Systemless Villain-Chapter 21: The Hidden Depth of Long Tian

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Chapter 21: The Hidden Depth of Long Tian

Long Tian and Ling Han made their way into the sect's territory. The Wudang Sect was far more expansive than they had imagined.

Just beyond the entrance gate, they were greeted by a beautiful sight of a lush garden.

However, Ling Han suddenly stopped and grabbed Long Tian's shoulder, "Wait, young master," he said.

As Long Tian was about to question why, a strong wind suddenly came from the sky, and a middle-aged man in traditional Wudang sect attire descended from the sky, standing in front of Long Tian and Ling Han.

Long Tian recognized him in an instant, it was Shi Huang, the leader of the Wudang sect.

"Welcome to the Wudang Sect," Shi Huang greeted warmly with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Shi," Long Tian replied, smiling.

"You must be Long Tian, the son of Long Zhan. The last time I saw you when you were ten years old, you've grown a lot since then," Shi Huang said.

"Well, that's how growth works," Long Tian responded.

Shi Huang stroked his black beard, evaluating Long Tian.

With his sight, he could see deep into a person's soul, but what he saw in Long Tian was calmness. However, when he looked at Ling Han, he couldn't see anything, as if there was a barrier.

"We wanted to discuss a few things with you, do you have time?" Ling Han suddenly asked, crossing his arms.

"Of course, follow me," Shi Huang nodded, and turned around.

He led the way, with Long Tian and Ling Han following behind.

Along the way, there were many plants that Long Tian had never seen before. These plants emitted a gentle Reiki, making the air very clean.

Furthermore, there were several disciples his age who were watering these plants.

"You might see them watering the plants, but they're actually practicing. Can you see it?" Shi Huang suddenly asked.

"I see it, they're not just watering plants, they're nurturing life. Like the basic principles of Taoism, Yin and Yang, they understand that to give, we must also receive. By watering the plants, they receive the vital energy stored in them. This is a perfect harmony between humans and nature, just like what Taoism teaches. It's captivating to see," he expressed, his voice mirroring the depth of his observations.

Shi Huang was so surprised that he stopped walking, looking at Long Tian with a stunned expression.

He didn't expect such a perfect answer, he thought Long Tian was nothing more than a spoiled second-generation.

"Why did you stop, Master Shi? Aren't we going to the temple peak?" Long Tian asked, smiling.

Shi Huang smiled and started walking again, this time he walked beside Long Tian.

"I see you're very smart, Long Tian, was that a reflex answer?" He asked.

Long Tian glanced at Shi Huang before answering calmly, "Actually, no. That answer came from my understanding of the universe. As Taoism teaches, everything in this world interacts in balance, moving in the pattern of Yin and Yang. When we give to nature, like watering plants, we also receive something back, like vital energy and inner peace. So it's not just a reflex, but more of an understanding and appreciation of the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature."

Shi Huang was amazed by Long Tian's response. From most rich family descendants, they all had one thing in common: arrogance.

But when he looked at Long Tian, there was no arrogance in him. With such a character, he would become a great man in the future.

Ling Han, on the other hand, was also a bit surprised with Long Tian. Long Tian was not as he usually was, as far as he remembered, he was quick-tempered and cruel.

He remembered an incident from a few weeks ago, when Long Tian, drunk in a bar, had killed someone just for blocking his way.

But now, Long Tian seemed like a different person, he looked wiser and calmer. But yeah, this was a positive change.

"It seems we need to go faster," Shi Huang said.


With a flick of his finger, 3 long swords came and stopped in front of them.

Shi Huang rode on one of the swords and looked at Long Tian and Ling Han, "Get on, it's safe."

Hearing this, Long Tian and Ling Han stood on the swords and they floated, flying towards the temple peak.

There was no surprise in Long Tian's expression, but he was quite amazed to be able to fly on a sword.

With his current cultivation base, it was impossible for him to do that.


The swords landed on a temple above the clouds. This was Shi Huang's home, and also the place for meetings or discussions among the Elders.

Finally, the three of them set foot on the ground as the swords floated away and disappeared.

Long Tian, however, was amazed at the size of the temple, it was huge, so big that it looked like a palace above the clouds.

"Come, let's head in," he invited, pushing open the massive doors with a grand gesture.

Long Tian and Ling Han followed from behind. Yet, as they entered, the room was filled with Elders seated on benches arranged above.

"So, what's your purpose in coming here?"