Reverse World-Chapter 3 - – Time to experiment
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Time to experiment
This realization left him stunned for a while. How could his world change so much in a single day? And why would he be the only one not affected? Was he still living in his world? Or did he somehow migrate to a parallel world of some sort?
His thoughts ran confusedly in all directions for a while. He was so deep in his world that he failed to notice what was happening around him.
"...jamin. Benjamin! Benjamin Freenine!!"
The teacher shouting at him in close proximity finally woke him up from his thoughts. He looked up to see his female teacher glaring daggers at him.
"I see my class isn't very interesting to you, young man. I can only guess you already know everything I was trying to explain, correct? This is your chance to redeem yourself. Come to the board and solve this problem."
Benjamin looked around at the situation. A few of the students in the class were sneering at him for being in trouble while his friends had worried looks on their faces. On the board, there was an incomplete Math problem, waiting for him to finish. Since this was new material from high school, he wasn't certain that he could solve it. But he felt this whole situation had little importance compared to what he realized about the world he was living him. He suddenly experienced a strong need to get away from the classroom, as if he was suffocating somewhat.
"I... I don't feel so good, miss."
His tentative only got him a mocking smile from the teacher.
"Yes, right, trying to escape the situation like that? I know the trick, young man."
"N-no, I really feel bad, honest. I think I need to lie down for a bit."
She glared at him unhappily for a while but then sighed helplessly.
She continued.
"Alright. Go to the infirmary and get the nurse to check you up. You better come back to class as soon as you feel better."
"Yes miss, thank you."
Like that, he exited the classroom. Now that there wasn't anyone around him anymore, he finally felt like he could breathe again. He very slowly headed to the infirmary, his thoughts continuing from where he left them. He realized quickly that he had no way to answer all his philosophical and metaphysical questions. Who could know what really happened? He still wasn't sure about anything yet, too. Was the world strange or was it him being strange?
Anyways, after a while, he started to think in another direction. He was a young teenage boy after all and while he was very surprised to hear that girls - and probably women too, he guessed - were perverted and horny, he thought that might be a quite exciting situation. Wasn't this whole strange world some kind of incredible opportunity? If he thought about it, he was a horny boy surrounded by horny girls. What's more, it seemed that guys were now the ones being very conservative about themselves, making him some sort of rare goods among his peers.
A rare perverted guy. Thinking in reverse, that would have been a horny and perverted girl in his old world. As long as he played his cards well, his value in this new world was probably through the roof. Wasn't he also super handsome at the same time? Won't those girls jump on him if he showed even the smallest sign of being interested?
He finally arrived in front of the school infirmary. This gave him an idea. If that didn't change when the anomaly occurred, the school nurse was a lady in her thirties. He remembered seeing her during the school tour at the start of the year. Wasn't this a perfect opportunity to test some of his theories? He prepared himself for a few minutes, running some scenarios in his mind. When he felt that he was ready, he knocked on the door.
"Yes! Come in!"
He entered and saw the nurse sitting on a chair at her desk. She was as he remembered her, with blond hair and brown eyes. Her physique was relatively good, with forms in the correct places. Perhaps a few kilos too many but nothing very remarkable. She was wearing a white skirt and a white blouse, which made her appear very nurse-like. She was smiling at him kindly, her eyes going to his chest for a fraction of a second before coming back up to his face. He could have missed it if he hadn't paid close attention. This was a good sign, he thought.
"Good morning. What can I do for you, young man?"
"Good morning, miss. I don't feel great since a little while ago. Could you please see if there is anything wrong with me?"
With that Benjamin touched his chest over his T-shirt. It was his contextual guess based on the morning that women might be as much interested in men's chests in this world as men were interested in women's ones in the previous one.
That seemed to have the intended result as the nurse ogled his chest directly this time. Her eyes had a small glint to them and a different smile started to appear on her face.
"Of course, I will."
She took a stethoscope from her desk and asked him.
"Where does it hurt exactly?"
He pointed at his left chest directly this time.
"Here miss."
She seemed a bit happy now and quickly prepared to check him.
"Alright, let me see now. Breath normally."
She then applied the stethoscope to his chest. Seeing him completely unbothered by her indirect touch seemed to surprise her. But it also seemed to make her bolder in her actions.
"T-this might take a while, just relax for a bit."
Following that statement, she started to use the stethoscope strangely. Instead of applying it to different places, she was instead moving it from one place to another with it still being in contact with him. She did that for some time and at one point, the stethoscope ended up caressing his nipple. He did not doubt that this was absolutely intended by the nurse. It was time to start the strategy he rehearsed previously in his head.