Pokemon: Radical Redux-Chapter 272: Kleavor
Chapter 272 - Kleavor
Blade and Scyther clashed again, sparks flying from the claw and blade. Although Blade was stronger, Scyther was faster. Blade could tank Scyther's hits, but Scyther dodged his.
Shingo frantically was typing away on his computer, trying to complete the analysis of Scyther, as he did, he saw Scyther send another slash at Blade's chest.
"Blade use [Fury Cutter!]," Shingo called out, his frustration evident
"Scyther spin around and [Night Slash!]"
As the last clash between the 2 happened, Blade's claws glowed green as it extended into a blade, and he pushed Scyther back, but as Scyther flew into the air, he spun around, quickly coming back down with a purple blade crashing back into Blade.
People could visibly see Blade clenching his teeth, trying to push back Scyther as sparks started flying, Scyther had a smirk on his face in excitement.
Ash smiled as it tipped his hat a little, "Alright, Scyther, use [Lunge] then [Pounce]!"
"Blade, stop him!"
Scyther's body glowed green as he jumped back, dodging a counterattack from Blade, as Blade tried but failed to stop him, Scyther jumped forward, sending a kick into Blade's stomach, while Blade keeled over, he spun his body around, sending a second kick to the back of his head making him eat dirt.
The point of it wasn't to do damage, since Blade resists Bug type, the main point was the secondary effect, along with the damage, Blade also went -1 on his Attack and Speed.
Shingo looked panicked, "Blade!"
Blade punched the ground as he forced himself to get up, wiping his red face and ready to keep fighting.
Shingo looked at Ash; he could tell Ash wasn't taking this 100% seriously, and what's worse, he was still dominating this battle, Blade hadn't even been able to land a hit on Scyther yet.
Shingo finished a superficial analysis on Scyther, so quickly gave it a look over, then smiled back, "Alright, this is where it changes, Blade, [Bullet Punch]!"
Blade's claws glowed silver as he dashed forward at breakneck speeds, appearing right there in front of Scyther, but neither he nor Ash looked scared as his claw came in to punch the bug.
Ash smirked as he looked down, barely mumbling, "[Quick Guard]"
As Blade's claw came in quickly, the force behind it stirred up the dust from the dirt below them everyone watched closely, and then there was a connection as the dust shot up, but Scyther didn't go flying like most people expected.
As the dust settled there, Blade's Claw was shaking as it tried to push forward, but looking further up showed that Scyther's blade was glowing red and blocking his claw.
"What!?" Shingo's eyes flashed with surprise, according to his analysis, that should have been the perfect chance
Ash gave a little smile, "I never said I was going to make it easy, did I now send him to the ground with [Brick Break],"
Scyther spun his body around, making Blade stumble since he was still trying to hit Scyther, then, as Blade was catching his balance, Scyther sent a hit to Blade's back, sending him right back down to the ground.
Shingo clenched his teeth; he realized Ash had much more of an advantage here, not just in experience but also in tactics, that last attack was a completely different style that focused more on Strength over speed over the one that is optimal for Scyther, which is the exact opposite.
Scyther jumped back over to Ash's side while Blade struggled to get up as he was next to Shingo, Shingo looked at his computer and thought back to what Ash said, 'What started as training wheels became a crutch'
Deep down, Shingo knew Ash was right, he looked at his computer, showing the data he just collected. It sure helps, but looking at this situation, he took a breath and stood up, "Think outside the box..."
Ash's amused smile slightly went into an interested one as he watched what Shingo was doing, "Finally admitting I'm right,"
Shingo closed his eyes and sighed, "Yeah, you are right, I tried to deny it, but I know it's true, but you know what screw it, time to get crazy,"
Shingo reached into his pocket and looked over to his father, "Sorry, Dad, I'm borrowing this,"
Muramasa looked confused for a moment, wondering what he was talking about, but then he saw Shingo pull out a red and silver stone and a smaller stone.
"Blade catch!" Shingo said as he threw the mega stone, Blade looked back and saw it coming as he reached out his claw and grabbed it.
Ash also looked surprised; there was no way he could have seen this coming, "What you're not-"
"I am!" Shingo interrupted as he pushed the Keystone in his hand and held it up, "Blade, Mega evolve!"
Blade's form burst into light; his claws grew as his body gained more armor, there was now Mega-Scizor, people were watching, looking speechless this is something no one even dreamed would happen.
Ash frowned and clenched his hand as Scyther glared at Blade, "Scyther [Acrobatics]!"
Scyther dashed quickly and dashed around Blade quickly, but Blade didn't move he just stood there, as Scyther finally stopped, he delivered a strike directly at Blade's face, but Blade just tanked it.
Blade stood there he didn't even move back a little, Shingo smiled, "Let's try this out, [Hard Press]!"
Blade's body released some steam as he quickly raised his arms and then slammed them together with Scyther's head in the middle, and since Scyther was at max HP, this dealt the maximum damage.
Scyther felt the pain as he felt the ringing pain in his head, only to open his eyes to be greeted by a punch to the face, knocking him back to the ground over to Ash's side.
Shingo's eyes shined with joy, "I can't believe it, Blade is brimming with power, this is amazing, with this power and my data, we can't lose!"
On the side, the gang and Muramasa were watching, Muramasa was still in shock to think that Shingo had taken his old mega stone, he never thought this would be how it happened, he always planned on giving Shingo his mega stone, but not like this.
Brock crossed his arms as he watched, "This isn't good..."
"But Ash can still win...right?" Yellow asked, looking up at Brock
Brock couldn't confidently answer, "I don't know, although Ash is more experienced, there is a point where brute strength is better than strategy."
Misty looked down and yelled, "Hey, Ash, you better not lose! Wipe that frown off your face, I've seen you come back from way worse, so drop the Act!"
Yellow and Brock were taken aback by that, and so were Pikachu and Chuchu. Misty never acts like this, but they had to admit, she had a point.
Yellow took a breath and tried yelling, "A-Ash! You can do it! I know you can!"
"Now I feel like a jerk," Brock mumbled as he got up, too, "Ash, you have something saved, don't you!"
Pikachu + Chuchu: "Pika! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞"
Ash heard his friends, his frown turned into a smile as he chuckled, "You idiots know me so well~"
Ash reached into his bag and gripped something, "Hey, Scyther, you ready to knock their socks off!"
Scyther looked back as his eyes lit up, he knew exactly what Ash was talking about and nodded, "Scythe!"
Ash used the Pokedex and chose the Hisui dex, pulling up a picture of Kleavor and showing it to his Scizor and 2 Scyther.
"This is the form I want him to take, that is if he wants it," Ash explained when he was explaining how he was going to train Scyther.
Scyther mom and Scizor looked at each other. They were both fine with it if that was what their son wanted, but they needed his opinion first, which they didn't even need to ask for as they saw Scyther's eyes sparkling.
Ash smiled, "Good to hear you're on board, so let's get Crazy."
{End of flashback}
Shingo and everyone were watching Ash, confused as to what he was planning. They looked at his hand, and it looked like he grabbed a stone, no, it was shinier it looked more like obsidian.
This chapter is updated by freēwēbnovel.com.
But in fact, both were wrong; this was one of the pieces of Black Augurite he had, Ash smiled, "Only fair if I even the odds! Scyther, take this!"
Ash threw the sharp stone through the air as it went at Scyther, people were confused, obviously, what should they think Ash was throwing a sharp rock at his Pokemon, was he telling him to use it as a weapon?
Scyther smiled as he ran, and with his blades, he slashed at the stone, as he did, both the stone and Scyther started to glow in a bright light as he grew, his smooth body gained a new craggy exoskeleton, his wings shrank, and a mask grew over his face.
Then his blades became arms, and his two spindly front limbs ended in large axe-like appendages made of heavy black rock, standing there now towering over everyone, even Blade, stood Kleavor.
Everyone stood stunned, why wouldn't they this is a Pokemon no one has ever seen before, this is the first time one has appeared in over a hundred years, not since the last one used by the legendary Lucius,
Shingo's eyes widened, this was crazy, it was illogical, it was...incredible, this was beyond his expectations. He had analyzed and had tons of battles, but this, THIS, was the first time he could feel his blood pumping, his heart pounding. It was a feeling he never felt before, and it was intoxicating.
Ash smiled, seeing people's reactions as he raised his arm, "You're not the only one that can change forms, meet the legendary formerly extinct evolution, Kleavor,"
Then, as Kleavor raised his axe arm and pointed it at Blade, Ash, and Kleavor smiled, "And I'm going to make you wish he stayed gone,"
Shingo snapped out of his trance as he looked at his computer, hoping for anything, even a type, would be good, but nothing the only thing he got was the legends and findings of professors who found a Kleavor claw preserved.
Shingo shook his head, "It doesn't matter, Blade quick use [Metal Claw]!"
Blade formed a ball of energy in his claw as he then crushed it, coating his claw in energy, forming an energy claw, and he rushed forward and jumped, sending the slash at Kleavor's face.
Even though it was super effective, and it looked like he did feel that, Kleavor didn't move; he just looked down as Blade watched him shrug off his attack.
"Alright, let's test this power out, [Counter]," Ash commanded
"Dodge it quick, Blade!" Shingo said in a panic
Kleavor's eyes shined as he brought his new axe down. Blade tried to jump back, but he still got slashed in the arm, sending sparks then, as the rest of the Axe fell down, the force immediately was so strong it left an imprint into the ground, and the force sent Blade a literal 275-pound bug, to be sent flying back.
Ash smiled, seeing Kleavor looking so excited, "Alright, bud, let's try something new, [Stone Axe],"
Shingo looked frightened that this was it, "Block it!"
Kleavor dashed forward and raised his axe hands into the sky, Blade looked up, seeing that the Axe was coming down on him; he raised his big claws in an attempt to defend himself, but it was no use.
Kleavor sent the Axe down and crashed into his claws, easily overpowering him because this attack used Kleavor's new abilities, this was boosted by Sheer Force, then some more with Sharpness, and not only that, it was a crit.
The resulting attack created a small explosion that kicked up the dirt and air, forcing anyone close by to close their eyes, after a moment, when everyone opened their eyes, they looked on in awe.
Blade was sprawled out on the ground as he was forced out of mega form. His metal armor was scratched, and the ground under him had a big slash mark, it seemed like Kleavor held back just enough not to cut the metal on Blade's body.
Kleavor stepped back and turned around, raising his Axe hand in victory and awe, marveling at his new power.
Ash walked up and slapped him on the back, "I think you overdid it, bud,"
Kleavor scratched his head sheepishly with his axe his now tiny wings fluttered a little
"Kleav..." he mumbled a half-hearted apology
People were still processing this, to them, Ash had just brought out a Pokemon that people didn't even know existed, the only people who knew a little were Brock and Muramasa, but those were from stories and legends they didn't think were true.
They walked up, Brock, Misty, and Yellow walked up to Ash, who just gave a casual wave pretending nothing happened, "Sup guys, thanks for believing in me~"
Yellow walked up, handing Pikachu back to Ash, "Hey, um, that was amazing, Ash, I knew you could do it," Yellow was the one that probably had the least knowledge of Pokemon, to her, this was probably just another evolution, not an extinct form.
But the same couldn't be said for Brock, who walked up looking at Kleavor, "This is...incredible, I don't know what to say, so this is Kleavor, that's its name. I only ever heard stories from the books I read my siblings, but to think it's real..."
"So you gonna spill the beans how you knew about this? Because you can not convince me this was an accident," Misty said bluntly.
"Well, you know there is this researcher, and I am working with him," Ash said, hiding the truth of his knowledge,
"Uh huh..." Misty said, squinting her eyes, "Ok then, care to tell us more, like a name,"
"Uhh, Misty, as close as I am, I don't think this is the time," Brock interrupted, pointing at people looking at them.
Misty rolled her eyes, "Fine, but this isn't over, I want an actual answer, that's two now, this is not a coincidence,"
"Fine, I'll tell you more later. Just can you all keep this a secret for now," Ash said, getting a nod from the spectators.
Meanwhile, Muramasa walked up to Shingo, who was helping Blade up, when he saw his father approaching, he lowered his head, "Father..."
"Shingo..." Muramasa said looking at his son
"I'm sorry I took your Mega stone without permission, I don't have an excuse, I'll take any punishment..."
Muramasa looked at his son and sighed, putting his hand on his shoulder, "Very well, your punishment is that I want you to leave the Dojo and go on your own journey, and you are not allowed to come back until I can see you have grown,"
Shingo looked up at his father with surprise, but there was a hint of happiness to it. He expected to get Blade taken away for a while, maybe just being forbidden from coming to the Dojo forever, but this was perfect.
"Ok, father! I'll do it, the next time you see me, it will be in this year's Silver Conference!" Shingo said, bowing,
"Also, this is yours," Shingo said as he held out his father's mega stone and Keystone.
Muramasa looked at his son and held his hand out over his, closing it, "No, they are yours now, this is your journey now, so use them wisely, they served me well for years, so I know they will do the same for you,"
Shingo looked up at his dad with tears in his eyes, "Ok, father, I'll do my best. I won't let you down, and I'll make you proud!"
Muramasa put a hand on his son's shoulder, "You already have,"
Shingo wiped his eye as he looked at Ash, "Well then, thank you, but I expect a rematch one day, and next time, Blade and I will win,"
Ash smiled and held a hand out, "Then, see you at the Silver Conference,"
"Yeah, the Silver Conference," Shingo said as he took Ash's hand in a handshake