Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 530: Dark Ghosts Fury

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Chapter 530: Dark Ghost’s Fury


The room was so quiet one could hear a pin drop!

“It couldn’t be!” Dark Ghost finally managed to mumble in shock. “This is an NJ47 pharmacological analysis machine! A high-class intricate machine that cost sixty-five thousand grade 3 Origin Crystals for a single one! Just like that… it broke?!”

Yu Qinghe and Yu Guhe were also flabbergasted. They did not know a thing about pharmacological analysis, but Dark Ghost seemed to be implying that this machine was very formidable.

The profit for producing banned drugs was high, but sixty-five thousand grade 3 Origin Crystals was no small sum for Dark Ghost, and it would leave them in pain for a very long time.

Dark Ghost frowned as he messed around with the machine for some time. Ultimately, he sighed. “Ah! It’s really broken. The computation chip has completely burned out, and even the testing data has been completely wiped out. What sort of brain-healing liquid is in this bottle?!”

The loss of the machine hurt, but the loss of the data was what truly incensed Dark Ghost. After all, databanks were not built in a day. This was all experimental data! Even money could not buy it!

The Yu brothers cautiously asked, “Master Ghost, can the machine be repaired?”

Dark Ghost coldly glanced at them. “Replacing the chip is so expensive that it will be better to just buy a new one.”

The Yu brothers clicked their tongues. Sixty-five thousand grade 3 Origin Crystals! It was the entirety of the two brothers’ wealth! Even for the wealthy Yu family, it would still be a significant loss.

It just broke immediately? Was it a flaw with the machine or did it have something to do with Xia Fei’s recipe?

Dark Ghost grabbed Xia Fei’s bottle of light yellow fluid again and began examining it as well as smelling it.

“There’s no problem here! It’s definitely a bottle of brain-healing liquid. At most, the recipe should be strange and wild. Could it really be a problem with the machine?” Dark Ghost muttered to himself, his brows furrowing.

Yu Guhe was somewhat more cowardly, so upon seeing how dejected Dark Ghost was, he became uneasy and asked, “Master Ghost, it seems like Xia Fei’s medicine is too strange. Why don’t we forget about it?”

“Forget about it!?” Dark Ghost shrilly yelled. “Never! I’ve never seen medicine like this in my life! Daring to mix together several harmful ingredients, not even the maddest of madmen would do such a thing!

“You’re certain that this medicine didn’t have a blocker put in?” Dark Ghost asked.

Yu Guhe frantically replied, “I began watching him from the very first step. There truly was no blocker.”

Dark Ghost nodded. “Very well. Follow me!”

Dark Ghost led the Yu brothers to another room in the ship. This place was much quieter than the bustling upper floor and was more luxuriously decorated.

There were two large machines in the room, both extremely intricate and cleaned until they were shining. There were even three employees who were tasked with protecting and cleaning these machines. This was a sign of just how valuable they were.

“I spent all my life’s wealth on these hyper-accurate analysis machines. These are the best models in the circuit! There is no other competitor!” Dark Ghost proudly said.

Yu Qinghe asked in shock, “Master Ghost, these two machines seem extremely sharp. I presume that they are very expensive?”

“Naturally,” Dark Ghost proudly said, “they’re a hundred times more so than the previous machine. Even top-class families may be unable to buy such! They are my precious babies—the most important part of my private laboratory!”

The Yu brothers were alarmed. A hundred times more expensive? That would mean that these two machines both cost six million grade 3 Origin Crystals or more! Together, they cost at least ten million crystals. In terms of the grade 2 Origin Crystals, the most commonly used currency in the Law Realm, the price broke one billion!

Dark Ghost looked smugly at the shocked expressions on the Yu brothers’ faces. “I’ve nearly spent my entire life building this top-class laboratory. It can even compare to the facilities of the Apothecary Association. This is my way of proving to the world that even an underground Apothecary can be professional!”

The light yellow liquid was placed in the centrifuge.

The screen displayed the initial analysis the machine had on the medicine. The number was much more precise than the other machine. For example, the restoration value was placed at 17.859613, accurate down to six decimal places!

Using a machine to assess a medicine was extremely difficult, yet this machine was able to so accurately assess the medicinal effect. This was a clear sign of its precision!

“This is a product of the Fig Corporation,” Dark Ghost added, folding his arms.

The Yu brothers were stunned once more!

Fig’s headquarters was established in the God race, and it was known as the most advanced corporations in the Law Realm!

Be it Spatial Compasses, Liquid War Armor, or pharmacological analysis machines, that company always produced the most advanced models.

The most defining trait of the Fig Corporation’s product was that they were expensive!

Very, very expensive!

When comparing the same machine, an ordinary corporation might sell its product for one hundred crystals, but Fig Corporation would sell it for ten thousand, and it would not add a single extra function. If they did add a function, the price would be that much higher!

Though they were pricey, Fig Corporation’s products were still all the rage in the Law Realm. This was because the high price they commanded was a reflection of the fact that they were the most intricate and most advanced products on the market!

The Law Realm had clear class divisions, and a clan like the Yu Family did not have the money to buy Fig Corporation’s products. Only hegemonic existences like the Nine Great Families of Mankind had the ability to do so.

Dark Ghost probably had to use a lot of his connections to buy this pharmacological analysis machine.

Just when Dark Ghost was acting smug, a scene that would make one shatter their eyeglasses occurred!

After the machine started automatically analyzing the various components of the medicine, it suddenly let out a piercing wail!

It was like the cry of a beast being choked, low and shrill!

“Hurry and shut it off!”

Dark Ghost was so scared that his face turned white. If this machine was broken, it would be an extremely heavy blow to him!

An employee frantically cut off the power source; alas, it was too late.

The shrill sound slowly died away, and acrid smoke began pouring out of the machine.

The most advanced pharmacological analysis machine in the Law Realm.

Also destroyed!

Dark Ghost did not dare to believe his eyes. Even his precious baby had been destroyed? This was clearly not a problem with the machine but rather with Xia Fei’s medicine!

Appearing on the verge of tears, Dark Ghost collapsed onto the machine, so wracked by pain that it was a surprise that he did not fall unconscious. Veins bulged on his forehead.

“Which madman made this murderous medicine? It destroyed my baby! I’ll kill him! Kill him!” Dark Ghost raised his arm and madly raved.

The employees and the Yu brothers did not dare to make a noise, afraid that the unreasonable Dark Ghost would demand compensation.

In all honesty, if they had known that this was going to happen, the Yu brothers would not have given Dark Ghost Xia Fei’s medicine even if they died because of it.

Compensation? Not even if one took everything they had could they pay! This was the result of a lifetime of effort from Dark Ghost!

“I’ll kill him!” Dark Ghost’s eyes exploded with savage light. He pounded on an office table!

“I don’t believe it! Such a puny Law Warrior has made a medicine that could destroy machines!”

Dark Ghost was so angry that he was somewhat deranged. As a top-class underground Apothecary who produced hormones, Dark Ghost had talents that could not be doubted.

If he had not been so obsessed with the drugs that the Law Realm specifically banned, Dark Ghost would probably be the next candidate for president of the Apothecary Association.

He had analyzed countless recipes before, and this was precisely why so many Apothecaries considered him a mortal foe!

Making forbidden drugs was naturally illegal, but Dark Ghost’s original sin was offending all his peers, thus making it so that no place in the Law Realm was safe for him. Manufacturing hormones? That was just an excuse! Hatred was the real reason!

When a man went mad, he could do anything. Dark Ghost grabbed Xia Fei’s concoction and went to the other machine, also a Fig product, a top-class pharmacological analysis machine. This one was even newer and more expensive!

“Start it up! Analyze this medicine for me! I want to see what’s so weird about this medicine! Accursed Xia Fei, I’ll show you!”

Dark Ghost’s eyes had gone red! He madly yelled at the machine.

A machine was still a machine. It could not understand Dark Ghost’s words and dutifully executed its orders. At the same time, when the most intricate machine encountered a situation it could not understand, it would break!


This machine’s reaction made even less sense. It did not start smoking, nor did it let out a screeching howl. It simply exploded!

Fortunately, due to its thick alloy shell, the internal explosion of the machine did not hurt anyone, but this could not prevent the earth-shaking shockwave!

Thick black smoke plumed!

The room’s fire suppression systems detected smoke and automatically activated.

White foam poured in from the ceiling, drenching Dark Ghost, the Yu brothers, and the three employees, leaving them in miserable states!

“I won’t accept this! I won’t!”

Dark Ghost yelled out with a mouthful of foam. His body and head were covered in white foam, making him look like Santa Claus.

The Yu brothers trembled, not daring to even breathe, and they simply stood in the foam.

Dark Ghost was an illustrious underground apothecary of the Law Realm.

It wasn’t because he himself was so terrifying and powerful, but because of the powerful soldiers under his command!

Apothecaries, just like energy masters, could get a lot of human capital once they were at a high enough rank. Without needing to do anything themselves besides send a letter, they could recruit many elite warriors. After all, these warriors relied on them for the most part. It was a mutually beneficial relationship.

Dark Ghost had gone insane! He was furious! It was clear that someone was going to die for this, and he had the men and power to make anyone die!

Xia Fei was no fool. The reason Dark Ghost had been given such a heavy blow was that he had treated Xia Fei like a fool.

A brain-healing liquid without a blocker? Xia Fei would never do something so unprofessional!

As had been proved countless times, anyone who treated Xia Fei like a fool would end up being the true fool!


Dark Ghost kicked open the door as he howled Xia Fei’s name. He had put all the blame on Xia Fei.

At this moment, a bald man came to the door. Seeing Dark Ghost covered in foam, the man frowned. He wanted to laugh, but he did not dare to do so.

“Master Ghost, our spies have reported that Yu Youdu is dead,” the man sternly reported.

“Dead? How did he die?!” Dark Ghost paled. Today seemed to be an extremely bad one for him. His machines had broken, and his lover was dead! What was there to say?

“Apparently, he was compelled to death by an Adept of the Yu family called Xia Fei.”

“Xia Fei? Xia Fei!

“How is it him again?!”