The First Lich Lord-Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

The transformation was remarkable in both the change and how rapidly it had taken place. Wed gone down with Vito and formally accepted the vassalage the next day. Vito, by far the strongest, had gone out into the blood marsh and retrieved several large boar-type creatures.

Vito was so much stronger than the creatures that hed been able to bring them back all on his own, still alive. Even the three of us working together wouldnt have been able to accomplish such a thing. I wouldve had to kill them out in the marsh and transform them there, which wouldve had the potential of giving away my location.

Speaking of that, Vito made snapping the tether tracking me seem like nothing more than breaking a hair. He hadnt even needed my help or a ritual, he just focused, and with a whip-like tendril of black magic, sliced the thread.

Once he brought back the large boar creatures, he worked with me to transform them into death biome boars. Their fur was nearly pure black, and they had large, curved tusks that were so black they looked like someone had photoshopped them off, it was a little unnerving.

Ebon Boar

Level: 65

This is a death biome boar. Unlike almost all other creatures in death biomes, these boars are not exclusively predators. They, like almost all animals in the Suidae family of animals, eat basically everything.

With the presence of the boars on the farming floor, the biome rapidly changed. The description was right in that they ate everything and had a special appetite for things that were not of the death biome.

The change in the micilium was the largest. The four of us ventured down to where they called home. It was unclear what the original intention of the floor was, as it had been thoroughly transformed by the micilium. A stream of black water flowed to the middle and almost every surface was covered in some kind of mycelium. The walls separating different sections were made of thickly grown tall walls of dense fungus that were similar to the armor they wore.

The most interesting part was as soon as the vassalage was made official, over half the residents had rooted themselves to the ground and began to wither. Vito had asked on my behalf about this to the apparent leader of the small village.

They are, Vito paused, trying to find the right word, molting. Though thats not quite right because its also the reproductive process. If you look, they are clustered into groups of three. Each group will result in between three and twelve offspring that will grow up around them. The new micilium will have personality traits and physical traits that are some combination of the three adults.

So, they commit suicide to reproduce? Maxwell asked, sounding a little horrified.

Not quite, Vito said. Im pretty sure they dont see it that way. They see their lives as continuing on in their offspring, not ending. Regardless, the new brood will have traits that align with the new magic. Fortunately, they grow fairly fast, though it will be several months before the other half of the population does the same.

Thats an incredible reproduction rate. I examined a cluster and noticed little nodules already beginning to grow from the floor around them. Why arent there more of them?

Once again Vito discussed with the apparent leader of the village before he answered my question. He says it is because of the resources they are limited to and control, which inhibits how many groups reproduce. They live for quite a long time if they dont reproduce, eventually dying of old age. Individually when theyre young theyre quite weak, but once they reach one or two hundred years old, theyre powers are to be reckoned with for sure.

If they get that powerful, why would they ever willingly reproduce? Raven asked. It makes no sense to me.

The conversation with the leader was much longer with this question and went back and forth for several minutes. For the life of me I could not even begin to grasp what they were saying. Although, if they were going to be vassals, I knew I would have to learn eventually.

That is very interesting, Vito said. Up until now, my only experience with the micilium has been a few very small colonies tucked away in caves, and the occasional lone one, which is apparently quite unusual. Evidently, they have a kind of sense of collectiveness, individual micilium, like this fellow, who elect not to go through a reproductive cycle are the human equivalent of a person so introverted that they flee all contact with other people. But they hold an important role in the micilium societies since they serve as leaders. The ones who abandoned and leave behind all other micilium are there equivalent of lunatics.

I wish there was a way to quickly learn their language, or for them to quickly learn ours, I grumbled.

While they are unable to understand you, I believe this next generation will, Vito said. The reason they cant now, is their vocal organs dont allow for it. But they are making some adaptations for the next generation.

How are creatures so adaptive not everywhere? I asked. I understand theyre limited in food supply here, but elsewhere I dont understand whats limiting them.

Vito shrugged. Its a combination of the young ones being weaktheir bodies are not strong in the traditional senseand the young ones cant really venture away from their home mycelium without major issues. By the time they are old enough to do so they are already thinking about reproducing themselves. It makes their societies very insular.

Now Im wondering how theyre spreading if its so hard for them to leave their home. This information was in no way useful to me, but it was quite interesting.

Oh, I know this one. Vito got a distant look in his eyes. I talked about the ones who wander, the micilium who do not become leaders but instead choose to wander the world. Most of them do decide to reproduce. They find a colony and convince two others to come with them, normally waiting for them to mature to the point where they can leave. They then find a suitable place and commence their version of mating.

So that must grow the initial mycelium network, I said. Then it just goes from there. freew(e)bnovel

Vito nodded. Exactly. The one thing I would add is that the numbers of reproduction I talked about are only for the average micilium. When one has been wandering outside of their home for so long, when they do reproduce, that cluster of three has the potential to create dozens if not hundreds. All of them will be greatly affected by the elder micilium and the experiences in the type of person they were.

Will this fellow reproduce then and create a whole bunch of offspring? Maxwell asked.

The leader shook his head and said something that Vito then translated. He says he will not. His body will adapt on its own to the change of magic with enough time. He said he is old enough that if he were to reproduce, he would generate too many offspring. The population is already going to skyrocket, but he estimates that with your help it will be a sustainable population.

I was glad I wasnt the only one who was thinking about the sudden increase in population. We hadnt brought enough creatures in to accommodate such a large change, so I wasnt certain exactly what they were expecting from me. My guess was as I expanded the control of my lair, they would expand their settlement.

I was beginning to think that turning this into a dungeon, or at least figuring out how to do so, should be a high priority. With the micilium village as a part of the dungeon I would have a workforce for maintaining it to assist whatever boss I left behind.

We chatted and explored that floor for several more hours. From questions I asked of the leader through Vito I learned quite a bit about the micilium. One of the interesting things was that some of the biggest cities deep in Tehomal had elders so old, that only certain ones were allowed to even consider reproducing within those cities, simply because the population boom would be so massive. Those that were allowed to reproduce had unique and powerful traits that they had gained in their long lives.

The adaptiveness of the race also impressed me. In the few hours we had spent on the floor talking with the leader, they were already beginning to say simple words in common. The leader had even been working on modifying his vocal organ since our initial meeting.

I wonder if this is a race that people can play, Maxwell asked.

I dont know, I shrugged. Cant say I ever looked into mushroom people.

Though the micilium bodies were very different than the human body, they were also very similar in other ways. They were shaped similar to us, and each cluster of three normally had one that could be considered a male, another with softer, finer features that is commonly attributed to females, and a third that was androgynous.

Sometimes there were clusters that werent just one type, even some with all of the same type. This was especially true for the androgynous ones, who seemed to be the largest portion of the population.

The leader explained that the males were the workers and stronger of the three, taking on the role of the warrior and specialized labor. Given time, they could cultivate their body for whatever profession they needed. The females were the caretakers and organizers of society. The androgynous type were quite different, at least to my human sensibilities. They were, as the leader explained, not much more useful than an animated toadstool on their own. But they followed orders without question and made up the majority of the manual labor forcethey were essentially drones.

We ventured down to the next floor with my minions in tow, but as we left, the leader spoke in a very distorted voice that seemed like a mixture of all four of our voices, like he was still trying to develop his own. My name is Michael. I look forward to working with you. The next floor has large rooms with crawling creatures in them.

Thank you, Michael. I look forward to working with you as well, I said.

We were swarmed by scorpion-like creatures on the next floor, but with Vito there the fight was laughably one-sided. His power was massive, and his speed was so fast I lost track of him. Needless to say, none of us gained any experience.

Well, you seem like a nice guy, Vito, but I dont know that I want to fight with you on my side, Maxwell chuckled. I would like to get some experience.

This is indeed an issue, Vito agreed. I can return above and continue to develop the upper parts of the ziggurat. My presence would greatly speed up many projects.

Thank you, Vito. I would really appreciate it. I held out my hand, the strings of black flesh covering it to the point that the bones were beginning to disappear. Its good to have you back.

Vito took my hand and pulled me into a hug where he whispered in my ear, You ever abandon me like that again, I will make you suffer.

I just laughed. He wasnt lying, but I also knew he meant well.

Maxwell, before I go up, do you want me to take you down to the Altar of Creation in Tehomal below us? Vito asked.

How long will that take? Maxwell asked.

Not very long, Vito assured him. We will not actually be going to the bottom of the complex, there is an exit, or entrance depending on how you look at it, a few floors below sea level. The alters just outside that.

That works for me. Maxwell glanced at me and Raven. Do either of you mind?

I just waved him forward while Raven transformed into her lynx form and curled up next to the volans.

Let us be off then. Vito had an evil look in his eyes. Before Maxwell could react, Vito picked him up in a firemans carry, and the two of them were gone.

True to his word, it did not take long for Vito to come sprinting back into the room carrying a baffled, confused, and bruised Maxwell. I just shook my head. Vito had most assuredly enjoyed that. Either way, Vito said goodbye and headed toward the upper floors.

Just how powerful is he? Maxwell asked once he recovered.

I was only a little bit more powerful than him when I became a Lich, and I was around level 250.

How can you trust him? What if he decides he doesnt want to be your subordinate anymore? Raven asked bluntly after she transformed. The powerful dont normally submit to the weak.

I winced a little. We need to work on your social etiquette. Tell me, Raven, if you were a lot more powerful than me, would you still stay with me and follow me?

Of course, you saved my life, not once but twice now, and though I want to strangle you sometimes, I will always follow you. Raven seemed hurt that I had even asked.

Its the same with Vito, I told her. Except its even more official. I saved his life and granted him the freedom he thought he would never have. He swore a soul-binding life debt to me. Not something easily broken. Though the relationship can change, he can never directly harm me. And if he did harbor ill towards me, I would feel a sense of it.

I can swear one of those things too! Raven was clearly annoyed that Vito had a connection to me that she did not.

Im not sure you can. You have to learn how to use soul energy first. I chuckled at the pout that appeared on her face.

Dont worry, Raven, because Vito isnt Ezekiels type, Maxwell jabbed.

Ravens face flushed with anger, and she whirled on Maxwell. Before I knew it the two of them were brawling. I just watched and laughed.

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