Taken By The Mafia Lord-Chapter 890 What Do You Want?

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While other people would be anxious and volatile after being kidnapped, the reverse could be said for Daniel who was as calm as a cat. He had regained consciousness moments ago only to realize that he was lying on a cold surface, probably the floor. Daniel could not see a thing because a bag had been placed over his head while his hands were bound behind him so he couldn't move not to talk of freeing himself.

But that peaceful moment did not last for long because he felt hands on him and the next, he was hurled to his feet and they began to lead him to God knows where. Daniel did not fight them. If they wanted him dead, they would have done it long ago. Struggling with them would only make things hard on him. Moreover, he already knew who kidnapped him. Clearly, the young stupid boy wanted something from him.

"Move faster!"

Someone shouted at him and the next he knew, he was stumbling from the push and managed not to trip and fall. Such disrespect, Daniel gritted his teeth, not that any of them could see his face since it was hidden. If only they knew who he was, they wouldn't treat him this way. Bastards! Wait till he got his hands on them, they would wish they were rather not born at all.

However, despite the anger, Daniel was worried as well. He was curious about Angelica. Had Natalie gotten to her on time? He needed details about her, and it was driving him crazy being kept in the dark. But then, he could not show his emotions, it was not the time for it and the enemy would only use that against him if they knew.

After a while of walking, they finally stopped and even without seeing, Daniel could feel the number of eyes on him. There were so many people here that he wouldn't be able to fight his way out. In one word, he was toast. But then, he would hear the young boy. If it were a deal that benefited him, who said he wasn't in for business?

The bag was ripped harshly from his face and Daniel groaned irritably at the treatment, however, he squinted against the sudden bright light, his eyes adjusting appropriately. And then, he was able to look around and he was in some room and was able to spot Richardo.

Though both of them hadn't met before and he hadn't cared to know about him - he had not seen him as a threat, but a young boy playing with forces he does not understand - Daniel was able to recognize him from the hunger in his eyes. He had that desperation to fulfill his purpose as every other leader had. Aside from that, he cleverly had two men beside him to protect him even though everyone in the room was his people. The move gave out his position - and also showed off he didn't trust these men.

Daniel turned to him, "If you had sent out an invitation, I would have considered it rather than being dragged along. I'm not exactly a huge fan of being forced." He said.

"Sorry," Richardo stepped out just a bit as if to make known his leadership status, "But then, there was no time to allow you to consider. I needed a profile person like you here as soon as possible. No bad blood." He claimed.

"Is that an apology?" Daniel told him and the expression on Richardo's face shifted.

However, he was quick to plaster a smile on his face as he approached Daniel saying, "I don't think you understand the situation here. You're outnumbered, you have nowhere else to go. The only reason you're still standing and not being tortured is that I'm giving you a chance and I know deep down that you're a smart man, having no loyalty to your son or anyone whatsoever. "

Even after what the bastard had done to Angelica, Daniel only looked impressed. He told him, "I didn't know that I was widely known."

Richardo's eyes crinkled, "You would be surprised how many people you have inspired, I for one am a huge follower."

"Huh?" Daniel snorted, "So this is what it feels like to be a celebrity." He then asked him, "What do you want?"

"You should know already," Richardo gestured to him to come to sit with him and Daniel didn't hesitate to obey. Although if one could see beyond his mask, they would notice the furrow of his brows; Daniel was not used to following orders. He gave them.

"Ahh, Marcel." Daniel didn't bother to beat around the bush. He said, "I have to admit if my son was half as smart as you, I would die without a worry."

"And yet, you are okay with me ending him?" Richardo looked intensely at Daniel as if trying to figure out if he was playing him or being sincere.

"Can I get a glass of water please," Daniel said instead, breaking Richardo's concentration and he had no choice but to gesture to one of his men to fulfill his need.

There was no more questioning because Richardo wanted an answer to the one he asked and didn't want to be sidetracked - Daniel was a cunning man.

The man returned with the water but Daniel wrinkled his nose at the plastic cup which they used to serve him. Richardo was taking no choices. But then, trust was essential to working together.

Nonetheless, Daniel accepted the water from him with a word of gratitude and drank the cold content that went down his throat like a relieving balm.

"More," He thrust the plastic card out.

The man looked at Richardo, their eyes communicating silently. However, Richardo gestured him to go on, and this time when he returned, he came back with the pitcher and after three more cups, Daniel was satisfied.

He shut his eyes and threw his head back with a deep breath before opening them and grinned at Richardo with that excited glint in his eyes,

"You were saying?"

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