The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion-Chapter 389 - The Dream of the Theatrical Troupe Has Ended

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In fact, if Lord Zhou relied on the power of the Royal Residence and acted recklessly, Sun Shaozong would have no way out of him.

Therefore, upon hearing his words, Sun Shaozong also breathed a deep sigh of relief in his heart. He arched his hand and smiled, "In fact, if I can identify the true culprit, I also need to thank you for your help.”


Zhou Changshi was stunned by what he said and inexplicably said, "I just arrived and haven't done anything. How could I help you, Lord Sun?”

“Who says you haven't done anything?”

Sun Shaozong pointed solemnly at his feet and said, "Didn't you just kick this real culprit to the ground?”


Lord Zhou tilted his body to one side and staggered back a few steps. He looked at the female actress in surprise and couldn't help but question her as she laid trembling on the ground. It didn't seem like she was a ruthless murderer, so he couldn't help but say, "Lord Sun, you didn't just randomly speak out, did you? How could this be? I just randomly kicked a person and she turned out to be the real culprit?”

“Lord Zhou, don't be humble.”

Sun Shaozong said solemnly, "Actually, I didn't suspect her until she was kicked and overturned by you.”

As he spoke, Sun Shaozong suddenly stepped forward and clasped the woman's wrist, then slowly pressed her left palm upwards onto the ground, explaining, "I suddenly realized that she had made a strange reaction, and it was this reaction that gradually made me feel enlightened.”

As he spoke, he saw that the female actress's face was first filled with fear, and then her facial features suddenly tightened, as if feeling something extremely painful. With a desperate effort in her left hand, she broke free from Sun Shaozong's oppression.

“Yes, that's the reaction!”

Sun Shaozong straightened up and sneered at the woman, "At that time, you got a kick in your lower abdomen, but the back of your left hand only hit the ground lightly. If you were an ordinary person, your first reaction would naturally be to protect your lower abdomen, but you immediately raise your left hand high and then realize the pain in your lower abdomen.”

"That is to say, the pain that that light knock caused you is even greater than the force of Lord Zhou's foot."

“This is unreasonable.”

Therefore, after closely examining the back of your hand, I discovered that there was no evidence of trauma, swelling, or fractures and that the only unusual redness there was what would have resulted from friction or scratching.

“Since that's the case, where did your intense pain come from?”

“At that time, a sense of inspiration flashed in my mind and suddenly connected the clues I had discovered before.”

“There are traces of someone covering his mouth inside the deceased's mouth, and there are also traces of intense friction on the wall behind him. Unfortunately, his head, which is tightly against the wall, is too clean."

“I used to wonder how and why the scratches on this wall got there.”

“It wasn't until I matched the wound on the back of your hand with the scratch that I suddenly realized.”

“You should have offered a kiss to Zhu Er after calling to open the toilet door and sealing Zhu Er's mouth with your mouth.”

“Before committing the crime, because you were worried that Zhu Er would break free from the entanglement of the kiss, so you grabbed Zhu Er's neck with your left hand. Therefore, Zhu Er was stabbed in his heart with a sharp weapon. When he began to struggle desperately, it was the back of your left hand that was pressed against the wall and rubbed against it.”

“And after the paint on the wall was rubbed off, many small burrs were exposed. Under the intense struggle and friction, some pierced into your skin and flesh. It should be a logical inference, right?”

“And this is also the origin of your inexplicable pain.”

Speaking of this, Sun Shaozong stared at the woman with a burning gaze and asked, "But I wonder if what I said was right?”

Before the female actress could respond, Jiang Yuhan couldn't hold back for the first time. He stepped forward and clasped the female actress's left hand, kneading it on the back of her hand!


Before he could exert much force, the woman's facial features shifted in pain and she screamed, "Captain, spare my life! I... I did get a wooden thorn in the back of my hand, but it was done somewhere else... Somewhere else!”

How was Jiang Yuhan willing to believe?

Not only did he keep going, but he also added some strength, and the delicate face was filled with a cruel smile. "You bitch! Do you still want to argue now? If it's a wooden thorn pierced elsewhere, why don't you say it before being pointed out by Lord Sun?”

“I’m wronged, I'm wronged!”

The wooden thorn on the back of the woman's hand was obviously more than one. After being heavily rubbed, her painful facial features were twisted, but her mouth was still screaming, "Lord Sun didn't ask about it just now. How did I... Did I know that this wooden thorn was related to Zhu Er's murder?”

Although her words were not entirely unreasonable, how could Jiang Yuhan listen now?

Just as he was about to make her suffer more, Lord Zhou suddenly sneered and said, "Is it not that Captain Jiang, who is so anxious and eager, wants to force her to admit with torture?”

As he spoke, he questioned Sun Shaozong and said, "Lord Sun, just because she has a few wooden thorns on the back of her hand, I'm afraid she won't be able to convict him of murder, right?”

Sun Shaozong smiled slightly and confidently said, "If it were ordinary wooden thorns, it wouldn't be possible, but the wooden boards in the restroom are all painted. If the wooden thorns picked from the back of her hand can show the same paint color and wood, wouldn't that be conclusive evidence?”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuhan was overjoyed and quickly shouted, "Hurry up, go and get a few needles. I want to see if this lowly maid dares to claim justice in front of ironclad evidence!"f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

At this command, several actors immediately fled to find their sewing bags.

Jiang Yuhan took a sewing needle and was about to personally remove the thorn from her flesh. However, the actress's psychological defense had already collapsed, and she covered her face and said in a mournful voice, "He forced me, he forced me!”

“I... I just... I just wanted to play the ”main character.” Zhu Er promised to recommend me to the troupe leader, but that dog thief... that dog thief tricked me of my body, instead, he let that slut Jinbao be benefited.”

At this point, she suddenly put down her hand, her bloodshot pupils searching back and forth in the crowd, gritting her teeth and saying, "It's okay if it's someone else, but everyone in the theater knows that Jinbao and I are the worst at dealing with each other! Since he's playing with me like this, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

As she spoke, her gaze fell straight on a slender woman, and she resentfully said, "Unfortunately, I killed that adulterer, but I couldn't kill you.”

The female actress, who was called ”Jinbao,” felt goosebumps when she saw her, and when she saw the gaze of others looking at her, she also showed some disdain. She quickly distinguished and said, “Jinfeng! Don't speak nonsense. I have nothing to do with Zhu Er, how could it be... How could it be…”


Jinfeng spat disdainfully and sneered, "I've already admitted to the murder, but you're still hiding it here. Do you think I'm stupid?”

“You may have made a mistake.”

Jiang Yuhan suddenly sighed faintly and said, "Looking back now, Zhu Er did indeed praise you in front of me in a roundabout way. You have been studying and practicing hard recently, and your singing skills have improved a bit. However, I have been observing secretly for a long time and still think that Jinbao is more suitable to play the role of the Concubine in the Ge Mansion.”

The venom on Jinfeng's face immediately solidified. After a while, she trembled and said, "So, he... He didn't lie to me.”

Jiang Yuhan nodded silently.

Jinfeng's face changed a few times and suddenly screamed again, "No, I don't believe it! Zhu Er is your trusted confidant. If he said a good word for me, how could you still raise Jinbao? He must have deceived me; he must have deceived me!”


Seeing her hysterical appearance, Sun Shaozong cleared his throat and said unkindly, "I don't know if he deceived you, but the paint is all peeling off in pieces, and it's unlikely to leave any paint on the wooden thorns.”

As he spoke, Sun Shaozong spread his hands and said, "So if you were to firmly believe that it was a wooden thorn that you rubbed against somewhere else, this case is tough to solve.”

“You! You! You!”

Jinfeng suddenly jumped up from the ground and pointed at Sun Shaozong. Suddenly, her eyes rolled, and she fell like a wooden pile.