Son of the Hero King-Chapter 305: CH275:PLAYING AROUND (1)

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Flitting back to the battlefield that Anubis and Tiamat were occupying, the fight taking place there could only be said to be rather bitter for the demigods opposing these two monsters…

Firstly it had to be noted from the start that, aside from Surtr, only two of the other demigods in their camp were Titans.

The way beings, one born in the influence of Chaos and the other in the cradle of Order, evolved in power was fundamentally different from one another.

In one word, the beings of Order evolved externally. By gathering the power of the very world itself to fuel and shape their own. Reaching the Duke level was the first step of this transformation and it ended by carving a territory atop the existing world and finally becoming a Demigod — the undisputed sovereign of the lands they carved out and brought into existence.

The ones belonging to Chaos, on the other hand, evolved internally. They did not seek to create a world or carve out a territory that they could overlap with reality. Instead of that tedious task, they opted to make their own bodies become equal to the vast world itself.

There were advantages and disadvantages to both ways. But this became more apparent in the Demigod stage.

When a demigod belonging to the influence of order was brought outside of their territory, their power would be considerably lowered. The same was not the case for the side of chaos as their bodies were the fuel for their powers in the first place.

This was the main reason they decided to bring Tiamat outside of her territory. They knew how powerful she was inside her domain and knew for a fact that she was practically invincible there. It would've been extremely difficult to defeat her there and the resulting damages would've been far too great. To top it all off, she was also a dimensional mage.

However, they had made a foolproof plan, considering all the variables to go against her. In their original plan, Nihil should have used her own dimension to stop Tiamat from bringing out the full powers of her own. Then the others would simply gang up on her and take her out with a long-winded battle of attrition. In this way, they could defeat her efficiently with the least amount of losses.

It was a simple plan but at the same time a very effective one indeed.

It was more so since in their initial plan, Surtr wasn’t present, and now with him here, the plan could definitely be said to be nearly perfect. It would have been even better if they had been able to draw Skryrim in, another false-god level Titan— it would've become the perfect plan. But they couldn’t put all the eggs in the same basket.

Even if they couldn’t win completely, crippling the dragon realm would have been possible, and with the destruction of the territory, Tiamat would have received a very heavy backslash. This would've been enough to weaken her by a great margin. It would've been enough to put their next plans into motion.

With Tiamat firmly pushed out of the equation, the chances of their side, belonging to the Chaos faction, rising again from their suppressed state would have been way higher.

Sadly, Fate had a way to mock people in the strangest of ways.

Who would have thought that 'He' would appear here? In this crucial moment…

Anubis. The Necromancer King, sometimes also epitomized as the Demon King and so many more monikers that clearly showed that this great being was anything but a kind individual.

They could not understand for the life of them as to why this absolute monster of a demigod had come here… What they knew for a fact, however, was that the situation was now turning out to become extremely perilous for the Chaos faction. They had to move now…

<<Dimensional Encroachment: Fallen Paradise>>

<<Dimensional Encroachment: Sea of Stars>>

Immediately, both Nihil and Tiamat fought head to head to establish control of the battlefield with their dimensions. Though, in reality, it was more of a situation where Nihil was fighting with all she had so that Tiamat didn’t simply steamroll them into meat paste.

A crimson-red paradise for the fallen, and a world filled with endless stars forming a never-ending sea clashed with each other, creating a blistering spark in the void of the realms as if they were ready to annihilate everything in their path.

For a moment, Tiamat was hit with a bout of nostalgia as she remembered her fight against Lucifer. Back then, rather than a Sea, her dimension was nothing but a small river— a shallow stream at best. But now it has become so incomparably stronger.

Why was a territory important for a being of order?

A territory increased the power of the user.

A territory lowered the power of the ones that were designated to be the intruders inside it.

This was the most basic yet the most deadly feature of a territory.

But it wasn’t impossible for a dimension owner to do the same when their proficiency and power had crossed a certain threshold.

“You must also have inherited this power of yours from Michael, right?”

Tiamat laughed, disdain and mockery coloring her face and voice, but Nihil had no leisure to answer her back. After all, she was already strained just trying to stop Tiamat from imposing her rules and control on the surrounding battlefield.

The difference in power was evident for all to see. That was just how powerful Tiamat was once she was serious. Even though she was already close to the power of a false god, she could not face the full might of the Empress of Dragons. The ruler of pride.

No… In the first place could this even be called her full might?

“Oh my, I am so envious of those dimensional mages.”

Anubis mumbled in a teasing tone as he ruffled through the Library of his Mind Palace, ignoring the blatant fact of how he stole an entire part of a full realm just for himself from the almighty goddesses themselves.

This was his source of power or his “cheat” as he liked to call it when he was in a jesting mood.

When he was reincarnated in this world, he really thought he wouldn’t be able to last long in this harrowing world. But thankfully he was born with a rather unique and rightfully insane power.

The power to absorb the full memories and all of the skills of those he killed in the form of a book. Then said book would enter a Library stored in his mind palace, slowly forming a great collection of books that would be free for him to use as he wished.

Of course, that wasn’t all. What really made him a monster was that he could directly impart those stored skills to his Legion— his army of undead directly under him.

Looking inwardly, at the seemingly endless Library, situated inside his Mind Palace, filled with more than a million books…

“I don’t have the undead demigods with me but no matter… This is already more than enough…”

Anubis grinned as he wondered how he should deal with those puny demigods. Ever since he had beaten those Divine Beasts and sealed them as a punishment for opposing, no one dared to oppose him again, much less fight him.

So his life had been rather dull in the fight and thrill department. He was just itching for a battle.

Now that he had finally gotten what he wanted at long last, it would be a great shame to crush them too fast. He was fully intending on receiving his fair share of fun…

Anubis chuckled at that mischievous thought…

Two large grey wings of light flashed behind him.

In any other circumstance, he would have been in no mood to play around. But now, he had to meet the man who had taken away his little baby girl, so he needed to blow off some steam before the eventual meeting. Those helpless demigods were simply the perfect punching bags in this case.

Thinking about something hilarious, he summoned more than ten king-ranked undead who then rushed swiftly toward the demigods.

“What was the name again? Haha yes.”

A twisted grin formed on his face as he looked at Nihil.

“Little girl, here is a little gift from me, for you guys.”

The demigods were wary of these undead for they knew that the demonic Anubis wouldn’t just send Canon fodder their way and sure enough…

The undead began flashing with an ominous light and the level of energy in them jumped to an incredible degree.

Nihil’s eyes widened when she felt a familiar fluctuation from this technique. A heart-wrenching thought filled her mind as she understood why Anubis could use this technique.

Still, now wasn’t the time to grieve for a friend lost…


[Tsar Bomba!]


AN: Honestly, if Anubis had a theme song I would choose this:

Lol, What do you guys think? Anyway, Anubis is really a cheat characters. Like I once said, in my mind, he is the main character of the prequel named Son of The Demon King. Pretty catchy, right? I will perhaps write the Prequel after SHK ends. Though for now I am studying Sci-fi in order to write such a story. Hesitating between Xianxia and Sci-Fi.

Read War God Supreme
ActionAdventureFantasyMartial Arts