Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan-Chapter 857 Type II Biological Armour

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In the blink of an eye, one week passed.

During this week, the Uchiha Clan continued to mobilize their clansmen and visited all the Clans in Konoha in an attempt to garner as many votes as possible, to this end, they even went as far as to send their clansmen to visit all the Jonins of commoner background.

The actions of the Uchiha Clan surprised everyone in Konoha, no one had expected such behavior from the proud and arrogant Uchihas, be that as it may, decades of estrangement cannot be changed overnight.

The Hokage Faction has maintained its connections among all classes of shinobi for generations, through overt and covert exchange of interests, almost all the shinobi have ties with the Hokage Faction.

Additionally, the branch members of the Hyuga Clan are also putting a lot of effort into soliciting votes for Kuroto, so even though it appears that Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Kuroto are on the same level and competing fiercely for each vote, in the eyes of discerning people, the outcome has already been decided.

Because many people have already predicted the outcome of the Vote of Confidence, they are also worried about the possibility that the Uchiha Clan wouldn’t be willing to accept their defeat, and might launch a Coup d’état.

Sandaime has the same worry, therefore, in addition to dealing with the matters of the Hokage Elections and the general village affairs, he is also taking countermeasures to deal with a possible rebellion.

On the bright side, Hiruzen has made the Uchiha Clan put their entire focus on the Vote of Confidence, causing all their clansmen to be busy soliciting votes for their Patriarch.

In the dark, Hiruzen is secretly communicating with the Patriarchs of the major Shinobi Clans, actively preparing for war and devising effective strategies to deal with the possible rebellion that may be launched by the Uchiha Clan following their defeat in the Vote of Confidence.

So, even though the current Konoha is in a bright, cheerful, and lively state, undercurrents of war, massacre, and bloodshed are surging in the dark.

Despite being the center of all these events, the original Kuroto is nowhere to be found in Konoha as he is still present in his floating castle.

Of course, even if he is absent in Konoha, this does not imply that he is unaware of the upper currents and undercurrents in the village. Through regular reports from Itachi, Shisui, and, Naomi, Kuroto has a solid grasp of the village’s situation.

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Having read the regular report sent by his three subordinates in Konoha, Kuroto shifted his gaze to the Large Nutrition Tank.

In the Large Nutrition Tank, a newly created Biological Armour was floating. Compared to the crude and rough ‘Type I Biological Armour’, the ‘Type II Biological Armour’ is new and improved, its design is much more refined, it's nicely structured, and has a better appearance.

Compared to the previous model, this model has a carefully crafted and intricately designed internal chakra meridian system for better, more stable, and safer Chakra transfer from the armor to the wearer’s body. Based on his calculations, Kuroto expects cubic efficiency in chakra transport, which is definitely a qualitative leap!

And that’s not all… ‘Type II Biological Armour’ has another added feature, it has an ‘Exoskeletal Muscular Structure’ that increases the wearer’s physical attack power. This means that the wearer not only has more Chakra to work with, but they also have a higher attack power in each of their attacks!

Kuroto even believes that the strength of a Genin wearing this armor will easily surpass a Chunin, and an experienced Chunin wearing the ‘Type II Biological Armour’ will be able to fight a Jonin on equal terms… There won’t be too much improvement for a Jonin in terms of physical attack power, however, they will have access to an external Chakra supply which will definitely prove to be useful.

The ‘Type II Biological Armour’ is revolutionizing, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the added ‘Exoskeletal Muscular Structure’ has transformed the ‘Type II Biological Armour’ from ‘just a source of external Chakra Supply’ to a veritable armor that can be used in battles between Shinobi.

Kuroto’s expectations from the ‘Type II Biological Armour’ are high, after all, this is not a semi-finished product that was prepared hastily in order to cope with a sudden emergency, rather, it is the crystallization of his knowledge of Biotechnology and Chakra that he has acquired in the past two decades of his life!

Kuroto wouldn’t say that the ‘Type II Biological Armour’ is perfect, but it is definitely a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that can immediately overturn the Shinobi World.

Feeling proud of his creation, Kuroto turned around and looked at the five Nutrition Tanks on the other end of his laboratory as a faint smile appeared on his face.

In addition to creating the ‘Type II Biological Armour’, Kuroto has also put his time and effort into creating the Lightning Chakra Nature Clones. The result of his effort is clearly visible in the form of five undeveloped clones floating inside the Nutrition Tanks.

If you have money, there are a lot of things you can do without having to worry about the matter of funds, and since he has earned a lot of money because of the recent events in Konoha, he is not hesitant to openly splurge to speed up Project Godhood.

Aside from the matter of funds, Kuroto has to say that his and Kakashi’s cells have very good compatibility, he did not have to create thousands of samples in order to obtain the fused cell, just a few hundred were more than enough.

Although the five clones have yet to develop completely, based on the monitoring data, he is assured of their quality, all five clones are going to be high-end goods, and he probably won’t have to put much effort into training this clone.

Anyway, it will still take a few weeks for the Lightning Chakra Nature clone to be ready for training and cultivation, so he doesn’t need to think about it.

With such a thought in his mind, Kuroto turned back towards the ‘Type II Biological Armour’, and after making sure that everything was all right with it, and it was fully developed, he drained the nutrient solution and left the cultivation chamber with it and called for Karin.

After removing the ‘Type I Biological Amour’, Kuroto got a better look at Karin’s overall physical condition.

The little girl has been under too much burden these past few months, because of being constantly sucked out of chakra, she has become quite weak and lost a lot of weight. Although not to the extent of the skinny Nagato back when he hadn’t implanted the Hashirama Cells, she is slowly reaching that stage as the demand for yang chakra supply is increasing.

Looking at Karin’s dull complexion, and painful expression, Kuroto sighed softly and while caressing her head gently, he spoke, “Karin, you have been working very hard.”

Having earned Kuroto’s affection and praise, Karin smiled with some difficulty as she said, “Kuroto-sama, I can still hold on, it’s not that difficult.”

Kuroto nodded, “I know, you are a really strong girl.” Then said, “But don’t worry, it will be relatively easier for you from here on… I have completed the ‘Type II Biological Armour’.”

“Really? That’s great.” Karin’s expression brightened immediately.

The ‘Type I Biological Armour’ was starting to lose effect, as it was no longer that effective in supplying Chakra, so the burden on her body was continuously increasing, but now that the ‘Type II Biological Armour’ is completed, it will be much easier for her.

After cleaning up her body, Kuroto made Karin wear the ‘Type II Biological Armour’.

As ‘Type II Biological Armour’ started supplying her with Chakra, Kuroto documented the changes, and asked, “How do you feel?”

After a while of silence, Karin exclaimed in surprise, “Kuroto-sama… this one… it’s really good! So much chakra is flowing into my body! And… and… it’s much more comfortable to wear, it doesn’t hurt!”

Kuroto nodded, “The chakra supply is tripled.” And added after a pause, “And its design will allow more range of movement.”

After he was done recording everything he wanted, Kuroto instructed Karin, “Try walking… let’s see how it fairs… and also try to test the muscle strength.”

Karin followed Kuroto’s instructions. After a seamless walk and a few short sprints, she performed a few hops, she spoke in an excited tone of voice, “Kuroto-sama… this is so good. After putting on the ‘Type II Biological Armour’, It’s as if my strength has suddenly increased!”

Kuroto nodded, “That is natural.” This was all within his expectations.

After all the tests were completed, Kuroto called back Karin and checked her state with his Tenseigan.

“The timing was perfect, and everything is set… at least, the next two stages should proceed without a hitch.”



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