The Academy’s Weapon Replicator-Chapter 278 (2) - The Academys Weapon Replicator

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Frondier's plan had a countdown.

A countdown before the barrier collapses.

If this ends, even if Frondier pierces the heart of Manggot, it cannot be considered a complete success.

"From the Empire's point of view, we must think that Mr. Frondier never existed from the beginning."

Aten spoke, and Frondier nodded.

"That's right, I don't actually exist. My plan cannot become the entire Empire's plan."

"Frondier, what are you trying to say? Are you suggesting that we abandon the empire's territory and narrow the barrier even now?"

If we don't consider Frondier's strategy, this war would be a success for the empire if they could defend all the monsters and the entire area with their power.

That's not realistic with the current barrier placement.

Then Frondier looked around at everyone.

"......I have a proposal."

Everyone's eyes were on him at his words.

"If you accept this strategy of mine as the 'Empire's Strategy'."


Philly, who first understood the meaning of his words, widened her eyes.

In other words, the entire empire will cooperate to pierce a single window called Frondier. That's what Frondier meant.

"There is a way to delay the countdown and effectively deal with the enemy."

"What is it?"

"We assume that the barrier will break from the beginning."

At his words, everyone tilted their heads, and Frondier pointed to the barrier he had created.

"I have a magic called 'Restoration'. If you've seen it with me in Tyburn, you'll know, Lord Ludwig."

At those words, Ludwig nodded his head. The amazing sight of the barrier being restored as if rewinding was still vivid in his eyes.

"And actually, I've built that magic into a rune."

"What, what did you say!"

The one who was surprised by that was Osprey.

A rune cannot be created for all magic. Especially for magic where intuition is important, the efficiency of the rune is even lower.

For example, in the case of the 'Chain Lightning' used by Ludwig, the power and uniformity of the magic vary depending on his condition, the clarity of his mind, and a bit of probability.

It is difficult to create such magic with a rune in the first place, and even if it is created, the power is inevitably lower than using the magic directly.

But he created a rune for the great magic of restoration? And he's already installed it?

However, Frondier nodded his head calmly and spoke again.

"I will activate the rune from the east in order, and stop it in the north. There are three effects of this. One is to make the enemy mistakenly think that I am in the barrier, and the other is to lure the enemies to the north."

Of course, the real second effect was to draw in the members of Manggot who could shadow transition to Mei.

"And the third is, we can decide which barrier will break first."


At that, everyone nodded as if they understood.

In a situation where all barriers are restored, only the northern barrier, which has suffered the most severe damage, is not repaired. It's obvious which one will collapse first.

"The enemies will witness the barriers being repaired clockwise. Manggot is in the west, and realistically, they will aim for the north rather than the east, where they have to go in the exact opposite direction. Their gaze will naturally be drawn to the north."

And if the barrier breaks, their gaze will be focused on the north in an instant.

"Manggot will use the shadow transfer to secure victory. Even if it's not the entire force, it will be a substantial number."

The key to this war is how Manggot attacks.

We need to watch their movements more than the monsters that simply push with force.

"Seizing that opportunity."

The eyes of Frondier shine sharply.

* * *

As Frondier predicted, the shadow transfer of Manggot begins.

The members of Manggot gathering to the north. The astonishing travel distance of the shadow transition blows them to the north in an instant.


The blowing up is just an illusion, they have just gathered.

─ The first to appear will be, two arrows that I shoot.

The northern barrier where the members of Manggot hurriedly gathered.

Towards that point.


Two very quiet lines rush across the ground.

One starts from the barrier, and the other starts from Manggot.


Thud, thump!

At each point they touch, they cut off one life, and move on to the next shadow, and the next shadow. Instinctively heading towards where there are the most shadows.



Mei and Selena appear simultaneously to the shadows in the north.



The two froze for a moment when they faced each other.

They looked at each other with a 'who?' gaze.

They were merely playing their roles.

"Argh, Ahhhhh!"


Blood splatters and limbs roll around between the Manggot.

Screams breed more screams, and the Manggot who arrived through the shadow transition are thrown into chaos.

No one thinks that the moment of shadow transition to their allies would be the most dangerous.

A massacre scene born out of complete complacency.

Selena, who has reached the pinnacle as an assassin, and Mei, who has learned all sorts of skills through training, mercilessly cut them down.

However, they cannot cut down all the Manggot.

After the effect of the surprise attack disappears, it is difficult for the two of them to face the Manggot familiar with the outside monsters in a full-scale battle.


─What follows is.

From the beginning, across the barrier,

Those who did not participate in the battle were holding their breath and waiting for the moment.

"......Yes, confirmed."

A man at the forefront picks up someone's call and puts it down again.

"Orders from Lady Malia have come down."

─The strongest knight order of the empire is needed.

Sharp auras emitting quiet gazes in the forest.

They were forbidden to participate in the barrier battle, and with all their strength, they endured and watched the deaths of the soldiers and knights.

His anger had already reached its peak.

"We will become the flame of the empire."

As he spoke, Commander Sylvain drew his sword.

It was his left hand.

"Roach Knight Order──!!!"

With a swift motion!!

All at once, they drew their swords, and the knights' gazes gathered beyond, charging towards Manggot.

Just their sheer existence, it was so immense that it seemed enough to kill a person.

"Sweep them away!!!"

Waiting for the late hour, the empire's strongest knight order finally launched.

Their claws began to scrape the ground.

Towards Manggot.

Towards the flames, becoming the flames.