Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm-Chapter 217 "Something You Aren’t Telling Us."

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"Well, as you can see, we could probably handle most of the zombie tide ourselves," said Wang Chao with a slight shrug as he bit down on a potato chip.

"But we won't," smiled Liu Yu Zeng as he took another bite of his sandwich.

That caused Deng Jun Hie to pause, his mouth still open as he brought his own food back to his mouth. Closing his lips, he swallowed. "Any reason why not?" he asked. Seeing Liu Yu Zeng's power out in full force had given him a sense of hope that his base would be saved.

"Because you won't learn or appreciate it," said Chen Zi Han as he finished off his last bite of his own food before turning around to the sink and washing his dish.

Deng Jun Hie scoffed at that idea. If someone could come and save them, especially someone from the same military as him, then they had the responsibility to help out. Never leave a brother behind and all that.

This time it was Wang Chao's turn to let out a snort of amusement. "We are not here to make your life easier. And besides, if you don't fight now when we are here as backup, what will you do when we leave?" 𝒃𝙚𝒅𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝙘𝒐𝙢

"You're leaving?" asked Deng Jun Hie, a look of confusion on his face like the thought that they weren't staying had ever even entered his mind.

"You thought we were staying?" replied Liu Yu Zeng as he walked around the island and started to wash his own dish in the sink before putting it on the rack to dry. "We go where Li Dai Lu wants us to. Even then, this wasn't her first choice," he admitted as he turned around and leaned against the counter.

"But the tide…" started the Major General, the once delicious sandwich now laying heavily in his stomach like a ball of lead.

"The tide will come. Your men will flight. They will be pushed to their limits, and they will discover a part of themselves that they never knew existed," said Liu Wei as he too stood up and started washing his plate. "You need some pressure and adversity if you want to create a diamond after all."


"No," said Wang Chao with a finality that was not to be argued with. "We will act as back up and prevent the base from being over taken. But it is not our home, it is yours. You need to fight for your own place in this new world." Besides, the four of them also needed to figure out the scope of their powers and this would be as good of as time as any to do it.

"It could be your home too," said the Major General with a sly smile. "I could give you whatever you want."

This time, all four of the other men softly laughed at the naivety of that statement. "Look around," suggested Liu Wei as he went back to the booth. Chen Zi Han sat down in the driver's seat of the RV and started it. "What could we possibly be lacking that we would consider your offer?"

Deng Jun Hie looked around and seriously thought about his words. It was true, there didn't seem to be anything lacking… "I can offer power, supplies and a place to put down roots. Wouldn't it be nice not to constantly be driving around?"

Wang Chao looked at the man beside him. He understood that the Major General was desperate, but he had already given him the solution. "We have our own base an hour and a half from here," started Liu Yu Zeng as he went to sit in the front passenger seat beside Chen Zi Han.

"We have a ranch completely set up as another base just outside of City A," continued Liu Wei as he stretched out on the booth, his legs crossed in front of him.

"We will be leaving when the tide is not longer a threat," said Wang Chao as he stood up. "And there is nothing you can do about it." Turning around, he walked over to the back bedroom and slide inside. He needed some one on one time with his little one just to reassure himself that she was still alive.

Crawling into bed with her, he brought her front over top of his own. He saw that she had taken off her sweater and was just laying in bed with only the bandage covering her. He wished he could feel her silky skin against his own, but for right now, all he needed was to listen to her heartbeat.

Closing his eyes, he surrendered to sleep.


I had slept through the night and into the first half of the morning. I snuggled into the warm body underneath me and took in a deep breath of air. "Wang Chao," I groaned, not bothering to open my eyes. I was much to happy and content to be willing to ruin everything by opening my eyes.

As long as they stayed closed I could pretend that we were in our own little world… one where I didn't have to get out of bed.

Wang Chao chuckled as he gently trailed his finger up and down my arm. I was about to roll over when a tinge of pain told me that that would be a very bad idea. It wasn't as bad as it was yesterday, but it was definitely enough to remind me that I was hurt.

The door opened and Chen Zi Han looked in. I smiled at my shadow and patted the bed behind me in a offer for him to join the cuddle fest. If even more people joined in, there was no way I could get out of bed. Chen Zi Han chuckled and shook his head.

"Just checking to see if you were awake," he said as he opened the door all the way and walked in.

"And if I am?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes at him in suspicion. Would he make me get out of bed? Because I was really going to have to protest if that was the case. I was comfy, and Wang Chao wasn't asking me to get off of him. In short, I wasn't moving.

Smiling, Chen Zi Han came to sit on the side of the bed and leaned forward to give me a kiss on my bare shoulder. I was too tired to bother to get changed last night so I only took off my sweater before I passed out, leaving my upper half naked. There was no way I was putting on a bra with my back looking like Frankenstein's Monster.

"If you are, then I was going to change the bandage and check your wounds," he said as he gave me a kiss right behind my neck and another on my shoulder blade. I hummed my approval at his actions only to start grumbling as he got out of bed and left the room.

"Was it something I said?" I asked Wang Chao as I got more comfortable on his chest. He chuckled as Chen Zi Han came back into the room carrying the first aid kit that I had given him yesterday.

"Let's see how you are doing," he said as he took out a pair of medical scissors and started to cut the white bandage that was wrapped around my torso. With how I was laying on Wang Chao, he had complete access to my back.

I felt the tension lessen and loosen as the bindings fell away. They were still trapped between me and Wang Chao, but my back was now completely exposed to Chen Zi Han. I closed my eyes, picturing just how mangled and ugly my back must be.

The zombie didn't hold back and all five of his claws managed to rip into me from the top of my right shoulder down to the top of my left hip. I had lost track after the first 25 staples it took to put me back together so I knew it was not pretty.

I shifted self-consciously as I felt Chen Zi Han's fingers lightly graze down my back. "I'm sorry," I said embarrassed. I know he saw it worse yesterday, but in the light of a new day, I didn't want him to see me like this. Scars were never attractive on a woman.

"Hush," said Wang Chao, tilting up my head to give me a kiss. His lips started off gentle on my own until his tongue demanded entrance. As soon as I granted it, he completely took over the kiss, forcing every thought out of my head until all I could think about was him and Chen Zi Han's fingers on my back.

I moaned as he slowly pulled away. I chased him a bit, wanting that sensation back, but Chen Zi Han held me in place.

"Princess," he said cautiously as his fingers continued to glide between the staples I could feel in my skin.

"Yeah?" I asked as I tried to look over my shoulder to look at my back.

"Is there something that you need to tell us?" he asked. Wang Chao snapped to attention, his eyes staring at Chen Zi Han.

"No," I said confused. What did I forget to tell him?

"Call in the others," said Wang Chao, his gaze never leaving Chen Zi Han's. "They need to be here for this."