Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?-Chapter 612 Zephy’s Quest Complete

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Aside from buying those items, my friends bought what they wanted. Zack ended falling to temptation and bought that giant battle axe made of the bone of a Thunder Tyrannosaurus, which was massive, even he with all his strength was struggling to hold it properly. But he was set on using it with his other battle axe… Yeah, he wanted to dual wield two enormous two-handed battle axes. I guess only a muscle head like him could accomplish such a feat.

Aquarina bought herself a pack of ten different knives, each one had a special effect or magical ability. One of them unleashed flames, another was coated on deadly poison, there was another knife that had curse effect, and another that could paralyze once it pierced through a foe's wounds. They were all quite deadly. She said they were going for her collection.

I suppose her father's been teaching her more and more of his Secret Arts, which might include Assassination Arts and Espionage Techniques where she needs small and inconspicuous weapons to get the most out of it.

Celeste ended purchasing some ores from Rock, which she was using to enchant her Magic Cursed Spear… somehow. I don't know how but I guess she got her ways. And lastly, Mist bought a weapon at long last.

To not be so mana reliant, she got herself a small ballista with quill filled with arrows. The weapon was enchanted with runes to make it stronger and fire more precisely, and each arrow was made of Hardened Black Bark Wood and used Wind Gryphon's feathers, while the tip was made of scales from six-legged lizards.

And lastly, I completed the quest.


[You Completed the Special [Beginner Quest]: [Buy Zephy His Preferred Sword]

[You have bought Zephy the best sword he could wield. A Rapier is truly his ideal sword for now! Light and strong if imbued with his powerful Mana. You've made your brother happier, good job.]

[You received bonus rewards for complete the quest in less than 30 Minutes!]

[You Acquired The Completion Rewards: [120000 EXP] [Muscle Strengthening Herb (E Grade)] x10 [Random Skill Proficiency Potion (E Grade)] x2 [Weapon Enhancement Jewel (D Grade)] x2]

Ooh, I got tons of new items handed to me once more… I guess the more important the quests are, usually when related to someone else, the better the rewards, isn't it? Doing normal Quests given to me when I was doing sit ups, exercising, or practicing magic were very little, and I never got bonus rewards either. I often only got one or none a day as well.

I don't really know what makes them appear, but it is almost always a 100% chance to appear when it is related to the request of someone else. I guess Alice had said that Quests in the "videogames" of the world named "Earth" are like this, the "Player" usually goes to a character within these "videogames" to get a Quest.

Anyways, with that done, we quickly decided to move on with the request, the one doing it was located on the adventurer's guild and should be working there by now as well. We moved there swiftly, while Zephy was eating cotton candy we bought for us in the way. Naturally, Nephi was eating several of these.

"So who's the requester for this? And why in the adventurer guild? Don't tell me one of those lazy old dudes are asking us to do them a favor?" Sighed Celeste.

"Probably a non-adventurer? There's more than adventurers there after all, Celeste…" Said Celica. "M-Maybe the guild master!"

"I don't think it would be as far as being the guild master, Celica." I said. "But it is someone else we already know; you'll see once we get there."

As we entered the guild, we were greeted by tons of adventurers, this time I didn't had time for people to mess around.

"Ah, the young lady…"

"She seems dead serious…"

"H-Hey, did something happened?"

"Has someone committed a crime here?"

"The only crime I've committed is trusting you bastards on beating that fire salamander we fought yesterday, my butt's all burned still!"


I guess they were as cheery as ever.


A blonde elf girl greeted us. She was only around two years older than us. Her name was Emeraldine, and she was a rather shy elf girl that had just started working in here due to her talent for math, language, and all of that which receptionist use the best.

"Young Lady Sylph, it is a surprise to see you here today." She said shyly. "I see you are here with your friends! D-Do you want to complete a quest?"

"Not today Emeraldine, we came looking for Saphira. Is she in her break?" I wondered.

"Oh, Saphira! Yes, she's in the backyard having lunch. Want me to call her?" Wondered Emeraldine.

"Nah, we'll go there, can we?" I asked.

"Y-yes, of course! Please, pass through here." Google search 𝙛𝒓𝙚e𝚠𝐞𝚋𝙣𝚘𝐯𝗲𝚕. c𝚘𝓶

Emeraldine let us in easily, the benefits of being the daughter of the ruler of this place, as we entered the backyard of the adventurer's guild building, it was a small yet beautiful garden with colorful flowers and grass, a few trees to give shade, and wooden tables were the workers came to take breaks and have lunch.

We found Saphira, the Aquatic Anima girl was eating from a bowl filled with rice and seaweed, while having a big plate with sashimi, finely cut raw fish. She enjoyed it with some black sauce made from fermented soybeans similar to the one we usually enjoyed ourselves.

"Hmmm… Nothing beats some sashimi with seaweed and rice…" She sighed in relief. "Ah, though the humidity here is so low… Summer comes with so much heat, I am drying here…"


"Uwah?! Oh!"

Saphira jumped in surprise when I called for her, as she looked at me in surprise, opening her eyes wide open.

"L-Lady Sylphy? Oh, everyone… Do you need something? I am currently on my break…" She said while sighing.

"In the contrary, we came here because you need some help, right? We took on this request from mother. It said you wanted something that could keep you hydrated in summer, right?" I asked her.
