The Black Necromancer-Chapter 247 New Spell

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Bodies clashed in the air continuously. The Demons down in the remaining ships could not follow the movements of the A rank fighters in the air, and even if they could, they were too busy fending off the attacks of Leon's summons to focus on the fight above them.


Lightning crackled in the sky, and bolts lanced down into the water and onto the ships, setting off massive explosions that destroyed anything in their path. From the moment Kaladin had shown himself, he had already sunk a dozen ships.

Nero waved his sword, causing bright red sword lights to flash out. Entire ships were sheared in half as the sword lights passed them. Not even the High B ranks could put up a proper defense against his sword lights, not to mention those that were weaker.

The Great Pythons and Great Crocodiles were like reapers in the sea. Their bodies broke through the hulls of the ships, and anyone who fell into the water was swiftly devoured. The Lizardmen ran subterfuge along the ships. They never stayed in one place, always running about, cutting down enemies, and flinging spells around when they could. They were like a versatile combat platform that could adapt to almost any situation. Their only problem was the relative cold of the sea. With winter coming, the sea was colder than ever, and the cold slowed down their movements.

Up above, as Vander saw his men getting slaughtered by Leon's unstoppable army that was comprised of High and Peak B ranks, his eyes turned red with rage. He pushed himself to squeeze out even more power as he competed with Leon on multiple levels.

The wind surged around both of them, and while his skill level was a bit higher, he did not have the advantage of having an entire grade above Leon, so Leon was able to match up with him. His Intelligence state was also a bit lower than Leon, as he was not a huge anomaly like Leon. His stats were a bit more spread out and balanced, so Leon was able to keep up with his spell casting by virtue of his raw mental prowess.

Under the barrage of attacks, he also struck back, hurling wind blades and fireballs at Leon. Sometimes, he manifested a burst of wind pressure behind Leon to throw him off balance, and the got close to him to land blows. Overall, even though he was roughly on par with Leon, he had a lot of combat experience after training his father who was a High General in the Demon Army.

"You were only C rank months ago. I don't know how you did it, but whatever trick you used to gain this power cannot match up against me!" Vander exploded with power and the space around his shifted. He became lighter while applying the opposite pressure on Leon. This was his first time using Gravity magic against Leon.

To his shock, the gravitational force that he had summoned to pressure Leon had absolutely no effect!

"What?!" Vander gasped in surprise, his eyes going round with shock.

"At that moment, Leon's Domain that had been more condensed to deal with Vander's spells suddenly spread open wide and captured Vander within its boundaries.

Immediately, a sluggishness came over Vander that he could not immediately shake. He could only spread his own fiery domain to combat Leon's. However, the power of his Domain was slightly lacking, allowing for Leon to have the advantage.


With a sonic boom, Leon shot toward Vander, tearing through his Domain and appearing before him, his black sword, that was generated from the restored Dark Pill, in his hands. A dark purple light that was threaded with streams of blue light manifested over the blade of the sword. Not only was Leon using his Intermediate grade Weapon Enhancement skill, but he was also using his new Weapon aura skill.

The overlapping effects of the two skill made the damage that he could deal with his blade skyrocket!

A purple barrier appeared in front of Vander as he defended against the strike. Sparks were generated as Leon's blade came into contact with the gravity barrier.

The two of them exchanged a dozen more blows in the blink of an eye before Vander put some distance between them. He had not been completely suppressed, but he was not able to get the upper hand either. He had struck Leon multiple times, but to his shock, there were no marks on Leon's armor! 𝑓𝒓𝚎e𝓌𝘦𝘣𝘯𝘰𝐯𝒆𝑙.c𝚘m

"Do you think simple attacks like that can destroy my armor?" As Vander was trying to think of a way to overpower Leon's defenses, Leon suddenly spoke up.

When he spoke, a strange feeling came over Vander. It was as if he could feel a scalding heat emanating from Leon. It only took him a few moments to realize what was wrong.

"Holy energy?!" Vander exclaimed and quickly put more distance between himself and Leon. "How?" Eyes narrowed, he stared down Leon with a hint of suspicion. Compared to Leon, he was supposed to have a much higher resistance against Holy energy, yet Leon did not display any form of discomfort.

However, it only took a moment for him to guess that he simply could not see the damage that it had caused Leon through the armor, so Vander guessed that Leon was trying to play a move of mutual destruction.

But even still, it did not make complete sense to him. He just could not fathom the possibility of Leon being immune to Holy energy.

Leon did not answer Vander, and instead began to gather mana for a powerful attack. Vander sensed this and tried rushing forward to attack Leon and disrupt the spell. He could tell that if Leon was allowed to build up the power in that spell, it would be immensely devastating!


The wind split apart as Vander dashed forward. His gravity magic made his body lighter, and the wind spurred him forward at a blistering speed. Just when he was about to reach Leon, a dark shadow manifested in front of Leon. The dark shadow had the shape of a lizardman, and was throwing a kick laced with killing intent at Vander's head.

Vander was an experienced fighter, so even if he was taken by surprise this time, he quickly recovered. With a moment to spare, he formed binds made of wind to wrap around the body of the new lizardman and drag him away. It was only after he had done that, that the weight of the lizardman's strength hit him in the face.

It all happened in a moment. The lizardman broke free of the bindings of the wind chains, ripping through them as if they were made of paper, and then using its tail to whip at Vander. Its kick had been interrupted, but its tail was still there to back it up.

"Urgh!" Vander grunted as the tail of the lizardman slammed into his center, flinging him away and turning him into a cannon ball.


With a loud boom, Vander crashed into the water, but not after demolishing a dozen ships out of the remaining ships that had yet to be sunken.

A giant pillar of water was made by the force of the crash, and the lizardman followed up on the attack. The water shot up the injured form of Vander, and the water pillar grabbed at him, wrapping up his body, before freezing up.

This powerful lizardman that had suddenly appeared was Ugar, the Dungeon Consciousness of the Despair Dungeon. f𝚛e𝗲𝔀e𝚋𝑛o𝘃𝒆𝗹.c𝗼𝒎

This whole exchange between Ugar and Vander had all happened in just a couple of seconds. At this time, the oppressive pressure of his strength spread out. As the dungeon butler of the Despair Dungeon, it only made sense for him to possess the despairing aura of the dungeon, and that aura spread out now, enveloping the rest of the fleet, which numbered about fifty at this point.

The already weakened soldiers whose morale had been crushed at this point, went through another phase of demoralization as they were enveloped by the heavy aura of despair.

"Despair before the master of Death!" Ugar went the extra mile and spoke some nonsense to praise Leon's name. Surprisingly, it worked, and the morale of the soldiers dropped another notch. Especially when they saw the frightening mass of dark purple mana that Leon was holding above his head.

Leon stared down at the pitiful beings that were going to be subjected to his first true attempt at his new spell. A Gravity Bomb!

Without a word, he hurled the mass of dark purple mana forward, sending it crashing into the middle of the fleet. First, the mass of mana only crushed the ship that it had crashed into, the flagship of the fleet, but then it suddenly shrunk and vanished.


The wind let out an agonizing howl as space itself was torn apart. Not even Oris with his A rank powers was able to rip space apart with such power and might. Everything began to collapse and get sucked into the expanding gravity bomb that Leon had thrown forth.