The Devil King of fast wear was a little sweet ( Machine Translation )-Chapter 1923 - Outside the Prison: Yan Jun and River of forgetfulness

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Chapter 1923: Outside the Prison: Yan Jun and River of forgetfulness

Author: Thirteen pure onesMachine Translation

He did not know how long he had been in the prison. Yan Jun could only see a ray of light above his head every day. There was not a single sound beside his ears.

Even if an immortal could endure loneliness, would he be driven mad in such an environment?

Yan Jun's cultivation base was crippled. The heavenly realm's Chen Army, river of forgetfulness, and the heavenly soldiers that were sent into the river of forgetfulness by the Nether City Lord. This heavy loss was all on Yan Jun..

Being imprisoned in the heavenly prison, Yan Jun could see the black fog above his head that seemed to have solidified day and night.

These were all his sins.

His days were endless. Immortals had immortal bones and would not age or die. At most, they would become weak indefinitely.

Yan Jun had become very weak. He was like a ball of empty air. His consciousness was in a daze and seemed to merge with the darkness. He could not think at all.

At this moment, the thousand-year period had finally arrived.

The bright light blinded his eyes when he could not wait to see the outside world clearly.

"where is Ji Jun, Zhi Yu, Qin Qing... "

He had already forgotten how it should happen as a human being.

A thousand years had passed, and the taste of the heavenly realm was still the same. On the reincarnation stage, the whistling wind sounded so friendly.

"The sinner Yan Jun, with the lives of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, was ordered by the heavenly emperor to be sent to the human world to experience the pain of a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation! "


Yan Jun's eyes were wide open, and even the calmness of his heart was filled with resentment.

The reason why immortals went through tribulations was to clear their minds, and he, who had experienced the pain of reincarnation, wanted to erase his memories so that he could truly live a hundred lifetimes in the human world.

Furthermore, his fate in this hundred lifetimes must be extremely difficult!

The winner takes all. Yan Jun thought that the heavenly monarch had sent him to lead the heavenly soldiers and Chen Bing during the war in the ghost realm was to gain the recognition of the heavenly monarch. It was he who used his scheming and strength to push JI jun down.

But who would have thought that the heavenly monarch would always be on Ji Jun's side in the end.

If he became the heavenly monarch and the ghost realm surrendered, he might still have a chance to fight for the position of heavenly monarch.

But if he lost, the heavenly realm would suffer countless losses and he would be the best scapegoat. All the sins would have to be borne by him alone.

"Excuse me, may I ask where is Xian Tian Monarch Today? " Yan Jun asked the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals beside him.

Dressed in a black robe, the man's handsome face was Pale and his eyes were closed. There were blood and tears at the corners of his eyes. It seemed like the thousand years of imprisonment had worn away his sharp edges and made him look peaceful and harmless.

The heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals were all brought up from the mortal world after the death of the river of forgetfulness.

They only heard that Yan Jun and Ji Jun fought for the throne and Yan Jun failed. Yan Jun was imprisoned for a thousand years and they did not know anything about it.

Seeing how pitiful he was, Tian Bing replied.

"Xian Tian Monarch has ascended to the upper realm a thousand years ago, there is no need for the Sinner Yan Jun to ask any more questions! "

"Oh" Yan Jun nodded.

Hearing that Xian Tian Monarch was no longer in the heavenly realm a thousand years ago, Yan Jun felt a little better.

It was not that his father did not care about him, but it was Ji Jun who held the throne and would not let him go.

"Then I will have to trouble all of you to send me on my way, " Yan Jun said and smiled at the heavenly soldiers and generals.

With his elegant demeanor, he looked like a prince.

The heavenly soldiers and generals pushed him off the reincarnation stage. In the end, they couldn't bear it, so they pushed him to the side.

Thus, Yan Jun's original fate was to become a poor country bumpkin in his first life. His fate changed a little, and he became a poor country scholar.


Xia Ling stayed in the ghost realm for a thousand years.

In the 100th year, the heavenly realm and the ghost realm had reached a complete peace.

Ji Jun was here, and Xia Ling was here.

The two realms connected and set new rules.

The Sky and ghost worlds were stable, and so was the human world.

Ji Jun became the first celestial emperor to unify the three worlds, and the ghost world was the dowry that Xia Ling married him.

Because the Nether city Lord had given the ghost world to Ji Jun, Ji Jun dealt with Le Jun and Long Yue, and the Phoenix Race and the dragon race couldn't say anything.

The Dragon Race and the Phoenix race were indeed the two strongest races in the heavenly realm, but they were still a minority in the heavenly realm.

They couldn't represent the entire heavenly realm, which meant that unless they became celestial emperors, no immortal could let Ji Jun marry a side concubine.

When they took over the ghost realm, the Netherworld City Lord had written clearly in the document that if Ji Jun married a side concubine, or if he lost Zhi Yu, then the entire ghost realm would go to war with the heavenly realm.

However, they did not accept any side concubines. Compared to getting the ghost realm, this deal was really worth it!

The deva-human ghost had finally obtained peace. The dragon race and the Phoenix race obediently hid their heads and behaved themselves.

With Ji Jun's authority in his hands, he finally had the time to chase after GUI JI who had run back to the ghost realm!


He knew that she was either really angry at him, or between the Xiantian Queen and her, he had chosen the Xiantian Queen twice, which made her angry.

The Xiantian Lord had raised him for so many years, but it was still his mother, not his mother.

It was just like how the Nether World City Lord Treated Zhi Yu. If Ji Jun asked her to betray the Nether World City Lord for his Sake, then Zhi Yu would definitely not accept it.

Ji Jun hoped that Xia Ling would put her heart into his heart. Xia Ling raised her eyebrows and asked him, could the Xiantian Lord give the entire heavenly realm to the ghost realm for him?

Ji Jun was speechless.

Thus, this was the first time Ji Jun courted his wife, and Ji Jun returned in defeat.


Xia Ling did not return day by day, and the heavenly realm and the ghost realm were gradually looking at Ji Jun as a joke.

Some people were betting on how long Ji Jun would take to get Zhi Yu back. Some people were betting on whether Zhi Yu would really go with Ji Jun and leave.

Because of the contract, only Zhi Yu and Ji Jun and leave existed. Ji Jun had already lost the right to go with Zhi Yu and leave.

Qin Qing had nothing to do. She also went to the ghost realm's market to place a bet.

If she placed a bet, Zhi Yu would never forgive Ji Jun..

On the other hand, Qin Qing would drink tea and play with Xia Ling every day. She would deal with the matters of the Netherworld city and at the same time advise her.

"sister, you must not forgive Ji Jun. torture him more. "


Another hundred years passed.

This year, the Manchu flower by the river of forgetfulness bloomed.

Xia Ling and Qin Qing had agreed to admire the flowers, but when they reached the river of forgetfulness, there was not a single flower left.

Looking carefully, it turned out that Ji Jun was wandering around the river of forgetfulness every day. The Immortal Qi and Ghost Qi on his body clashed. The Manchu flower was born from the Ghost Qi by the river of forgetfulness, but it bloomed with Ji Jun's pressure.

Xia Ling looked at the bare river of forgetfulness and was furious.

Qin Qing went straight to JI jun.

"Your Highness Ji Jun, my sister said that when the red bead flower blooms on the banks of the river of forgetfulness, she will go back with you! "

Ji Jun looked at the bare banks of the river of forgetfulness and knew that it was all his fault. But thinking of Zhi Yu's big temper, he must be very angry.

In order to appease his heavenly Queen's anger, he went back to the Heaven Realm and prepared many bright materials that women liked. He even gave the glass lamp that he had refined for many years to Qin Qing to give to Zhi Yu to apologize.

The glass lamp absorbed his aura. As long as it was lit, the shadow of the lamp inside would transform into his appearance. He would bow and apologize, and he would even dance.

Heaven knew that Ji Jun had really gone to great lengths to think of this method to win Zhi Yu's favor. He did not even care about his face, only seeking Zhi Yu's favor.

It was not easy to plant the MANJUSAKA. Every single one of them was the resentment soul's longing for the human world.

Ji Jun followed the boatman on the river of forgetfulness and studied for many years. Finally, he planted all the MANJUSAKA on the river of forgetfulness.

He counted the days, waiting for the flower season to come and invite Zhi Yu over.

At this time, a thousand years had passed, and Yan Jun had already begun his reincarnation.

After a thousand years, Ji Jun saw Yan Jun for the first time by the river. Yan Jun was wearing a long robe that had been washed until it was white. He wore a bamboo crown on his head, and he staggered over from the other side of the bridge of helplessness.

There were many hands of vengeful souls beside him, and they went to grab the hem of Yan Jun's clothes.

If Yan Jun had not done anything bad when he was alive, he would have been able to walk across the bridge of helplessness safely. If he had done something bad, then he would have fallen into the river of forgetfulness before Ji Jun's eyes and would never be able to recover.

Ji Jun did not expect that he would see Yan Jun again.

Based on his calculations, this was probably Yan Jun's first life.

Ji Jun used the reflecting mirror to quickly look at Yan Jun's life.

In this life, Yan Jun had become a scholar who had yet to become famous. He had married the daughter of the headmaster of the academy. At the beginning, everyone thought highly of him and thought that he was the only young genius within a radius of ten miles who could make a name for himself.

However, from scholar to scholar, Yan Jun would have some accidents every year. He would either miss the time for the exam because he was sick or get into trouble on the way to the exam, causing him to fail the exam.

In the end, all of Yan Jun's spirit was exhausted. He took on the job of a private school teacher in the village, and his wife pointed at his nose for his entire life, saying that he was useless, saying that he had misjudged him, saying that Yan Jun had delayed her life... ...

After living for more than seventy years, he finally died on the bed. The sons in his family weren't very filial either. They choked while eating and died.

There were a few hardships in the world, birth, old age, illness, and death.

Yan Jun tormented and wasted his entire life, and in the end, he was depressed and unable to achieve anything.

After that, the more than ninety reincarnations he would have to go through would be even more bitter than this one.

As a poor scholar, although he would be criticized behind his back, anyone who saw him would still respectfully call him mister.

Although there were madams at home constantly scolding him, it was still better than being busy in the farmland all year round. In the end, he still had to pay the village chief's corvee and land tax and live a tight life.


Yan Jun disappeared in front of Ji Jun's eyes in a flash.

After crossing the bridge of helplessness, Yan Jun began his next life.

When Ji Jun looked at Yan Jun, he felt that other than him, there was another person looking at Ji Jun through the reflection mirror.

It was Qin Qing.

After all, she used to love him. Now that she saw Yan Jun reincarnated, Qin Qing should be a little touched, right?

"Ji Jun, sister wants to see you. " Qin Qing's voice came from the parapsychic sense.

Ji Jun answered. His figure flashed and disappeared on the banks of the river of forgetfulness.

When he disappeared, Qin Qing's figure slowly appeared on the banks of the river of forgetfulness.

She stared at the place where Yan Jun's figure had gone. The boat on the river of forgetfulness in the reincarnation conference, the boatman was rocking the boat and going into the distance.

As for Yan Jun... ...

Qin Qing looked at him, looking at his dazed and depressed look. She knew in her heart that the person who made her feel tall and noble had disappeared from Yan Jun's body.

She was here to see him one last time!


Xia Ling was watching the live broadcast in the weaving Feather Palace.

In this kind of xianxia world, there was no television, no entertainment. This was the most difficult thing for Xia Ling to endure.

Fortunately, she was a ghost. If she wanted something, she just needed to give the order and someone would prepare everything for her.

In the immortal world, there was a spell called the water mirror. It allowed one to see images from any place.

Xia Ling found a few people and let them learn how to use the water mirror. She set up a few pilot projects in the ghost world and started a live broadcast.

No matter where it was, people would like things like live broadcasts very much.

The live broadcast was in full swing. In order to get more hits and earn more spirit stones, the live broadcast industry soon blossomed everywhere. There were all kinds of live broadcasts.

The livestream culture even spread to the Heaven Realm. The fairies in the heaven realm liked livestreams, so they began to change their clothes, livestream their matches, and livestream their tea skills.

A wave of popular Internet goddesses appeared out of nowhere, and another wave of popular Internet goddesses appeared.

The women in the ghost realm livestreamed their dances, and the fairies in the Heaven Realm livestreamed their chess, zither, calligraphy, and painting.

The entire heaven realm and the ghost realm became lively. As the initiator of these things, Xia Ling had already made a huge spirit stone and placed it in the square of the ghost realm when the livestream was just starting.

Here, the set-up projection could show the most popular livestream on the real-time ranking list. There were also reward rankings and popularity rankings next to it.

Everyone had a small artifact that could be used to watch a livestream. A middle-grade spirit stone could be used for an entire year. Later on, Xia Ling developed the ability to transmit telepathic messages, similar to modern cell phones. Xia Ling named it "spiritual opportunity. ".


Xia Ling got tired of watching the livestream, so she wanted to watch a movie.

First, she got a group of people to go to the heavenly realm, the human realm, and the ghost realm to collect stories. As long as there were twists and turns, she would collect them all.

There were many people in the human world. They could not pass the imperial examinations, but they were good at composing stories and music. When they died and came to the ghost world, Xia Ling hired them to stay in the Netherworld city with a high salary.

Directors, actors, composers, lyricists, editors... ...

Project after project was launched, enriching Xia Ling's spare time.

There was a live stream to watch, a movie to pass the time, and she did not need to waste her energy. She had gathered many talents, even the gods in the sky. As long as she wanted them, Ji Jun would send them to her.


When Ji Jun appeared in front of her, Xia Ling was stunned when she saw him.

"Are the Manchu flowers blooming? " Why did she remember that it would take some time for the flowers to bloom?

"Oh, Ghost Ji Zhi Yu is so happy that she doesn't want to go home. It seems that you have almost forgotten who I am, right? " Ji Jun could see what she was thinking when he saw how satisfied she was?

Favorability rating-1

Her full favorability rating dropped by one. Xia Ling exclaimed and threw the "spiritual opportunity" in her hand to the ground.

Of course, Ji Jun couldn't just watch her fall. He immediately helped her to sit on the white cloud immortal bed in the hall.

"Ji Jun, my head hurts. " Xia Ling pretended to be weak and looked at Ji Jun with an extremely weak look.

Ji Jun could not stand her pretending to be pitiful. Every time he knew that she was fine, he could not be angry at her anymore.

"If you have a headache, come back with me. " Ji Jun paused and said the same thing.

He had said this for a thousand years. Every time he saw Zhi Yu, he would say it. However, Zhi Yu would either gag or not agree at all.

"Okay! " This time, Xia Ling agreed.

"When the Red Pearl Flower opens, I will go back with you. "

"really? " Ji Jun could not come back to his senses and looked deeply at the woman in front of him.

"Absolutely! " Xia Ling smiled and pinched his face.

In any case, after a thousand years, the heavenly realm and the ghost realm had almost been broken through by her. Wherever she went, she would just lie down and play "spiritual opportunity" . What was the difference? She would not be bored in the heavenly realm anymore!

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