Rise of the Undead Legion-Chapter 497 - Birthday Party

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Chapter 497 - Birthday Party

"Hey man, we've been wondering if you could help some of our members join the Legion," Valentine said.

"You mean that I'll personally change them for you right?" Dave replied.

"Yes." Valentine nodded.

"Yeah, but what's in it for me?" Dave asked.

"We'll pay you. We don't need to change all of our members, just the A team group, the one your friend Blaster is leading."

"But I don't need Blaster to change to an undead, it's undoable and he already has a good friendship with my race."

"No worries, just his subordinates."

"How much are you willing to pay then?" Dave asked.

"The undead personally turned by you will have a 20% increase of abilities and base stats over any randomly turned undead, it's a good edge to have, so we're willing to give you ten grand per player."

Dave thought about it, the Devastators A team consists of one hundred players who are all highly ranked and good professional players, the amount is one million dollars for personally turning them. It didn't sound like a bad deal for Dave anyway. Plus they didn't know that by siring them personally he can revoke their transformation at will if they ever dared betray the legion or try and do some conspiration behind his back.

"Deal. I don't mind, the more that joins the legion the better. But do know, if they cross me…" Dave didn't even need to finish his words.

"Don't worry, we're past the grievances, we know you're alone much stronger than the super guilds. Crossing you is nothing but a foolish move, we're in need of manpower to roam the Underworld."

"Alright, if you understand your position then I have no problems turning them."

"Good, that's a deal, I'll wire the money to CCN's CEO. Once the servers are back online I'll DM you."

"Good, I'll have to go now, I'm expected to be someplace else, and I'm already late."

"Right I won't hold you off, Warlord," Valentine nodded to his guild master who was standing nearby with his hands crossed.

Warlord nodded at Dave and didn't say anything. Dave grinned, the guy wanted to come and talk but his 'pride' didn't let him.

He left it at that and left the studio, roaring the Mustang's engine and waking it back to life. It hungrily grumbled and took to the streets like a newly revived beast.

Dave followed the GPS location to Mercy's home. It was a palace house built right outside of New York; it was not even far from his old home in Moya.

It took him an hour's drive to get to the palace, the traffic was not too hot and he managed to get in only half an hour late.

There were hundreds of cars lined up along the entrance of the palace owned by Tivo Giovanni, a made man, an untouchable, by law or by man. No one dared cross him or anger him.

The palace was big enough that it could be seen from a distance, it was made of a light brownish color, roofed with blue tiles. The garden was large enough that it would take at least half an hour's walk so everyone had to bring a car to get inside.

Once he was at the entrance, two men in black suits stood there letting people in. They verified the guest's identities then let them in.

Dave's car engine signaled his arrival, and the two guards looked at him wearily. The car brand and model was too old, a sharp contrast to all the brand new models in the entrance.

Dave was about to get down when one of the two people came toward him. He was about to groan, seeing that everyone had come with an invitation and he didn't that was bound to cause some problems here.

"Mr. David Ruster, welcome," the guard said and opened the door for Dave.

"Please, let me park the car for you, there is a limousine waiting for you to take you to the palace.

"Oh, thanks I guess," Dave said and walked out.

"Don't scratch that car please."

"I won't, don't worry sir, we'll make sure to take good care of you vehicle, it belonged to the Boogyman of course and we don't want him coming over for a reckoning," the guard joked.

Dave smile at the guard's reply. But he clearly understood that his every move was monitored now, they all know whose car this was, that could also mean that the Giovannies know what he even had for breakfast. He was going to have a chat with Dante about this. He didn't like being followed around.

Once he walked out, he noticed that the sun was not too hot and the air was breezy, it was a good spring day, and was perfect for a birthday party outside

Dave was led to a waiting limousine that he entered and found two people inside.

Dave knew them instantly, Jenny and Tess, two of Zoe's frenemies.

Once Jenny saw Dave she frosted up, her face became pale as a sheet. She had dared offend him and demean him not once but twice, the first time she saw him with Zoe and the second time when he came for his Highs cool Gathering at the club owned by her father.

She had dreaded the day that she would meet Dave again, but she couldn't excuse herself and not come today as it was Mercy or Caitlin Giovanni's birthday. She had to come, and after Dave's rise to fame, she knew that she messed up big time and they were bound to meet.

Her plan was to present Caitlin with her gift and leave as soon as possible, but something had kept the limo here, the guards were ordered not to let them take the ride until a third person came in and they were waiting for that person for half an hour. It was Dave.

Jenny immediately understood that this was probably Caitlin's doing and this was payback that she offered to Dave for the insults he received the last time they met.

Dave didn't take another look at Jenny, he turned to the other girl, Tess Dave remembered.

Among Zoe's frenemies, this one was the quietest; she never spoke if not addressed and rarely contributed to any conversation. She never uttered a word against Dave so for now he didn't have her in his personal blacklist.

The limo moved slowly, it was the most humiliating situation Jenny had ever been in. Simply because Dave hadn't said anything. He didn't even mention what happened before, he didn't even act angry or show any expression. It was as if he considered her nothing more than a fly or an insect that he could hardly ever give a care about.

She understood that she was so far below his radar of notice that no matter what she would do or say, it won't register. It was a far cry from the last times they met where the roles were reversed and she could say anything she wanted against him. But now the tables have turned and he didn't even demean or humiliate her, because he never recognized her, which was even worse for someone coming from a powerful family as hers.

The limo arrived soon after, for Dave, it was a quick ride, as for Jenny it lasted an eternity of fidgeting, jaw clenching and mouth opening and closing, trying to speak words that never dared come to her mouth.

The door opened to Dave and he walked out first. Right in front of him, was the Giovanni palace, it was huge now he sees it up close, and right in front of it were dozens of tables with people already seated, drinking wine and chatting with each other.

Dave recognized many famous people from the tables. None were with a perfectly clear history, but some were actors and businessmen who were tied to the Giovanni's by personal contracts.

Dave was at a loss to where he should sit, but a person shouted his name.

Zoe was happily running over, wearing a purple dress to match her hair color and holding two glasses of champagne.

She gave Dave a quick kiss on the lip and said, "You're late, I've been making pleasantries with all these people for half an hour now, they all smell of cigars and are boring as heck!"

She handed him his glace,

"Sorry hun, been occupied with all that stuff back in CNN, by the way, you look lovely today."

Zoe blushed for a moment then smiled back at Dave "Thank you", it was always good for a girl to hear someone compliment her on the way she looks. (Always compliment a girl on how she looks boyz)

"Where's the birthday girl?" Dave asked.

"She's with Ralph, they're stuck shaking hands with everyone, it's going to take a while before they are set free. I already have a table reserved for us, they'll join us once they're done, let's sit."

"Right." Dave nodded and followed Zoe through the people that were chatting with each other.

There was a whit round table with a RESERVED sign on it where Zoe took a seat right next to Dave.

The table had a large parasol to keep the sun away and was right under a big oak tree. The place Zoe took was perfect as she could see everyone from there. And right in front of them was a large buffet table where people went to grab snacks or bites. The party apparently has yet to start.

Just a few moments after they sat, the party became deathly quiet, someone had stood right in front of them, Dave looked up.

It was the big boss in the flesh, with his jaws tight on a cigar and a hand holding a glass of wine, he grinned at Dave and said, "It's good of you to come here, but shouldn't you have come to pay your respects to me first?" the don spoke up and everyone at the party quieted down to see how this was going to unfold.