fighters fired their cannons.

It was an indiscriminate attack!

It wasn’t just the forest trolls at the bottom.

There were also goblin chiefs who would suffer!

The number of goblin chiefs was still several thousand!

Even if the forest trolls could be eliminated.

How many goblin chiefs had to die?

“I’m not crazy. Even if all these goblin chiefs die, there are still some on my planet, and it can be re-bred soon.”

Lin Youhe gritted his teeth and said fiercely, “I’m also part of the Bei Dou University team. I have to do something!”

“Yes, Jiang Fan, get your pilot out.”

Xiang Zhifei also said with a determined face, “We have to do something. We can’t be of no use at all!”

This chapter is updat𝓮d by freē

Although Wan Yunsheng and Jane Ziqiang said nothing.

But the expression on their faces already said everything!

“No need.”

Jiang Fan, however, refused and said in a deep voice: “You guys hurry up and quit, don’t worry, these guys from Xinghe Academy, I’ll …… Finish them!”

As he spoke.

Jiang Fan slightly narrowed his eyes.

Exchange tournament played until now.

The first time!

A hint of anger and battle intent rose in Jiang Fan’s heart!

Since you guys are coming for real.

Then …… Come on!

He looked toward the Great Desolate Army.

It was estimated that the Great Desolate Army at this time.

Witnessed his teammates being slaughtered like this.

They were also really pissed off!!!