Progenitor Vampire: I Have Many Skills!-Chapter 284: Mia Holmer

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She turned around then.

"Zen Varrmar, eh? Looks like I finally get to meet you, Young Student." She said, smiling.

Matt stared at her and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Great Summoner." He was simple, which made the Great Summoner smile at him.

"You can call me Mia or Holmer. Both are fine; I don't like you using that title so much."

After saying this and seeing Zen nod, she sat at the desk.

"Student Zen, I heard you got a blue aptitude and completed the 30 minutes in all four summoner tests."

"That's right, Mrs. Holmer."

"Have you tried summoning before? Do you have any idea how to do it, or is this really the first time you've faced spiritual summoning?"

"I've never tried summoning because I don't know how to do it. I haven't seen summoning before, so I guess it's normal."

Mia Holmer stared at him and nodded.

"Did you come here to learn summoning only, or do you have bigger plans?"


Matt thought about it for a moment before answering. "Honestly, when I came here, I just wanted to find out what spirit summoning was since they say spirits can make me break my current limits." He replied.

"From the way you put it, you have other plans now?" She looked up curiously as she saw Matt nod.

"While I'm at it and seeing that summoning is more interesting than I thought, Aelia and I are planning to become as strong until we join the Alignment."

"Oh, you want to join the Alignment? Why?"

"I think you know the answer better than I do. Seeing how powerful people can become with spirits, as long as the Academy knows how to train its members, someday the Alignment will be as powerful as any of the other three. It's better to be one of the first members of such an organization than to be the last, isn't it?

Even if my future were not good, given enough time I can gain a lot from such an organization."

Mia Holmer didn't know how she should respond to his meticulously prepared and somehow unrealistic answer. Still, she found her way out with a slight chuckle.

"Hehehe, you're clever, kid. Even slicker than all the current teachers. That's good." He said, and Matt smiled at her as if thanking her for the compliment.

"But, you should know that entering the Alignment is not easy. And more so for you, who must use magical artifacts to control the spirits. You must know that it is the most difficult way to be able to control them and to sign a contract. In the Alignment, there are only 2 people who use artifacts, so do you think you can do it?" She asked.

Matt, this time, was genuinely surprised.

"If that's so, I'll have to try harder, but... If what you say is correct, why do so many respect artifact controllers, then? Even to the point of granting us some benefits for being artifact controllers." He asked.

Mia Holmer then stood up, walked to the front of the desk, and sat on it to get closer to Matt. Also, her manner seemed to allude to one thing, which was not lost on Matt.

"Is it because of you?" he asked again.

"Hehe, that's right. It's because of me. you know what Sorcerers are, right? People with powerful skills. There are some who are very fast and some who are deadly in many ways. But they all get there because of research.

And I am a Great Researcher of the Spirit World. That is why I am also the Great Summoner. Many believe that in me lies the ability to turn this Academy into a true Alignment."

"That's why we need more people who are capable of investigating the spirit world like me, and only people capable of investigating a Magic Artifact have the ability to do so. But it seems you have other plans."

She told him all this, which surprised Matt a little, but he still understood what she meant.

"I have no plans to quit research. I still need to fully understand the magical Artifact I use." He replied, and she smiled.

"In front of a good understander, some words can be left over. So, what Artifact do you use? I can help you with that."

Matt frowned slightly. 'This could be dangerous, but... I'm curious if she has any concept of this item. Anyway, if my research progresses correctly, before long I might be able to help Alice summon without the need for an artifact.' He thought.

Therefore, he was not careful and pulled out the item. That caused Robert to startle a little at the sight of it.

Even the Great Summoner reacted.

'They know it...' He thought and spoke.

"This is the item. When I got it and researched it a bit, I realized it was very compatible with me. The one my partner uses is the same since we have a few at that place. Still, it's kind of complicated to figure out." He replied, trying to inquire about this from both of them.

"Where did you get it? This is an amazing item." Said the Great Summoner as she raised her hand to grab it.

"A while back, Aelia and I fought some guys from an Organization called Low Deal. We never had any bad intentions toward them, but a guy they called Genius Mage attacked us, so we had to kill them all. That's where we got that." After saying this, Matt turned up all his body's defenses to the limit.

He focused on the entire room and prepared for a possible fight. If he thought about it correctly, Low Deal should be nearby, and if they could recognize this Artifact, it meant they knew more or less who Low Deal was. So, if they were allies, they could possibly fight.

Still, the reaction was not what he thought it would be.

Somehow, the eyes of the two of them glowed for a brief moment.

And Mia Holmer smiled softly.

"Hahaha, boy, it seems we have several things in common, including enemies. I'd like to teach you more about this Artifact, but we don't have time right now. So, how about we talk in a few days? Once classes start, come to my office, and I'll teach you everything I know about this Artifact. I can assure you that I know a lot of things about it because I was the one who created them."
