Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~-Chapter 406.1: Irregular ③
I, Nora Code, have no allies. My siblings are all enemies aiming for the throne, and the nobles in my factions are likely to switch sides at any moment.
Therefore, I created the strongest pawns who would never betray me. The enhanced humans I poured resources into were undoubtedly the strongest in Code, and by appointing them as Royal Guards, they became warriors who could fend off interference from Class 8.
There is a limit to the number of Royal Guards that one Royal Family member can appoint. I, who have assembled soldiers with abilities that surpass even those of mechanized soldiers and appointed them as Royal Guards, can undoubtedly be called one of the largest factions in Code.
At the moment, the only problem is my hateful brother――Angus Code.
As the eldest son of the current King of Code, he was able to make preparations the earliest and is my greatest enemy. Indeed his faction has the most nobles supporting him due to the long period of preparation he got, but unfortunately, I also have to admit that he is very talented.
The resources available to Royalty are enormous. And no ordinary fools can make effective use of them. I was also one step behind in rewriting the prison rules. Angus has the advantage of understanding the system.
For now, the battle seems to be even. I focused on soldiers, while Angus focused on weapons. No matter how powerful the weapons are, they are useless if the soldiers who use them are of poor quality.
But I cannot imagine that he doesn’t understand that.
Angus has started a plan to recruit immigrants from outside, involving all of Code. He probably intends to use those immigrants as pawns to carry the weapons he has created, but it is hard to imagine that the people Code has been dealing with so far are superior to the fruit of my research. He should at least be thinking about pinpointing the best warriors to invite in and use them as pawns――Yes, just like me, who tried to get the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》 and bring him to my side.
The king’s demise is not so far off. The current King of Code has not been seen or heard by any of us for a long time. The battle has already begun. There is plenty to think about.
Until that time comes, Angus’s――as well as Tony’s and the other Class 8’s forces must be reduced as much as possible――.
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I sigh deeply as I see off the unexpected, uninvited guest――A young man who calls himself Cry Andrich.
“I’m a little tired. What the hell is that guy?” (Nora)
“…… After all, he is only a 4-point man, so I think it is safe to just leave him be.” (Knight 1)
“He is not someone Nora-sama should be concerned about. If you give me the order, I will instruct people to keep him away as long as it does not violate the rules…………” (Knight 2)
The Royal Guards, who are standing nearby, call out to me in concern. I wave my hand as if to shoo away a fly.
“There’s no need to be overly careful. That man has ties with the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》. It’s not a good idea to distance ourselves from him now.” (Nora)
I have no idea what that man is up to. He said he is looking for a way to make some snacks from outside for the Spare――But in any case, it is a good thing.
A man with a rating of 4 from the outside. He is too weak to do anything within this Code. Unless there are special circumstances like during the 《Lightning Emperor’s (Raitei)》, that man will not get in my way. And there is no reason for me to get friendly with the Spare. A naive princess whose authority had been frozen by the King himself is of no use. Incompetent allies are sometimes more troublesome than competent enemies.
At that moment, the man who has been accessing the system nearby and had been appointed as the Leader of the Royal Guards looks up. He is a nobleman whom I had placed a high value on and given a Class 6.
“Nora-sama, I checked but this Kaiser and Saya that man mentioned are not registered in the city system.” (Knight)
“Is that so…… From the way that man speaks, he seems certain that they are here…” (Nora)
I frown and mutter to myself. I have no intention of helping him look for people, but I am curious as to what is going on. Cry Andrich came to rescue Kryhi Andrichhi, the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》. So why did he claim that he was looking for someone? One possible scenario is that――That man has companions. Companions who came with him to search the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》, but got separated inside Code.
Now that I think about it again, no matter how carefree that man is, he will not be so foolish as to enter this Code alone. And the people who came with him are probably also friends of the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》. And by the way, his companions must be much stronger than the extras who were captured along with the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》.
In this Code, everything is managed by the city system, and it is impossible for a citizen’s name to not show up in a search. However, there are exceptions to everything.
I cross my arms and think for a moment before closing my eyes. Then I give instructions to the Royal Guards who are standing by.
“………… I’ll look into it. You guys continue with the anti-weapons program. Make it so we can deal with whatever Angus throws at us――And prove that this Nora Code is worthy of being King.” (Nora)
“As you will.” (Knight)
I access the city system while keeping my eyes closed. There is a lot that a Class 8 can do with the city system. After sifting through the vast amount of information flowing into my head and briefly reviewing the citizen list, I access the immigration office.
Cry Andrich must have come in as an immigrant to rescue the 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》. It is highly likely that the people he is searching for are also people from outside. The list of citizens is huge. It would take too long to go through them all in detail, but the number of people from outside is much smaller.
Angus is the one who led the plan to recruit soldiers from outside, and I have very little to do with it. But even if there are some cover-ups, there will definitely be some traces I can find.
I know that searching for Kaiser and Saya’s names will not turn up anything. I should be looking at the people who entered the country at the same time as that man.
I call up the footage from the Immigration Office of that time and the data of those with high overall ratings. I also call up the footage of the city’s entrance and look for signs of a cover-up. Just as I am about to begin my investigation in earnest, I receive an unexpected call.
I open my eyes when I see the information about the caller. When I operate the device to open the line, the image of a man appears in front of my eyes.
The man sitting on a luxurious throne is――Angus Code, my brother and my biggest rival for the throne. He is a man I haven’t seen in years.
When I met my brother for the first time in a while, he had hardly changed since the last time I saw him. Code’s anti-aging technology is very advanced. Angus will probably remain like this until the very end of his life.
Angus says with an arrogant smile as I frown.
『It has been a long time, Nora. My Imouto.』 (Angus)
“Hmph. Why did you contact me out of the blue? You bastard, are you bored?” (Nora)
Just like me, this must be the most crucial time for Angus. And yet, he is contacting someone with whom he is completely incompatible with――. Angus lets out a small sigh as I glare at him.
『What are you so upset about, Nora? Even though I, the next King of Code, have personally called you to give you a surrender notice――』 (Angus)
“Hh…… A surrender…… Notice, you say!?” (Nora)
I am speechless at his disrespectful words. Angus is certainly a formidable opponent, but the gap between us is not that big at the moment. Is he underestimating the capabilities of the enhanced humans that I researched? However, even if that is what my damn brother thinks, he isn’t the kind of man to pointlessly stir someone.
Angus makes a surprised expression as I consider the true meaning behind his words.
『What, you’re even more foolish than I thought, Nora. Don’t you understand what I, am talking about? It seems I, overestimated you. I contacted you to tell you. The two people you are looking for are, already within my grasp.』 (Angus)
“………… Say, what?” (Nora)
The two people…… I am looking for? Could he be talking about Kaiser and Saya?
Angus, who is trying to recruit warriors from the outside, has a strong influence over the Immigration Office. He must have sensed that I had called up the immigration list and contacted me.
However, my brother is mistaken. It is not me who is looking for them. I was just a little curious, but I have no particular business with them. To be honest, I have no intention of telling him this, but…… Angus says confidently as I remain silent.
『I’ll make things easier for you. It seems you were late in figuring out my plan, Nora. Kai can take on 10 armored soldiers even in his half-baked state while being controlled by the mask. Saaya destroyed 50 armored soldiers without a scratch. The Enhanced Humans from your Knight Order are nothing compared to them. These guys are 《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》 class warriors.』 (Angus)
“Hh…………!?” (Nora)
It is very hard to believe. The enhanced humans I have created had combat abilities that rivaled those of the armored soldiers, but even one of my best creations will have a hard time taking on 10 armored soldiers at once. Destroying 50 of them without getting hurt is completely impossible, even with Code’s weapons.
It seems that the assumption I have about the two people that Cry is looking for are the 《Lightning Emperor’s (Raitei)》 allies is correct.
《Lightning Emperor (Raitei)》 class warriors――When I saw Kryhi Andrichhi launch an attack on Code, I was captivated by his incredible strength and beauty, but I never imagined that his companions were of the same caliber. From the start, I knew that it was strange. Normally, Hunters would form a Party with opponents of equal rank, so it was strange that the 《Lightning Emperor’s (Raitei)》 allies were so weak――.
However, there was no way that I could have predicted such a thing at the time Kryhi was captured.
In the first place, the 《Lightning Emperor’s (Raitei)》 attack was something Angus hadn’t anticipated. It was just pure luck that his two companions (and, to be precise, Cry as well) got inside Code. Angus was able to capture those two because he had influence with the Immigration Office, which allowed him to notice it before I did, and was able to capture them. That’s all there is to it.
Thanks for reading! Haha Kool and the others are counted as extra in Nora’s mind. Well it is true that Kryhi is at another level compared to them but they are still doing their best! Also Angus didn’t capture Kaiser and Saya. Cry used them as bait and put them through an Infinite Trial.
And here is my impression of the 6th episode of Strange Grief:
Sad no flashback intro, but I think we won’t have any more of those, that was only for the 1st arc. Sven getting ropped in the White Wolves Den just like Cry wanted. So yes Sven, everyone is in the palm of Cry’s hand.
Opening started earlier so we got more opening than previous episodes.
We got Ark’s Party, Sven’s Party, Kruz and Lapis (showing up for the first time), Yami nabe Party, the Explorer Association with Gark, Kaina and Chloe (also showing up for the first time), some “unknown” Party from another country, Eclair and finally the Tower of Akasha. For the mid-opening part we have Eva giving Cry the information on a new ice cream shop that opened recently. Sasuga Eva! Also if you want you can see the full opening on youtube.
Lol is that random mob living in a trash can? Why is he popping up from there XD Is it just me or the more I see Liz in the anime, the more I think of her like a cat sticking to Cry? So cute. And we have Sofia Black, Sytry’s “nemesis”, coming back from her vacation and showing up for the first time!
Yo! Eva said Halo to Liz! She is so much more laid-back than in the novel! I kinda like it. Being professional when she needs to but can be relaxed during normal conversation. And as Cry wanted to push the job to Ark but couldn’t, Eva had to make do with most people from the Clan to replace him! Indeed, it is not like 1 or 2 Party can replace Ark, a stereotypical hero.
The Tower of Akasha getting crazy because of Cry letting them go is so funny! No one can read Cry’s intent behind his action! But damn just by how she talks you can feel that Sofia is a crazy girl.
Aaah the legendary ray of light and fog of war that hides Tino’s butt! But don’t get it wrong people a potion bath is not something you normally do after training!
So is that guy talking to Tino Lyle? He doesn’t look like his manga counterpart at all. Also, we have a blink and miss it shot of Tania. Damn everytime Ark shows up he gets that shoujo manga background effect XD
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Funny how everyone is asking what is happening in that Level 3 Treasure Shrine (even Cry XD) and not wanting to cut the participant in half. And Cry is so badass/evil when you put some shadow in his eyes! It is like he is telling them that as there are more people he will just up the difficulty of the Infinite trial. Did Cry just get some Eva point by saying that he will be going? Love those small reactions from her every time she sees Cry going on the field because she thinks he is worried about them.
Haha that advice to watch out for slime-like creatures! Better think hard on what it can mean!
Yup Sofia is crazy. And we can kind of see that there is a rivalry between Flick and Sofia. Even tho’ he doesn’t exist in the web novel.
Haaah that random party being all condescending even though Sven is just being kind to them. You can really feel the vibe that they are the first to die if anything happen.
Let’s go the Hanami event! But they didn’t show enough of it! Although I love the fact that everything changed right as Cry is saying Kanpai. It is like he is giving the signal that the Hanami survival game start now.
Let’s go Sytry is back but did they just censor Liz giving a finger, really (-.-“) And as if Liz needs a cup to listen to what they are saying (althought that is funny scene) And Gark’s full gear do looks cool!
Sasuga Cry! Using Eva network to discover Tower of Akasha’s fake ice cream shop! And although we didn’t get a lot of the Hanami event I do like how Sven said that it was as if hell spawned on earth and how that happened at the same time as Cry saying Kanpai! Now all the pieces are set up to have a First Step VS Tower of Akasha! And of course, gotta be careful about slime-like creatures ;D