Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 609: Divine Beast Green Dawn

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Chapter 609: Divine Beast Green Dawn

“One of the Immemorial Mystical Armaments!” Xia Fei practically blurted out these words loud.

Peacock Blue was present in Xia Fei’s hands, and if what Yu Hua said was true, then there was another Immemorial Mystical Armament on Snake Isle! A nature-type weapon considered top-notch in this universe!

Yu Guding’s expression changed immensely as he rumbled, “Yu Hua, you actually colluded with people from other clans, hatching a conspiracy, just to obtain the family’s heirloom! How truly despicable of you!”

Yu Hua let out a mirthless laughter. “This is the Law Realm, where the weak are meat for the strong to eat! We of the Yu family holding onto the Nine Night Plum is no more than inviting death to our doorsteps!

“Use your heads and think about it! Why has the Yu family been struggling these years, being restricted by so many in every way? Isn’t it all because of the Nine Night Plum? It’s a treasure in name when really it’s a curse! Every day that we don’t hand it over is another day that our clan can’t get back on its feet!”

Xia Fei actually very much agreed with Yu Hua’s theory. Anyone possessing something that did not commensurate with their strength could only be bad. It would only result in others hunting them down in an effort to obtain that precious object!

Thinking of this, Xia Fei could not help but feel up his right arm. Peacock Blue was here right now, and it was also a treasure that plenty coveted.

Yu Jiang spat to the side as he coldly remarked, “Is this what your shrewdness as a merchant tells you? Haven’t you considered that if someone from our clan manages to subdue the Nine Night Plum, it will be us who will rise like a phoenix?!”

Yu Hua was unconvinced. “That’s easy for you to say, but aside from you and your own blood, who else has the opportunity to attempt subduing it? Since I, Yu Hua, won’t ever have that chance, then it’s good for us not to have it at all!”

Yu Jiang was indeed being selfish. The Nine Night Plum was an Immemorial Mystical Armament, yet he did not plan to let anyone aside from his family laying their hands on it, which was why there was no difference to Yu Hua whether the clan had the Nine Night Plum or not.

This was such a mess!

An utter mess!

What appeared to be a harmonious clan actually had plenty of unseen twists and turns. What made Xia Fei feel a headache was how true the statement was that the Law Realm was a land where peace could not exist. Struggles both obvious and unseen were everywhere, and relationships were as fragile as a piece of paper!

What made Xia Fei feel even worse was the fact that Yu Hua had lied to him!

The man being indifferent like calm water, not competing for fame… It all had been his ploy!

Yu Jiang’s old face was pale as he coldly said, “I believe that you’ve spent plenty of effort setting up everything today. Unfortunately, the Nine Night Plum isn’t on Snake Isle, so you can forget about getting away with it today!”

Yu Hua smirked. “Old patriarch, would I act with such haste if I didn’t have accurate intel? I already know. Today, not only do you plan on bringing back Yu Guding to the family, you’re even looking forward to him subduing the Nine Night Plum! It’s actually on your person right now!”

This particular line stabbed Yu Jiang deeply, and his figure shuddered. Suddenly, he coughed up a mouthful of blood!

“So Yu Jin is already on your side.”

“That’s right. The brothers Yu Jin and Yu Peng are both with me!”

Xia Fei felt his scalp go numb. Yu Jin and Yu Hua acted like fire and ice when, in fact, they were in cahoots this whole time! The relationship of the people in the Yu family was too complex, so much so that Xia Fei felt his heart shake!

This was such a grand plan, and Yu Hua was very devious!

“Since that’s the case, there’s nothing else to talk about! Today, one of us will be dying!” Yu Jiang’s eyes turned blood-red.

“No, today you’re the one who will die!” Yu Hua retorted defiantly.

The two who once had such a tight-knit bond, in the blink of an eye, saw each other as foes. Neither would stop until the other one was dead! This situation was a huge mental assault for Xia Fei!

Was this the real Law Realm?

In the time that the two were talking, both sides had begun to get into their stances and were ready to stake their lives on this showdown. Yu Jiang’s entire body trembled, his two hands flailing incessantly in the air, seemingly writing calligraphy. As his arms moved, the very air solidified! Time stood still!

“Dragon Sealing Mark!” a man dressed in black behind Yu Hua growled. None of these men on Yu Hua’s side had their true visages could be seen; even after Yu Hua had burned all his bridges with Yu Jiang, they were still as composed as ever.

“Duck! That’s the true inheritance of the Yu family—an extreme spatial tear martial technique!”


Yu Hua, as well as the black men behind him, all scattered, seemingly afraid of this Dragon Sealing Mark that Yu Jiang had just unleashed.

This was when something changed!

The Divine Beast Green Dawn raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, causing black clouds to gather and a strong gale to condense. The trees soon started swaying violently, which made it hard for anyone to open their eyes fully!

“Rebirth of the Sky Dragon! Reversal of Space and Time!” Patriarch Yu Jiang shouted amid the volatile weather, living up to his name as a peak Law Emperor; just this tolerance he showed in the face of adversity was unparalleled!


Something unimaginable happened!

The ancestral temple of the Yu family, which was originally just a three-level retro building, suddenly rose from the ground following his unleashing of law power!

It turned out that there were still more of the ancestral temple’s structure below the ground! What was previously showing on the surface had actually only been a portion of the temple, and there were still six more levels buried beneath the soil!

*Zoom zoom zoom!*

Figures after figures came barreling out from every revealed level of this temple, going straight for Yu Hua and his six assistants!

No, these were not human figures. They were skeletons!

Wielding bone-white weapons in their bony hands, their empty eye sockets glowed with green flames!

“Oh, no! This isn’t the Dragon Sealing Mark! It’s the Dragon Unshackling Mark!” Yu Hua yelled.



Yu Hua’s group of seven was soon entangled in combat with those skeletons, and as the temple continued its ascent, more and more skeletons came lunging out as if they were crazed, surrounding Yu Hua and everyone snugly! Yu Hua and his men were of high cultivation, but there were still too many enemies for them to contend with, so much so that they seemingly could not kill them all. Soon, they appeared to be at the disadvantage.

A fight at the Law Emperor stage was truly shocking, and the scenes of this shocking battle filled Xia Fei’s eyes. Every second, there was a killer move being unleashed!

All sorts of law powers, which he had seen or heard before, were being used, and it was as tragic as if he had been transported to hell itself!

“The ancestors of the Yu family already made preparations in advance, afraid of a day when enemies would attempt to ransack the ancestral halls, so they made sure to create plenty of puppets hidden in the ancestral temple! The Dragon Unshackling Seal has been activated! You may all await your deaths!”

Yu Jiang’s two eyes were wide open as he shouted, while the Divine Beast Green Dawn behind him, as well as the other Law Emperor Yu Guding, Law Emperor Guo Yue, and Great Law Emperor Sines, appeared invigorated!

To think that the Yu family had such a trump card to play, victory was well in their sights!

Dragon Sealing Mark and Dragon Unshackling Mark were the ultimate martial arts techniques of the clan; the former used the Law of Space to seal life, while the latter was responsible for releasing life whenever it was used!

The countless skeleton puppets were all ex-warriors for the Yu family, sealed by the Dragon Sealing Mark before they died, thereby retaining a portion of each of their life forces within. Once unshackled, even if they were reduced to mere bones, they would retain a portion of their fighting prowess!

With Yu Hua now at the disadvantage, the three Law Emperors behind Yu Jiang, as well as the Divine Beast Green Dawn, began their assault to annihilate Yu Hua’s men in one fell swoop. However, this was when the slowly rising ancestral temple actually came to a halt! It even began to sink back down!

Yu Jiang kept trying to raise it back up with his two arms, trembling as he persevered, but he eventually said with disappointment, “What a wondrous Five Clouds Overcast! Dare I ask who from the Shattered Wu Clan is this?


Just as he said that, Yu Jiang spat yet another mouthful of blood. His expression was so poor that it seemed like he had been pushed to his utmost limit!

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh*

Three figures leaped out from trees. None of the three had their faces covered, though, and not one looked too advanced in their years. Each of them looked to be around their thirties or forties, each equipped with their war armor.

The most obvious feature they had was their wide mouths, parting from ear to ear. They had very thin blood-red lips, which was the unique appearance inherent to people from the Shattered Wu Clan!

Yu Jiang could feel a slight faintness. The Wu family was one of the Nine Great Clans in the Law realm. Since they had infiltrated Snake Isle at this time, they should be the people manipulating things behind Yu Hua, and this was quite a sizable backing!


The Yu family’s ancestral temple was slowly descending. The Dragon Unshackling Mark had failed!

“Good move, senior. Originally, none of us wanted to interfere with your familial affairs, yet you ended up forcing our hands.” A short haired man among this party of three flashed an unfriendly smile as he spoke

“Yu Hua, you’re far too disappointing. To think you didn’t know that there’s a trap beneath the Yu family’s ancestral temple.” The three from the Shattered Wu Clan looked in unison at Yu Hua.

Yu Hua was nearly done with the fighting by his side. Without those unsealed skeleton puppets’ additional support, his opponents were no match for him and his men.

Yu Hua wordlessly stood behind the three from the Shattered Wu Clan before saying with a steely expression, “There are many things only privy to the family patriarch.”

The aura of disappointment still lingered. Yu Jiang and his men felt unprecedented pressure. Since men from one of the Nine Great Clans had descended, Yu Hua’s side was bound to win this fight!

“The one over there should come out, too; there’s no use hiding anymore,” the man with short hair called enigmatically. He seemed to be the leader of these three.

‘Crap! They noticed me!’ Xia Fei was mortified deep down.

‘Run!’ This was Xia Fei’s immediate reaction. A battle at the Law Emperor stage was not something he could participate in. If he wanted to keep his life intact, he must make a break for it right now!

Gripping the ground beneath his feet, Xia Fei began sprinting off toward the exterior of Snake Isle.

“Let me!” Seeing Xia Fei’s figure, Yu Hua turned to the three experts from the Shattered Wu Clan and nodded. He then led another man in black to hunt down Xia Fei.

“Heh, so it’s Xia Fei. He sure lives up to his reputation of turning up wherever there’s trouble rearing its head. Truly, an unlucky rascal.” Yu Jiang also identified Xia Fei, shaking his head with a smile as he remarked.

Given how everything had played out, Yu Jiang now showed a detached temperament. No one would enjoy death, but when a warrior was truly dancing on the edge of it, they would actually be very calm and composed, and this was exactly the situation that Yu Jiang was in.

Yu Hua chased after Xia Fei, leaving the remaining five men dressed in black to each close in on Yu Jiang. None of them looked like they had any kind of intentions toward the old man. Meanwhile, the Divine Beast Green Dawn had been heavily injured, completely incapable of fighting a round with people from the Nine Great Clan.

“You can stop waiting now. Moonward Clan and Nine Fan Clan won’t be coming. In this Law Realm, an agreement is just that; as long as there are enough benefits, any agreement can be overturned! You’re nothing but a small family, yet you’re hiding an Immemorial Mystical Armament. You’re practically asking for your own demise!

“Then there are your people, Guo Yue and Sines. It’s not easy to attain Law Emperor cultivation; if you want to cut your losses, I’ll grant you two one last chance. Stand with the Shattered Wu Clan or accompany the Yu family’s grandfather and grandson to hell.”

The two Law Emperors standing behind Yu Jiang were startled before turning to bow to Yu Jiang. “I’m sorry, but neither of us can really be of any help to you this time.”

With that said, the two joined the Shattered Wu Clan’s numbers without a trace of shame on their faces.

In this circle, people flipped sides faster than one could flip a page in a book; Yu Jiang knew the rules of the game well and did not say anything extra.

Yu Guding was holding onto Yu Jiang, not saying a word. Out of everyone, he was probably the one who had it worst. He had been staying on Snake Isle for thirty years. When he finally managed to attain a Law Emperor cultivation and could officially return to the known world, there was a high chance of him losing his life even before he could set a single foot off the isle. He had truly led a tragic life.

“Hand over the Nine Night Plum,” the short-haired man reached his hand out and demanded emotionlessly.


Yu Jiang, Yu Guding, and the Divine Beast Green Dawn were all backed into a corner!

This was when the Divine Beast Green Dawn promptly said with great solemnity, “Patriarch, Green Dawn has been with the Yu family for many thousand years, all thanks to the great care the previous patriarchs showed toward me. They entrusted me with the important task of guarding the clan, and now that the Yu family is in distress, it is time for Green Dawn to repay the favor.”

Staring out into the distance, the gigantic python Green Dawn slightly lowered his head. “Lord Shatterstar, I’ve long heard of your great name, but it’s unfortunate that I won’t have the chance to listen to your teachings. Truly, it is a pity.”

The opposing men all began retreating. Even a fool knew that this Divine Beast Green Dawn was about to go all out defending the Yu family!

Exotic beasts all had such loyalty. Actually, Yu Jiang and his grandson were not necessarily good people, but in the eyes of the Divine Beast Green Dawn, that was not an issue. What truly mattered was his agreement to be the guardian of the Yu family, so even if they were bad to the bones, his duty remained unchanged.

His bronze-colored eyes gleamed. The Divine Beast Green Dawn had steeled his resolve to die here!