The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion-Chapter 369 - Why Not Make the Matter Unable to be Undone?

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Under the service of Second Sister You, he was well-fed, and finally, it was time to discuss the matter.

So, Old Lady You stepped forward to replace her two daughters but didn’t dare to be on the same bench as Sun Shaozong. She especially moved a bench over and sat on it with her bent body, her head tilted back and her face full of flattery.

Facing this Old Lady You staring with her four eyes, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but remember the classic line from the big story of "Journey to the West."

However, since his journey, similar expressions have long been commonplace for him. Although the Old Lady in front of him seemed exaggerated, he was still able to look directly at her.


Sun Shaozong cleared his throat and said, "Normally, it's not up to me as an outsider to inquire about the marriage of Brother Liu. However, his only Aunt is a thousand miles away and may not be able to return to the Capital for three to five years. Before leaving, she specifically asked me to take care of some matters, so I have to drive a duck onto the shelves and pretend to be an elder.”

Liu Xianglian's uncle, who was originally working as a Patrol Inspector at the city defense camp, was suddenly appointed to the State of Fu as a sixth-grade guard a year ago. He then left with his family to take office in the State of Fu. It was precisely because of the lack of restraint of his Aunt that Liu Xianglian recently broke free from unlimited pleasure and didn’t even think about studying and striving for success.

Against this backdrop, it was barely possible for Sun Shaozong, a senior brother in the family, to speak up. Moreover, considering the appearance of the You family, they were not so concerned about ”minor matters.”

Speaking of which...

After arranging a marriage for this kid, should he also find a full-time job for him?

Why not hire him to become a Private Advisor first and fill the vacancy left by Cheng Rixing?

Sun Shaozong began to ponder Liu Xianglian's married life, but unexpectedly, Old Lady You hesitated for a while but apologized and said, "It's easy to discuss things of the Third Sister You, but I wonder how Lord Sun is going to deal with the Second Sister You?”

This woman really wanted to tie the two marriages together. It was estimated that if the Second Lady You's matter couldn’t be settled, the Third Lady You's good negotiation would turn into a bad negotiation.

Liu Xianglian recognized the key and immediately rushed to say, "It's needless to say that being able to have such a gentle and virtuous woman commit herself to be a concubine is simply a blessing from a previous life.”

As he spoke, he looked pitifully at Sun Shaozong and said, "Brother, am I right?”

This guy was just at the wine table chatting with the Third Lady You about the popular opera. It was indeed a grudge for meeting too late. The two heads got closer and closer, and he didn’t know how many bodily fluids they exchanged in the distance, almost sticking together!

At present, he has a strong love for Third Sister You and naturally hoped that Sun Shaozong could respond to this matter as soon as possible.


Just help them!

With such thoughts in mind, Sun Shaozong ”reluctantly faced difficulties” and first talked about the matter of taking a concubine.

Taking a concubine was different from taking a wife; in other words, it was a transaction.

Since it was a transaction, Old Lady You was also a ”sincere buyer and seller,” and Sun Shaozong didn’t use those empty-headed and brainless stories, and directly expressed his willingness to offer 500 taels of silver as a dowry gift.

Upon hearing about this, the Old Lady was overwhelmed!

Just as she was about to answer everything, she suddenly remembered the words of the Third Lady You, so she quickly changed her mind and said, "Your Excellency, these conditions are naturally excellent, but... It's just that I have only two daughters under me, and if they were to marry out together, I would be lonely and helpless.”

As she spoke, she rubbed her handkerchief against her dry face.

After some thought, Sun Shaozong also understood her thoughts. The mother of Xiangling was in the mansion, and adding another one was nothing. So he said, "The mother of one of my concubines is now living in my house. If you're willing, you might as well come and be her companion.”

“Willing, yes, I’m willing.”

As expected by the younger sister, even she could go to the big house to share the wealth and Old Lady You naturally responded with a chorus of voices.

Just as she was about to finalize the marriage, she suddenly remembered a difficult matter. If this matter was not resolved first, the matter of taking a concubine might just be a mere conversation.

Thinking of this, she hesitated and said, "Besides... Besides…”

Seeing that she was requesting more, Sun Shaozong was a bit displeased. He shook his sleeve and impatiently urged, "What other requirements do you have? You can all say them together so that I don't have to think back and forth.”

“Actually, it's not a requirement…”

The Old Lady You still hesitated and said, "It's just that when I didn't remarry, I...”

“Mother, come with me first.”

Before Old Lady You could finish speaking, Third Sister You called out from inside.

The Old Lady You immediately stopped speaking and awkwardly stood up to apologize to Sun Shaozong, saying, "Lord Sun, look at this... I will go ahead first…”

Since it was a matter of discussing one's marriage, there was some communication between mother and daughter, which was also common sense. Therefore, Sun Shaozong casually waved his hand, indicating that she would be at ease.

As if granted amnesty, Old Lady You retreated to the inner door step by step. As soon as she had just lifted half of the curtain with her buttocks, Third Sister You was already impatient and pulled her in, inexplicably pulling her to the bedside.


Just as the Third Lady You lowered her voice and spoke harshly, "Have you lost your head with silver? Do you really need to mention the marriage with the Zhang family this time??”

It turned out that before Old Lady You remarried, she had married the Zhang family, the head of the Imperial Estate, and was betrothed to the Second Lady You to Zhang Hua, the eldest son of the Zhang family.

Although Old Lady You and her daughter later remarried, the Zhang family gradually became bankrupt, especially Zhang Hua, who was addicted to gambling and even on bad terms with his parents. However, this marriage was not invalidated.

Therefore, if she wanted to marry the Second Lady You to someone else, she must first find a way to withdraw from this marriage.

Third Sister You was afraid that she would tell this matter.

But Old Lady You also had her reason. She glared her old eyes and lowered her voice to scold. "You're such a fool when you treat Lord Sun like that young handsome master? Who in the Capital doesn’t know that he has a divine eye and solves divine cases? If he finds out about this matter later, let's not say it's this marriage that's going to turn yellow. I’m afraid we'll have to suffer some consequences.”

Upon thinking about it, it was indeed true that both the mother and daughter became difficult for a while.

After a while, the Third Sister You suddenly stomped her feet and said, "For the sake of today's plan, I'm afraid we'll have to ”cook the raw rice until it's ripe” before making any further calculations.”

”Cook the raw rice until it's ripe?”

Old Lady You's eyes lit up and said, "What do you mean?”

Without hesitation, the Third Lady You said, "Lord Sun has already decided to take Second Sister as a concubine. Taking a concubine is not as good as getting married, and there is no need to choose any auspicious day. Why don't you take advantage of the heat and let them achieve good deeds today? Then we will spread the matter out again, and we are not afraid that Lord Sun will not help us withdraw.”

Upon hearing this, Old Lady You nodded repeatedly. However, Second Sister You's cheeks were burning with shame, and she stamped her feet in a coquettish tone, saying, "How can this be done? How can this be done? If it's rumored, what will happen to me in the future?”

“My good sister...”

The Third Lady You hugged her around her waist and said in her ear, "First, you need to take care of your present situation before you can say anything about it. In the future, you must not be impatient. You can only use that small and courteous means that he becomes so obsessed with you that he can’t bear to part with you. This is considered appropriate.”

The Old Lady You also quickly came up to persuade her not to worry about face for now, but to make some money that would be more affordable.

The Second Lady You was a person who had no backbone. Impressed by her mother, and most of all, she was obsessed with a life of luxury too. After being strongly advised by her two, she reluctantly accepted with shame.