The Female Celebrity Transmigrated into the Daughter of Her Arch Nemesis-Chapter 112: If You Change Your Teeth 03

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Chapter 112

If you have to say what is the most awkward thing about the tooth replacement stage...

It's not that it's unrefined when you speak, nor that the pronunciation isn't standardized, but—

When you take a bite, you find there is a long strip in the lettuce gap.

Ugh, I hate cabbage without a sense of boundary.

Ji Ruochu frowned and took another fierce bite.

The couple at the dinner table suppressed their laughter to the utmost extent.

Cough, can't laugh, can't laugh, their daughter hasn't spoken to them recently, if they laugh again she'll get angry...

The two were desperately suppressing their emotions, Ji Ruochu, who was indignantly eating meat from a small bowl, suddenly stopped.


The couple glanced at each other subconsciously: Was it you who laughed and got caught?

The next second—


The little one spat out a piece of meat with a tooth, expressionlessly.

Ji Ruochu: Very good, tooth replacement progress +1.

Ji Mochen couple: ...

Not until the little one left the dinner table with no change in expression, returning to the room to rinse her mouth—


Ling Chujin really couldn't hold back her laugh.

"Shh! Quietly, quietly..."

While suppressing laughter, Ji Mochen tidied up the mess on the table,

"Should I tear the meat into strips for my daughter later? Now that the other incisor is out too, it must be quite difficult for her to bite meat?"

The old father felt amused yet heartbroken for his daughter at the same time.

"Better not. Don't you remember what the doctor said? She needs to bite moderately, otherwise her teeth won't grow well in the future and orthodontics will be even more troublesome."

Ling Chujin said as she wiped her daughter's other incisor clean with a wet wipe and put it aside for her daughter to throw under the bed later.

From that day on, Ji Ruochu became even less talkative, resolutely not opening her mouth to say an extra word if she could make do with murmurs.

She would even wear a mask when practicing tai chi, let alone care more about her image.

As the teething period was quite long, when kindergarten started, her two little incisors had just begun to sprout tips.

Fortunately, the other children in Class i were also in the teething period. Seeing the toothless smiles of her little classmates, Ji Ruochu's mood instantly calmed down.

Of course, although her mood calmed down, her mask had almost become semi-permanent.

Originally there was nothing wrong with this. At most, others would say the child cares a lot about her image.

But her family happened to have Ji Mochen, who had to make use of his overflowing fatherly love to customize a bunch of masks for his daughter.

This was not the point. The point was that the masks were made according to the mold of the lower half of Ji Ruochu's face, and even thoughtfully made two styles, smiling and not smiling.

This led the children and teachers in Class i to often have an illusion that she was making sounds without opening her mouth—

"Wow! Ruoruo sister/little friend can actually ventriloquize?"

Ji Ruochu: ...

#What it's like to have a conspicuous dad#

Fortunately, such an awkward period didn't last too long, just...half a year or so.

After Ji Ruochu waited for those few front teeth to grow out nicely, she stuffed the pile of masks deep into the cabinet, and silently swore never to see this style of mask again!

But when she returned to school, she discovered—

The children in Class i who were also replacing their teeth had one after another asked their parents to make them a batch of such DIY masks.

Just like that, Ji Ruochu, who had just taken off her mask, saw as soon as she stepped into the classroom—

A room full of smiling angels.

Ji Ruochu: ...Destruction!

By the time the classmates in Class i had finally all taken off their masks, another year had passed.

At that time, the ten little beans who had entered first grade were no longer in a separate class, but merged into Class 1 together.

At first, some parents had quite some opinions, asking why there were so many students in their class?

After all, the other classes had at most 30 students, while Class 1 had 40, a whole 10 more.

But soon, this voice disappeared, because—



A cute Ruoruo jumps into your arms and kisses you: Sis don't be angry, Aunt Yihua said she's been moving recently, so updates have been a bit less. She'll update more after the move is done~